Acts 2:34

Right Divider

Body part
GT: Jesus is God the Father come as a son.

RD: No he isn't.

GT: Jesus is the I Am in the Old Testament, and the Old Testament I Am is the Father.

RD: It is God.


GT: Which God according to the trinity doctrine?

RD: God.

GT: God the Father or God the Son or God the Holy Spirit?

RD: God.

GT: So since Jesus is God, then stop saying it is wrong to say that he is also the Father and the Holy Spirit.


You are not a Christian, you are some kind of a cultist.

You cannot think a SINGLE logical thought.

God's Truth

New member
Right Divider

God in the Old Testament says he will be the father of the son.

That is God the Father speaking in the Old Testament.

God the Father says he is the I Am.

That is Jesus speaking in the Old Testament.

God is the Father and He came as a Son.

There are not three different and separate persons, with only one of them with a Spirit.

That belief is everything you accuse mine of being.

God the Father is SPIRIT and lives in unapproachable light. The Holy Spirit is God's Spirit. Now how do you say the Father is a Person, and the Holy Spirit is a Person, and they are separate and different?

In addition, Jesus is a person, but you say his Spirit is not the same as the Holy Spirit.

So where is Jesus' spirit?
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Don't lie, I don't deny that scripture.

RD said you REJECT it, not deny it.

I have used that scripture many times to prove to you that Jesus is God the Father come as a Son.

Sorry, but that verse cannot be read to mean that the Father came as a Son. It's simply not possible, because that's not what it says.

You believe all of the Bible, you say,

Because we do.

then tell me where the Bible says there is only ONE GOD AND HE IS THE FATHER.

That's what YOU say, not us...

Jesus was God the Father before coming to earth.

No, He wasn't.

Who do you think I AM is in the Old Testament?

God. Period.

Not "God the Father," as you claim, but "God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit," as the Bible claims.


Jesus is God,

Yes. However, He is not God the Father.

and since he is God, then he is the ONE AND ONLY God


who is the Father.

By which you mean "...who is ONLY the Father," which is not what Scripture says.

Do you not know the scriptures and believe them?

That's ironic, coming from you.

That is a defense to the truth how?

How is it not? How is your truth supposedly showing him wrong?

Jesus was God the Father before coming to earth.

No, He wasn't.

Jesus has never been "God the Father."

Jesus has, however, always been God, and God the Son at that, but never God the Father.

Who do you think I AM is in the Old Testament?

God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.

Jesus says he is I AM. Do you believe him?


Jesus was with God and was God.


Jesus was with God with a body before coming to earth and being God with a flesh body.

There is no scripture to support this.

Prior to making man, God made an image for Himself for His Son to indwell should His creation rebel against Him, and on Day 6, God made man in that image.

Before that, there was no "body" but God.

(Sorry, couldn't resist the pun...)

Take your own advice.

The Holy Spirit is God.

Yes He is.

You call that perverted?

No, RD is calling your conclusion perverted, that because the Holy Spirit is God (and He is), that therefore Jesus is the Father (because He is not).

1 Corinthians 3:16 Don't you know that you yourselves are God's temple and that God's Spirit lives in you?

This verse does not support your position.

Jesus (the Son) said that He would send a Comforter (the Holy Spirit) to dwell in us.

He (the Son) didn't say He (the Son) would send Himself (the Son).

He (the Son) said that He (the Son) would send another (the Holy Spirit).

John 4:24 For God is Spirit,

And so are angels and archangels, and so is man (the difference being that man has a physical body in which to dwell).

The scripture that says the Holy Spirit is God: Acts 5:3 Then Peter said, “Ananias, how is it that Satan has filled your heart to lie to the Holy Spirit and withhold some of the proceeds from the land? 4 Did it not belong to you before it was sold? And after it was sold, was it not at your disposal? How could you conceive such a deed in your heart? You have not lied to men, but to God!”


But that doesn't make Him (the Holy Spirit) the Father. It just makes Him (the Holy Spirit) God.

Now that was twisted.

