Abortion and The Holocaust....Differences?

King cobra

Godwin's Law (or Godwin's Rule of Nazi Analogies) is an Internet adage asserting that "As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches 1"—​ that is, if an online discussion (regardless of topic or scope) goes on long enough, sooner or later someone will compare someone or something to Hitler or Nazism.

This entire thread illustrates this law quite nicely.
Pretty much this. They understand their comparison is pathetically weak, they just want to frame it in a way to empower their argument in a way they can't do themselves.

Did you even read the title of this thread?

Despite your ignorance of the crux of Godwin’s Law, consider that some day (maybe soon),
Godwin’s Rule of Nazi Analogies may well be supplanted by the reference to an even higher level of evil...Another’s Rule of Abortion Analogies.

King cobra

It is common sense that one would use a comparison of an incident that was notorious rather then obscure.

It would be like using a notorious name to compare to another betrayer ----- like Judas or Benedict Arnold. You use a name that is notorious.
Or to use a notorious group like the KKK to compare to another racist.

The Holocaust is a notorious wickedness that is known worldwide.
Being that the Holocaust is soooooo notorious, it's gonna be used in comparisons a lot more than any other event.
That's just common sense.

In conclusion, it is common sense to compare abortion to the Holocaust.

:up: Well said!
The day will come when abortion will be recognized as even more notorious than The Holocaust. We should forget neither.


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Hall of Fame
Did you even read the title of this thread?

Despite your ignorance of the crux of Godwin’s Law, consider that some day (maybe soon),
Godwin’s Rule of Nazi Analogies may well be supplanted by the reference to an even higher level of evil...Another’s Rule of Abortion Analogies.
Yep. If it hasn't already, it rising to the top of the list of mass murder.

King cobra

There is no systematic or purposeful genocide of fetuses.
They call themselves Planned Parenthood and they target the "unwanted."
There is no organization working for the sole, purposeful destruction of any kind of people that is supported by law.
They call themselves Planned Parenthood and they target the "unwanted," with overwhelming support from both Democrat and Republican lawmakers.
There is no highly organized and vitriolic State policy aimed at demonizing and eradicating the fetus as a social/racial class.
They call themselves Planned Parenthood and they target the "unwanted," with the backing of the so-called “Supreme Court.”
There is a medically viable right that women have in order to end a pregnancy that they do not want within certain time limits. (Your opinion has no weight on the fact that this exists, deal with it.)
There was a genetically viable “right” that Nazis claimed in order to end the Jewish “threat.” (Anne Frank’s opinion had no weight on the fact that this existed. She was dealt with.)
Nazi's wanted to control their population and they did so forcefully.
Planned PareTheHood wants to control the population. They use forceps, suction catheters, poison...forcefully.
There is no one going door to door looking for pregnant women to force abortions.
It was too cumbersome taking it to the Jews. So the Nazis built killing centers where they used instruments of death, poison, incinerators. Sound familiar?

There are not dedicated prisons that force women to have abortions.
There are very dedicated abortuaries that force babies to die.
Pregnant women are not forced to live in Ghettos or other housing that is intentionally sub-par.
Vulnerable babies are forced to die in wombs that are intentionally made unwelcome. Sounds sub-par to me. Of course there are “less crunchy” methods.
Women are not forced to wear badges that display they are pregnant and must have an abortion.
The men and women who choose abortion are labeling their babies as being unworthy of life.

Need I go on? I mean, it is pretty clear we are talking about two things that are not comparable.
Go on? You haven’t even started.
We’re looking for differences between abortion and The Holocaust.


New member
They call themselves Planned Parenthood and they target the "unwanted."
They do not actively go out and target anyone. They offer services that are not forced or coerced.

They call themselves Planned Parenthood and they target the "unwanted," with overwhelming support from both Democrat and Republican lawmakers.
See above. They have support due to their health services.

