Acts 2:34


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Greetings again 7dengo7, I have given my perspective of what Psalm 110:1 is teaching in Posts #272 and #276. Psalm 110:1 is a prophecy of things future to the time of David, and depicts the One God, Yahweh, God the Father inviting David’s Lord, our Lord Jesus Christ, The Son of God to sit down at the right hand of God the Father. This would be spoken by God after Jesus was resurrected and exalted. As such Jesus had not yet been born, but David calls Jesus “Lord” in prospect because Jesus was to be made Lord and Christ and thus superior to David, and also superior to David because God the Father was the father of Jesus, and thus Jesus was the Son of God. In answer to the question that you do not want to answer, the above tells us when God invited Jesus to sit down at his right hand. Thus Psalm 110:1 does not prove that David’s Lord mentioned in Psalm 110:1 existed when David recorded or spake his prophecy, and your endless questions on this has no basis of proof. David is both dead and buried and has not ascended to heaven, so David will be in the company of Jesus, his Lord only when David is raised from the dead. Like the rest of creation he will bow the knee to Jesus, to the glory of God the Father.

Kind regards

So, you're saying Jesus is not David's Lord, and has never been David's Lord?
  • Is Jesus David's Lord? Yes or No?
  • If Yes, then when did Jesus become David's Lord?
  • If No, then when (if at all) will Jesus become David's Lord?


Well-known member
Greetings again 7djengo7,
So, you're saying Jesus is not David's Lord, and has never been David's Lord?
Is Jesus David's Lord? Yes or No?
If Yes, then when did Jesus become David's Lord?
If No, then when (if at all) will Jesus become David's Lord?
David will be united with Jesus, David’s Lord when Jesus raises David from the dead when Jesus returns.

Kind regards


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So, you're saying Jesus is not David's Lord, and has never been David's Lord?
Is Jesus David's Lord? Yes or No?
If Yes, then when did Jesus become David's Lord?
If No, then when (if at all) will Jesus become David's Lord?