I show you with scripture how Jesus and the Holy Spirit are the one and the same God who is the Father,

You haven't shown anything with scripture other than that you only know how to twist it to fit your beliefs.

and the how I came to the truth was what is perverted?

Could you please repeat that, only this time, make it so that it actually makes sense?

So you say it is perverted HOW I came to say the Holy Spirit is God is what is perverted, but not what I said is perverted?

Stop twisting what RD said, and maybe you'll actually understand what he's trying to say.

He said that the reasoning you used is twisted to make the claim that the Holy Spirit is "God the Father."

I used scripture.

So do cults. Doesn't make what they say correct.

Now since you say my logic is perverted when I say the Holy Spirit is God the Father,

He says that because the Holy Spirit is NOT "God the Father." The Holy Spirit IS God, He is "God the Holy Spirit."

how is it you don't think it is perverted to say the Holy Spirit is God the Father?

Because the Holy Spirit is not "God the Father."

You say my conclusion is perverted.

Because it is.

My conclusion is that the Holy Spirit is God the Father.

And your conclusion is wrong.

The Holy Spirit is not "God the Father." He is "God the Holy Spirit," the third Person of the ONE triune God.

Here is more proof that the Holy Spirit is God the Father.

Sorry, but they don't say what you want them to say.

Luke 1:35 And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God.

Matthew 1:18 Now the birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise: When as his mother Mary was espoused to Joseph, before they came together, she was found with child of the Holy Ghost.

Sorry, but that doesn't make the Holy Spirit (who is God) the Father (who is God).

Repeating yourself doesn't make you correct.

Now that was twisted.

You say my conclusion is perverted. My conclusion is that the Holy Spirit is God the Father.

And again, your conclusion is wrong.


No one is hiding from that fact.

Jesus going back to his Father with the same glory he had before DOES NOT MAKE JESUS NOT THE SAME AS GOD THE FATHER.

Actually, yes it does.

It makes Jesus God the Son, who was with God the Father and God the Holy Spirit for all of eternity past.

Jesus was ALWAYS the WORD OF GOD.


Jesus was also God the Father made visible and heard.


Jesus is God the Son, not God the Father.


Yes. God the Father (because He is God) is I AM.


Yes, and that makes Him God the Son, not God the Father.




Incorrect. Jesus is the Son, not the Father.

Jesus is that one God


and Father,

Jesus is not the Father.

Jesus is the Son.

and so is the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit is God, but He is not the Father nor the Son.

There are not three different and separate Persons, as you teach.

The Bible teaches that. Why do you reject what the Bible teaches?

Jesus has always been God.



Again, duh.

The I AM is God the Father!

What you mean by that is: "The I AM is ONLY 'God the Father'!"

Which is incorrect.

The I AM is God, who is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and the Three are One.

There are NOT THREE SEPARATE and different persons making one God.

Saying it doesn't make it so.

God is SINGULAR and there is NO ONE BESIDES HIM.

Once more, you're confusing "single" with "singular."

There is a SINGLE God.

But He is not SINGULAR in nature.

He is PLURAL in nature.

The Bible tells us when Jesus was born, HE BECAME THE SON OF GOD IN THE FLESH.

I see what you're trying to say, and I'm sure RD does too, but your wording allows for an interpretation that you follow that is NOT allowed by what scripture says.

The correct way of saying it (to remain consistent with Scripture) is to say "Jesus was the Son of God who became flesh." Jesus did not become "the Son of God." He became flesh.

Psalm 2:7 I will declare the decree: the LORD hath said unto me, Thou art my Son; this day have I begotten thee.

Hebrews 1:5 For unto which of the angels said he at any time, Thou art my Son, this day have I begotten thee? And again, I will be to him a Father, and he shall be to me a Son?

A verse that supports the Trinity, not your unitarianism.

You are the one who spouts heresy.

No, that would be you.

You are still avoiding the truth.

The only one avoiding truth here is you.


Yes He is.

God the Father is the I Am in the Old Testament.

Yes He is.

Now do you want to talk about that some more?

You're making a non-sequitur argument.