They call themselves Planned Parenthood and they target the "unwanted," with the backing of the so-called “Supreme Court.”
No, they don't. Repeating the same flawed statement does not give it anymore value.

There was a genetically viable “right” that Nazis claimed in order to end the Jewish “threat.” (Anne Frank’s opinion had no weight on the fact that this existed. She was dealt with.)
There is no coercion or forceful actions taken that force a woman to have an abortion. There was coercion and forceful actions when the Nazis attacked the Jews. Not the same thing.

Planned PareTheHood wants to control the population. They use forceps, suction catheters, poison...forcefully.

It was too cumbersome taking it to the Jews. So the Nazis built killing centers where they used instruments of death, poison, incinerators. Sound familiar?
No, they don't. They do not have active campaigns to kill people. Nor do they force people into medical procedures.

Vulnerable babies are forced to die in wombs that are intentionally made unwelcome. Sounds sub-par to me. Of course there are “less crunchy” methods.

The men and women who choose abortion are labeling their babies as being unworthy of life.
There, I am okay with these kinds of statements because you made your point without being a coward and hiding behind the Holocaust.

Go on? You haven’t even started.
We’re looking for differences between abortion and The Holocaust.
Sure I have and you managed to derail none of the facts and they still stand. Your comparison is stupid and inaccurate. Your emotions drive your comparison and nothing else.


Well-known member
Abortion proponents, on the same hand, posit that the vicitms of abortion are unwanted, or the cause of economic hardships, or just plain burdensome. And the targeting of minority groups and Sanger’s advocacy for eugenics confirms an underlying goal of racial purity.
And again, we’re looking for differences...not similarities.
You haven't laid out any similarities here. Nobody is targeted in abortion, not skin color, race, behavior nothing.

Minorities and the poor have abortions more frequently because they often don't have access to contraception and can't afford additional children and tend to engage in risky sexual behavior more frequently. Nobody is going around and forcing abortions. Not in this country anyway.

And if you think one person's views from nearly 100 years ago somehow taint an organization, then you should be talking about how the USA is *currently* all about slavery since Washington and Jefferson were proud slaveholders.

A sixteen week old baby does. So let’s burn it with a final solution of hypertonic saline?
My point was it doesn't have skin color to discriminate on. But hey you can go on about a procedure that is illegal in many states and represents a tiny proportion of abortions for the sole purpose of emotional response.

This is merely a matter of acceptance. That child should be afforded the same motherly love whether he/she gets oxygen from the air or from amniotic fluid.
Nope. A born child can be cared for by anyone. A mother can adopt. An embryo is a parasite on a mother's body for 9 months.

That's not to say abortion is a good thing, but the rights of two individuals are intertwined in a specific way that never happens at any other point in human development. Especially in the case of rape, the child is an imposition on the mother's rights.

But abortion that is a matter of "convenience" can be viewed as an expression of an unmet need for contraception. Nobody wants to use abortion as a means of birth control. If you have better access to contraception, you have less abortions.

The “conception” of genocide (the killing of adults, children, unborn) can indeed be countered. It’s called the love of God...and loving your neighbor.

Are you against contraception then?

King cobra

They do not actively go out and target anyone. They offer services that are not forced or coerced.
They’re on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, television, radio, billboards, bus shelters, women’s restrooms, mailing campaigns. They’re in the schools, Girl Scouts, restaurants, gyms and yes...minority neighborhoods.

Their death services are forced on their victims and many women are coerced by a culture of death that has convinced them that Planned PareTheHood has the final solution.

No, they don't. Repeating the same flawed statement does not give it anymore value.
Yes they do. You don’t even follow your own advice.

There is no coercion or forceful actions taken that force a woman to have an abortion. There was coercion and forceful actions when the Nazis attacked the Jews. Not the same thing.
Women and men who’ve chosen abortion do indeed use coercion and forceful actions when attacking the unborn.
Same thing. It’s called murder.

