Abortion and The Holocaust....Differences?


Well-known member
This is simply untrue.

If someone kills an unborn child at any stage of development, they are charged with murder. This is the law.

It makes no difference whether they're in the womb or not.

The only legal distinction between abortion and murder is whether the mother gives permission to the killer or not. It's absolutely ridiculous.

Dear Quetzal,

Why the negative rep for this post?
Did I say something incorrect?

Just wondering.

Yours Truly,


To the Nazis, it was just. It was their house. In their country, they were justified.

Not unlike killing a baby so mom won't look bad in her prom dress.

Much like it's just that you are under no obligation to donate your kidney in sustentation to the life of another. Can one defend Nazis' atrocities in a similar way?

No, not in the least.


New member
This thread is just terrible. I mean, plain awful. I never knew so many nuts could be in the same thread. All you are missing is Naz and aCW, then the whole crew of whack jobs is here.


Well-known member
This thread is just terrible. I mean, plain awful. I never knew so many nuts could be in the same thread. All you are missing is Naz and aCW, then the whole crew of whack jobs is here.

Hi, Quetzal :)

Did you know that killing an unborn child is considered murder, right here in our U.S.A.?

Why is that?

PS - Unless the killer gets a note from the victim's mommy, saying it's ok!

King cobra

Much like it's just that you are under no obligation to donate your kidney in sustentation to the life of another.
Tell that to the organ sellers at Planned PareTheHood.

King cobra

Can one defend Nazis' atrocities in a similar way?

Why would one want to defend the Nazis’ atrocities in any way?
Oh wait, many did defend Nazi atrocities. Because they benefited financially.
Sounds like another similarity.

King cobra

So far we only have one valid difference between abortion and The Holocaust:
1. Scale of the slaughter.

Come on people!


Tell that to the organ sellers at Planned PareTheHood.

Those are your kidneys!? Must be a miracle that you're alive to tell the tale! :rolleyes:

Fast on that deflective, emotive rhetoric, slow on facts. This seems to be all the right can muster.

King cobra

This thread is just terrible. I mean, plain awful. I never knew so many nuts could be in the same thread. All you are missing is Naz and aCW, then the whole crew of whack jobs is here.
Fast on that deflective, emotive rhetoric, slow on facts. This seems to be all the right can muster.

So you can come up with no differences between abortion and The Holocaust. Noted.


New member
So you can come up with no differences between abortion and The Holocaust. Noted.
Nonsense, you have just framed in a way that there is no winning. This ends one of two ways:

  1. Someone agrees with you; women and doctors who partake in abortion are literally Hitler.
  2. Someone disagrees with you and they are Hitler for advocating for the legality abortions.

Sorry, I am not playing.

King cobra

After looking back, we actually have two differences between abortion and The Holocaust.
1. Scale of the slaughter.
2. Level of intimidation by the government (this gap may be closing)

Come on people!

King cobra

Nonsense, you have just framed in a way that there is no winning. This ends one of two ways:

  1. Someone agrees with you; women and doctors who partake in abortion are literally Hitler.
  2. Someone disagrees with you and they are Hitler for advocating for the legality abortions.

Sorry, I am not playing.

  1. Hitler is literally dead.
  2. See #1

It's good that you're not playing. You would just continue to get hurt.

Nick M

Born that men no longer die
Hall of Fame
was that public knowledge?

Of course it is. Ask your relatives still alive about how everybody knew what was going on. Just like islam now and idiots like quip with their head in the sand pretending they don't know what islam is doing.
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So you can come up with no differences between abortion and The Holocaust. Noted.

So, I take it those are not your kidneys?

So by your silence I'm to imply that you agree that the government has the right to forcibly invade your body, take a kidney for the higher purpose of saving the life of, say ....the President of the United States?


Well-known member
There is no difference. Even if in the womb, killing an unborn child is murder according to U.S. law. Same as if you kill a child, or grown man or woman.

The only legal exception made is if the mother gives permission for the killing to take place.


This is not accurate. These laws are state laws, and it depends on the state.

In any case, the question we should be discussing is moral- not legal. After all, it seems it was legal under Nazi German law to exterminate millions. That did not make it "OK".


Well-known member
Let's see:

1. The United States decides that all unborn fetuses are not only not-human, but evil beings that are dangerous to society.
2. The United States goes on a national campaign to locate these evil fetuses and destroy them.
3. The United States kills these evil fetuses, even if people try hiding them
4. The United States considers protecting a fetus a crime, and puts those who do so in prison- or executes them.

That would be a situation analogous to Nazi Germany.

The underlying question to the abortion debate is when does human life and human civil rights start. The presumption in this thread is immediately upon conception, but there are arguments in either direction.

In fact, it is possible to be anti-abortion, yet think that a fetus is not the same as a born human. Abortion in that case would be a crime, but not murder.