Just because Jesus (God the Son) is God, and the Holy Spirit (God the Holy Spirit) is God, and the Father (God the Father) is God, that does not mean that the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are all the same Person.

No kidding it is GOD.

This is the most correct thing you've said this entire thread.

The I Am in the Old Testament is GOD THE FATHER.

No, not "God the Father."

God. Period.

God is Father, Son, Holy Spirit.

Jesus IS the I Am in the Old Testament!

Yes He is.

Then you now finally admit Jesus is the Father?

Loaded question.

I reject your premise, and therefore reject your question.

Of course, because they are one

Just like a crowd is one, and just like a husband and wife are one.

Not like a singular person is one.

and one means the same.

No, it does not.

Not in this context.

I give many scriptures often. Which statement would you like a scripture for again?

Try paying attention to what RD quoted you on. comes the you really don't understand the trinity reply nonsense...

I mean, it's true. You don't. If you did, you wouldn't be making the arguments that you're making.

Jesus is the I Am of the Old Testament.

Yes He is.

The I Am God the Father in the Old Testament is Jesus.

Saying it doesn't make it so.

God the Father is I AM.
God the Son is I AM.
God the Holy Spirit is I AM.

The Father is not the Son.
The Son is not the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit is not the Father.

The Three are ONE in plural unity.

You just said that was Jesus too as I Am the Father.

The difference is that we don't say He is the Father, because He is not.

They are ALWAYS together

Were Jesus and the Father together when Jesus cried "Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani"?

and they are the same.

The Son is not the same as the Father.

The trinity doctrine says they are separate and different.

No, it says that the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit are the One God, and that they are DISTINCT Persons.

Jesus is exactly like the Father; the one and only God, who is the Father.

Question begging.

The untruthful doctrine to teach is to teach the Father and Son are different and separate.

Sorry, but that's not what the Bible teaches. The Bible teaches that the Son and the Father (and by implication, the Holy Spirit) are one in unity, not in singularity.

So are you claiming God in the Old Testament is not called 'Father'?

Can you provide a verse in the Old Testament that says "God the Father"?

Let's get that clear before we talk more about it.

So again, are you claiming God in the Old Testament is not called the Father?

Can you provide a verse in the Old Testament that says "God the Father"?

You are wrong about me not having understanding.

No, he's quite right.

You are the one who let Catholics teach you about the trinity doctrine, then teach how it can't really be explained.

I can't speak for RD, but I can speak for myself.

I have NEVER been Catholic. I've never been taught by a catholic. I HAVE been taught by a former Catholic, but his testimony is that He left the Catholic Church after starting to read the Bible. And He is still a trinitarian.

But for the most part, I grew up Lutheran, then Baptist, and am now non-denominational.

So is that God the Father I Am in the Old Testament, yes or no?

God the Father is I AM.

Do you?

They are three in one,

That's not what RD said.

RD said the Three ARE One.

Not "three in one."

I'm not sure Right Divider caught that, but there's a huge difference there.

so then why do you get mad when I say Jesus is the one and only God who is the Father?

Because the Father and the Son are not the same Person.

Same God, different Person.


:yawn: Why do you keep making this straw man?

So why do you keep doing that?

God is the one and only God and He IS the Father.

He is ALSO the Son and ALSO the Holy Spirit.


Emphatically repeating yourself and pounding the podium doesn't magically make you correct.


You can't have one of the Persons of the Trinity without the other two.

They are both God, you say. That is right.




Oh wait, did I leave my Caps-Lock on? Whoops... :mock:

That makes God the Father come as a son,

Question begging is a logical fallacy. You shouldn't do that.

and not three different and separate

Straw man.

persons together making a God.

Saying it doesn't make it so.

That’s right; they are one and the same.

No, they are not the same.

See how when you are taken to the limit of your false trinity doctrine you have to say what I have been saying.

Well, no, RD isn't saying the same thing at all as what you're saying.

Don’t you notice that whenever I say that about JESUS in the NEW TESTAMENT---WHAT YOU JUST SAID ABOUT THE FATHER IN THE OLD TESTAMENT---you nut up.


Slow down when you type. Maybe you'll be more understandable...