No, they don't. They do not have active campaigns to kill people.
Yes they do. The Nazis, like you, said they were/are not killing people...only "vermin" or "clumps of cells."
Nor do they force people into medical procedures.

The babies in the womb are forced into abortive “medical procedures.”

There, I am okay with these kinds of statements because you made your point without being a coward and hiding behind the Holocaust.
There, you’re finally starting to get it. Abortion and The Holocaust have many more significant similarities than differences. Have the guts to admit it.

Sure I have and you managed to derail none of the facts and they still stand. Your comparison is stupid and inaccurate. Your emotions drive your comparison and nothing else.
No need to derail...your train wasn’t even moving.

Now try to get moving intellectually and come up with differences between abortion and The Holocaust.


New member
They’re on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, television, radio, billboards, bus shelters, women’s restrooms, mailing campaigns. They’re in the schools, Girl Scouts, restaurants, gyms and yes...minority neighborhoods.

Their death services are forced on their victims and many women are coerced by a culture of death that has convinced them that Planned PareTheHood has the final solution.
You spent a lot of time building this mental picture, it is too bad it isn't accurate. Advertising health services =/= active persecution and destruction of an entire racial/social/ethnic group. I hope you understand that abortion is a small piece of what they offer. What did we figure out, 3% of total services offered, I believe?

Women and men who’ve chosen abortion do indeed use coercion and forceful actions when attacking the unborn.
Same thing. It’s called murder.
That is your opinion but that is not related to the holocaust.

Yes they do. The Nazis, like you, said they were/are not killing people...only "vermin" or "clumps of cells."
If PP raises a militia and begins a door to door campaign to force women to have abortions, you may then have a point. Since they do not do this, you do not have one.

The babies in the womb are forced into abortive “medical procedures.”
They are not seen as a person so they do not share the same rights as a person.

There, you’re finally starting to get it. Abortion and The Holocaust have many more significant similarities than differences. Have the guts to admit it.
You have proven nothing. All of the previous facts stand because you offer no facts in return. Emotionally charged statements =/= facts.

Now try to get moving intellectually and come up with differences between abortion and The Holocaust.
I will give you one more go at it before I place you on ignore and remove myself from the discussion. You have done nothing so far to persuade me or change any perspective.

King cobra

Nobody is targeted in abortion,
Tell that to the 60 million victims just in America...just since Roe v Wade.
not skin color, race, behavior nothing.
Skin color, race, behavior are all used as excuses to eliminate the unwanted. The unwanted are being targeted. Similar to Hitler, Planned PareTheHood targets members of the human race because they deem them to be unwanted.

Minorities and the poor have abortions more frequently because they often don't have access to contraception and can't afford additional children and tend to engage in risky sexual behavior more frequently.
And there’s the economic “excuse.” Oh, if only unborn babies had gold teeth!!

Nobody is going around and forcing abortions. Not in this country anyway.
Every. Single. Mother...who has chosen abortion has forced death on their child.

And if you think one person's views from nearly 100 years ago somehow taint an organization, then you should be talking about how the USA is *currently* all about slavery since Washington and Jefferson were proud slaveholders.
They were pigs for having been so. Jefferson the worse. Sounds like an interesting thread.

Nope. A born child can be cared for by anyone. A mother can adopt. An embryo is a parasite on a mother's body for 9 months.
Motherly love can come in many forms. Some better than others, to be sure. The key here is love. Calling a helpless, innocent human being a parasite isn’t love. The Nazis didn’t love the Jews in very much the same way.

But abortion that is a matter of "convenience" can be viewed as an expression of an unmet need for contraception. Nobody wants to use abortion as a means of birth control.
Abortion is birth control. Everyone who uses it wants to counter (contra) conception.

If you have better access to contraception, you have less abortions.
If only the Nazis’ ancestors hadn’t let those Jews in...

Sequitur. That was easy!

Are you against contraception then?
The kind that kills babies...yes.