Give the scripture that says the angel is called I Am.

Do you not have a Bible or computer capable of searching the Bible?

Look it up yourself.

Here's a hint: It's in Exodus 3...


3... such an odd number (pardon the pun)...

Let’s see how much understanding you have when you prove the angle is I Am and not God the Father being the one who is I Am.


Exodus 3...

You don’t even know that the Catholics came up with the trinity doctrine.

Well, no, they may have formalized a version of the trinity doctrine, but the fact that God is a plurality has been taught since the first verse in the Bible.

The trinity doctrine SAYS the three are DISTINCT, which means different,

While “distinct” and “different” are indeed synonyms, they mean different things and are used in two completely different ways.

Here’s the difference.


MEANING: distinguished as not being the same

ETYMOLOGY: Distinct is etymologically related to distincten “to distinguish”.

MODERN USAGE: Distinct suggests different identity, although the things might be similar in other ways. It stresses that the two qualities are not the same although they might have similarities.

SENTENCE EXAMPLE: I can easily recognize the distinct smell of those flowers.
ALSO MEANS: unquestionably exceptional or notable: a distinct honour.


MEANING: not alike in character or quality

ETYMOLOGY: Different is etymologically related to differre “to set apart”.

MODERN USAGE: Different is opposite of alike and thus it applies to things that are not alike. It stresses on individuality.

SENTENCE EXAMPLE: The crime was witnessed by five different people.
ALSO MEANS: not ordinary; unusual: the food tastes different.

(Both of the above are from

Basically, your argument assumes they mean the same thing, when they don’t.

and it says they are SEPARATE.

Separate? In what way?

You just got through saying I Am in the Old Testament, who is the FATHER,

This is question begging.

The I Am is Father, Son, Holy Spirit, because I AM is God, who is Father, Son, Holy Spirit.

is also the Son and the Holy Spirit.

That’s what the Bible teaches.

God revealed things to us by angels in the Old Testament, but in the New Testament it is by His Son.

Uh, no. He didn’t.

He spoke through prophets.


Saying it doesn’t make it so.


That’s odd, because last I checked, the phrase, “God the Father” is not in the Old Testament.

Now are you going to deny that?

That God is ONLY God the Father? Yes.

There is ONLY ONE GOD.

No one has said otherwise (except for maybe Oatsy…) You just got through saying EACH one of them is God.[/QUOTE]

Yes, the three Persons are ONE God.

So simple, and yet so far beyond your comprehension.

God the Father is the I Am.

So is God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.

You will never ever get around it.

Just like you will never be able to comprehend that the Son and The Holy Spirit are also I AM, but neither of them are the Father.

So you just said EACH ONE is God, correct? Then you said the THREE PERSONS ARE ONE GOD, correct?


That’s what we’ve been saying the entire time, you dunce.

You falsely accuse me of lying because you are dizzy not knowing what you say.

We know exactly what we’re saying.

You don’t know what we’re saying though, because you can’t comprehend it.

I say God the Father came as a Son and the Holy Spirit is Him.

Which is wrong.

I say Jesus is God the Father and the Spirit.

Which is wrong.

You say that is wrong,

And we’re correct.

but say the word God like it is a title and signifies THREE different Persons.

Elohim (Hebrew for “Gods” (literally a plural noun)) is indeed a title.

In fact, if you look at the ancient cultures of Moses’ time, you’ll notice that all the pagan gods in the various cultures are all called by their TITLES, not by their names.

In the Old Testament, either YHWH or Elohim is used, depending on the context of who is speaking to whom, and YHWH is NEVER used as a title, only a name, just as Elohim is NEVER used as a name, only as a title.

I recommend you listen to the following two BEL programs:

OR just buy the following book and read it:

The Documentary Hypothesis and the Composition of the Pentateuch: Eight Letters

for more information on this topic.

(or just read the show summaries of the above BEL programs)
(or if you refuse to use extra-biblical sources for studying the Bible, just study how Moses and the other authors of the Old Testament use God’s names and titles)

You use the word God in the same way the word gods is used.

See above.

The Bible says there is ONLY ONE GOD, and HE IS THE FATHER.

No, it doesn’t say that.

It says:

For even if there are so-called gods, whether in heaven or on earth (as there are many gods and many lords),yet for us there is one God, the Father, of whom are all things, and we for Him; and one Lord Jesus Christ, through whom are all things, and through whom we live. - 1 Corinthians 8:5-6;version=NKJV

The Bible doesn't say there is only one God and He is the Son.

No, it doesn’t. But it does say (not verbatim, but a careful study shows it clearly) that there is only one God, and He is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

1 Corinthians 8:6 yet for us there is but one God, the Father, from whom all things came and for whom we live; and there is but one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom all things came and through whom we live.

Yes, One God and Lord.

Ephesians 4:6 one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.

But not “One God who is the Father,” as you claim but which doesn’t exist.


There is no “God the Father” in the Old Testament.

God is I AM. God (I AM) is Father, Son, Holy Spirit.

Are you denying, yes or no, that God is the Father in the Old Testament?

God is Father, Son, Holy Spirit in the Old and New Testament.

I wonder how you deal with this verse…

Then the LORD rained brimstone and fire on Sodom and Gomorrah, from the LORD out of the heavens. - Genesis 19:24;version=NKJV

Two “YHWH”s are used in the same verse describing two different persons, one of which is the Angel of the LORD.

Here are scriptures that say God in the Old Testament is the FATHER.

2 Samuel 7:14 I will be his father, and he shall be my son. If he commit iniquity, I will chasten him with the rod of men, and with the stripes of the children of men:

So you don’t have any verses that say, specifically, “God the Father” that are from the Old Testament?

...and many more.

Yet you won’t quote them…

Do we have to ask you for them every time you say there are scriptures? or can you save us the extra step and just quote them?

That One God is the Father, and He is the I Am.

That One God is ALSO the Son, and ALSO the Holy Spirit.

Exodus 3:14 God said to Moses, "I AM WHO I AM. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: 'I AM has sent me to you.'"

Who was speaking in that verse, GT?

So again, do you believe there is only one God


and He is the Father, that He is the Father

No, We believe there is one God, and He is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

and called I AM?


Are you going to also believe that Jesus is that one and only God


the Father

No, Jesus is not the Father. Jesus is the Son.

and I AM?


Right Divider

You made the discussion torturous and confusing.

Liar. Take the beam out of your own eye first.

I have told the truth

Claiming to have told the truth doesn’t magically make what you say the truth.

and said plainly that the trinity doctrine says the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are separate and different persons.

Except that it doesn’t say that.

You say no to me

I wonder why… :think:

and call me a liar repeatedly.

Because you are a liar.

I say do you believe God in the Old Testament is the Father?

You won't answer the question you just say it is God.

God is Father, Son, Holy Spirit, in both the Old Testament and the New Testament.

That’s what the Bible says.

But you try to complicate it.

I say Jesus is the I Am in the Old Testament.

That is correct.

You say the angel is called I Am.

No, we say the Angel of the LORD claims to be I AM.

That is you DIZZY.

Look in a mirror.

That is not true.


No He’s not.

The Father didn’t come as a Son.

The Father stayed in Heaven, the Son came to earth.

Even if Jesus was called a son of God

Jesus wasn’t just called a son of God

Jesus WAS and IS and ALWAYS WILL BE the Son (capital S) of God.

You heretic, you just tried to pass off a blasphemous claim that Jesus was not THE Son of God.



in heaven before coming to earth---he was STILL God the Father with a body.

No, He was not “God the Father with a body.”

I have told you that before.

Repeating yourself doens’t change anything.

Before God the Father did anything, He made Himself a body, the immortal glorified body of Jesus Christ.

No, He didn’t make a body before the creation of the universe. He made an IMAGE, and then formed man in that image.

Jesus did NOT have a body prior to his incarnation.

Why do you deny the Incarnation of Christ? That’s what you’re doing.

Right Divider

The trinity doctrine is false.

Saying it doesn’t make it so.