They’re on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, television, radio, billboards, bus shelters, women’s restrooms, mailing campaigns. They’re in the schools, Girl Scouts, restaurants, gyms and yes...minority neighborhoods.

So are most Fortune 500 companies. :idunno:

Their death services are forced on their victims and many women are coerced by a culture of death that has convinced them that Planned PareTheHood has the final solution.

Nuff said. The sensationalistic rhetoric's painfully obvious to all by now. :rolleyes:

Seems there's no difference between Hitler and King Cobra....they both use sensational propaganda as a means to their self-serving ends.

King cobra

So are most Fortune 500 companies.
Yes. It’s called marketing. They’re after customers whether it be to sell beer, offer tax services, hate Jews or convince mothers to kill their babies.
I’ll accept this as your admission to lying when you said PP doesn’t actively go out and target anyone.

Nuff said. The sensationalistic rhetoric's painfully obvious to all by now.
The sensations that are felt are/were indeed painful...to the aborted baby and the Jewish victims. The rhetoric needs to reflect that fact.

King cobra

You spent a lot of time building this mental picture, it is too bad it isn't accurate. Advertising health services =/= active persecution and destruction of an entire racial/social/ethnic group. I hope you understand that abortion is a small piece of what they offer. What did we figure out, 3% of total services offered, I believe?
By “we” I take it you are referring to you and the SS, I mean PP exterminators. To believe that the “other” services they provide don’t very often lead to their final solution is most likely willful ignorance.
Like one op-ed piece stated, “Such cracked reasoning could be used to obscure the purpose of any organization.
The sponsors of the New York City Marathon could count each small cup of water they hand out (some 2 million cups, compared with 45,000 runners) and say they are mainly in the hydration business.
Or Major League Baseball teams could say that they sell about 20 million hot dogs and play 2,430 games in a season, so baseball is only .012 percent of what they do.
Supporters of Planned Parenthood want to use its health services as leverage to preserve its abortions, as if you can’t get one without the other.
Of course, this is nonsense.”

That is your opinion but that is not related to the holocaust.
Murder is murder. Abortion is just on a larger scale than The Holocaust.

If PP raises a militia and begins a door to door campaign to force women to have abortions, you may then have a point.
It's worse, they’re going womb to womb.

They are not seen as a person so they do not share the same rights as a person.
Said Heinrich Himmler.

You have proven nothing. All of the previous facts stand because you offer no facts in return. Emotionally charged statements =/= facts.
Ohph, you were starting to get it. Don’t shy away from the facts now!!

I will give you one more go at it before I place you on ignore and remove myself from the discussion. You have done nothing so far to persuade me or change any perspective.
I'll give you as many go's as you need.
Having said that, since you apparently have nothing of value to say here...I really don’t want to persuade you to say it.


Yes. It’s called marketing. They’re after customers whether it be to sell beer, offer tax services, hate Jews or convince mothers to kill their babies.
I’ll accept this as your admission to lying when you said PP doesn’t actively go out and target anyone.

It seems you accept quite a few misconceptions....wrong poster. Keep up with your own propaganda.

The sensations that are felt are/were indeed painful...to the aborted baby and the Jewish victims. The rhetoric needs to reflect that fact.

The Jews were fully aware of their mortal situation and suffered painfully by this....the unborn...not so much and physically so only during late term abortion.

So, there's some more differences for you to dodge...speaking of such, nice dodge above. :thumb:


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Can you maintain this rhetoric when abortion becomes necessary to save the life of the mother?

Better still, can you give the data of how many abortions are "to save the life of the mother" and how many are for the sheer convenience of disposing/murdering the child?

I'll await your response after your time out... I'll save you the google search, less than 1% are to save the mother. Another poor argument for mass murder...


New member
I am noticing a pattern. Whenever a liberal disagrees with the OP they get banned. Are you guys really that petty that when someone disagrees with you, you go crying to mods to get rid of them?