The trinity doctrine says God is a title and not the Person,

False. The BIBLE uses “God” (Elohim) as a title in the Old Testament.

not the Spirit of the Creator Himself,

God is the Creator.
God is Spirit.
God is Father, Son, Holy Spirit.

and teaching that God consists of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.

Yes, those are the three Persons of the ONE GOD.

That alone is a contradiction of the trinity doctrine itself.

No, it isn’t.

You can't even say that it is Jesus in the Old Testament who is the Father the I Am.

Because Jesus is NOT the Father.

The Father is I AM.
Jesus (the Son) is I AM.
The Holy Spirit is I AM.

The Father is not the Son is not the Holy Spirit.

I think you know your trinity doctrine is all screwed up.

Your opinion has been noted and discarded.

Why won't you say if it was God the Father, God the Son, or God the Holy Spirit in the Old Testament?

Because it was ALL THREE, the ONE GOD WHO IS TRIUNE.

Hahahaha . . . bahahahahahahaha

Laughter like this isn’t a sign of good mental health, GT. You should get looked at.

Then who is the I Am in the Old Testament, God?


Your false doctrine falls apart when it comes to defend it.

Saying it doesn’t make it so.

There is only one body and one Spirit.


That is scripture.

Again, AND?

No such thing as a living person without a spirit.

You’re equivocating.

There are different kinds of “Spirit”s in the Bible.

Because of this, we can safely reject your premise, and therefore your argument.

The trinity doctrine does so say otherwise, even if they don't want to admit it.

Saying it doesn’t make it so, GT.

The trinity doctrine says God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.

Yes it does.

That is three DIFFERENT Gods.

No, it is not.

There is NO scripture that says there is one God and he is the Son.

There is NO scripture that says “there is one God and He is the Father” either.

There are scriptures though that say there is ONE GOD AND HE IS THE FATHER.

No there aren’t.

You want to deny you said that now?

Speak up and say if that is God the Father in the Old Testament.

You said it was God. LOL

You deny that God spoke in the Old Testament?

You said do you know of the angel of God. lol

I believe (if I remember correctly, as I don’t have the post pulled up) that that was a question he asked you, not a statement, and that he expected an answer, which so far you have not provided...

There are three, and the three are one.

Yes, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit are one God. But God the Father is not God the Son is not God the Holy Spirit.

'One' even means 'the same'.

Repeating this lie doesn’t magically make it come true.

They are one


and the same.

No, they are not.

Here, let’s see if this helps you understand the trinity better:

​ ​​​​​​​
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Staff member
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Gold Subscriber
You couldn't even answer this one simple question.

By the way, I am not reading or replying to that too long a post you made.

I did answer it.

Just because you don't like the answer doesn't mean I didn't answer your question.

I'm reminded of Abbott and Costello's "Who's on first" routine...

God's Truth

New member
I did answer it.

Just because you don't like the answer doesn't mean I didn't answer your question.

I'm reminded of Abbott and Costello's "Who's on first" routine...

No, you wouldn't even answer according to the trinity doctrine.

If you just want to say 'God' as the answer, then why do you get mad when I say Jesus and the Father are the same?!

We both already believe that JESUS IS GOD.

Now try to answer who it is in the Old Testament.

Is it the Father or the Son calling himself I Am?

You can't answer because you know it will prove your doctrine is false.

Right Divider

Body part
No, you wouldn't even answer according to the trinity doctrine.

If you just want to say 'God' as the answer, then why do you get mad when I say Jesus and the Father are the same?!

We both already believe that JESUS IS GOD.

Now try to answer who it is in the Old Testament.

Is it the Father or the Son calling himself I Am?

You can't answer because you know it will prove your doctrine is false.

You just don't even read what others write!

And, it appears that you still do not know who THE ANGEL OF THE LORD is.


Staff member
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By the way, I am not reading or replying to that too long a post you made.

Sounds like you're just lazy.

There's hardly anything to that post, there was just a lot to reply to.

Either way, refusing to consider your opponent's arguments is generally considered an admission of defeat.

Admit it, GT, you don't want to be shown that you're wrong, because it would mean you've wasted all this time on TOL and elsewhere saying something that isn't true, and your pride won't allow you to be humbled like that, so you continue to teach your false doctrine.

You should humble yourself, GT, before you face God and have to answer for all the people you led astray with your doctrine.


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No, you wouldn't even answer according to the trinity doctrine.

If you just want to say 'God' as the answer, then why do you get mad when I say Jesus and the Father are the same?!

We both already believe that JESUS IS GOD.

Now try to answer who it is in the Old Testament.

Is it the Father or the Son calling himself I Am?

You can't answer because you know it will prove your doctrine is false.

Your questions were answered in my above post and in the one you refuse to read.

i can't help that your stubborn, but I'm not going to repeat myself just to satisfy a fool who has, for all intents and purposes, conceded defeat on this topic.

God's Truth

New member
Sounds like you're just lazy.

There's hardly anything to that post, there was just a lot to reply to.

Either way, refusing to consider your opponent's arguments is generally considered an admission of defeat.

Admit it, GT, you don't want to be shown that you're wrong, because it would mean you've wasted all this time on TOL and elsewhere saying something that isn't true, and your pride won't allow you to be humbled like that, so you continue to teach your false doctrine.

You should humble yourself, GT, before you face God and have to answer for all the people you led astray with your doctrine.

You know that was too long a post.

Jesus and the Father and the Holy Spirit are all one and the same.


Staff member
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You know that was too long a post.

It really wasn't.

If you take out all the repetitious stuff from you I had to repeatedly reply to, it isn't very long at all.

The least you could do (to remain intellectually honest) is to read the post. That's it.

Consider your opponents arguments before rejecting them. Otherwise, why are you even on TOL?

Jesus and the Father and the Holy Spirit are all one and the same.

This was addressed multiple times in the above post. I'm not going to address it again.

God's Truth

New member
It really wasn't.

If you take out all the repetitious stuff from you I had to repeatedly reply to, it isn't very long at all.

The least you could do (to remain intellectually honest) is to read the post. That's it.

Consider your opponents arguments before rejecting them. Otherwise, why are you even on TOL?

This was addressed multiple times in the above post. I'm not going to address it again.

If you answer with either Father, Son, or Holy Spirit, then I will take the time to read and answer your long post.


Staff member
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Gold Subscriber
If you answer with either Father, Son, or Holy Spirit, then I will take the time to read and answer your long post.


I'm not going to repeat my answer. If you want to know my answer, you'll read my post.

If you don't read my post, then I have nothing else to say to you. Why should I try to respond to what you say when you don't even bother reading my posts?

God's Truth

New member

I'm not going to repeat my answer. If you want to know my answer, you'll read my post.

If you don't read my post, then I have nothing else to say to you. Why should I try to respond to what you say when you don't even bother reading my posts?

You can't answer.


Staff member
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Gold Subscriber
You can't answer.

How do you know? You haven't read my post. I'm saying I answered you there, and won't answer the question again.. You say I can't answer. Who's more likely to be telling the truth, you, someone who is intellectually dishonest enough to refuse to read a post because "it's too long" when there's barely anything to it and who tries to bargain with the poster trying to get him to answer a question which he's already answered, or me, the one who has, despite it taking a lot of time out of his day to respond to your multiple arguments from repetition, straw men, and other logical fallacies, done his best to try to engage you rationally along with RD?

You or me? Which is more likely, that I'm unable to answer? or that my answer is in the post you refuse to read?

God's Truth

New member
How do you know? You haven't read my post. I'm saying I answered you there, and won't answer the question again.. You say I can't answer. Who's more likely to be telling the truth, you, someone who is intellectually dishonest enough to refuse to read a post because "it's too long" when there's barely anything to it and who tries to bargain with the poster trying to get him to answer a question which he's already answered, or me, the one who has, despite it taking a lot of time out of his day to respond to your multiple arguments from repetition, straw men, and other logical fallacies, done his best to try to engage you rationally along with RD?

You or me? Which is more likely, that I'm unable to answer? or that my answer is in the post you refuse to read?


See how easy it is to answer, but this post is further proof of the irony.