a whore for the republican party


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Except because of the stupid primary season we won't really know yet. But more candidates will start to get weeded out.

It's about time, there are really only three at this point anyway and much to Chrys' chagrin ole Jeb isn't even on the radar.


New member
Hall of Fame

Lots of 'lost' voters are getting excited about Trump.

Ted Wade hasn’t cared about politics enough to cast a vote in a U.S. presidential election for almost a quarter of a century, back when he supported Ross Perot’s independent candidacy in 1992.

But Republican Donald Trump's 2016 White House bid has motivated Wade to get involved and he plans to support the real estate mogul in Nevada’s nominating caucus next month. Trump is a "non-politician" who can fix the "chaos" in Washington, he says.

About one in 10 Americans who plan to cast a vote this election will do so for the first time in years, if ever, and Trump holds a decided edge with them, according to polling by Reuters/Ipsos. (tmsnrt.rs/1SgeLvi)


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
what will the independents do?

they don't like hillary
they fear bernie
they might go for trump in the republican primary as a protest vote
will end up voting for hillary in the november

how many times have you heard?

please don't make me vote for hillary

like it is our fault
isn't time to be for someone?
instead of being against everyone

do you really respect independents?


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame


Hall of Fame
do you really respect independents?

Yes ... as compared to someone who whines about one Republican candidate, calls his supporters *idiots* and then in the next breath admits he would vote THAT candidate.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Yes ... as compared to someone who whines about one Republican candidate, calls his supporters *idiots* and then in the next breath admits he would vote THAT candidate.

thank you for another opportunity to point out
that I will be voting for the republican nominee
the democratic party supports abortion


are you worried about the court ruling on union dues?
do you think your four democratic liberals on the court can get one republican to vote with them?


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
here are the numbers for
you idiots who cannot connect the dots

year DD RR total (million of votes)
2008 65 52 117
2010 39 45 84
2012 60 58 118
2014 36 40 76

I know
you still don't get it
we win when they stay home
only when they stay home


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
here are the numbers for
you idiots who cannot connect the dots

year DD RR total (million of votes)
2008 65 52 117
2010 39 45 84
2012 60 58 118
2014 36 40 76

I know
you still don't get it
we win when they stay home
only when they stay home

That is the point...The establishment will not win anything this go around. :thumb:


New member

whoever calls T a non-politician is not paying attention. That man is the most political of all the candidates, which is why he supported Hillary and Pelosi and other liberals b4 he decided to run for pres as a R

he was in favor of partial birth abortion, of all things :shocked:

you can half-way u/stand someone not thinking a 2 day old fetus is worthy of protection, but partial birth abortion????!!!!!!!!!!!!!

that is in your face BARBARIC

anyone who could favor such a thing...



Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
:doh: oh Sarah.....

I'm kind of surprised. Cruz seems more up her alley.

It is an interesting turn I agree, especially since Trump (says) he wants to increase ethanol subsidies which is very un-conservative & Obama-esk, in fact all subsidies of this loser of a product should be lifted and if it cannot survive then it wasn't meant to. It is a crappy fuel source, destroys your engine, raises the food prices, it has no place as a fuel additive or replacement so let the industry sink or swim on it's own. The point is that Palin has always put herself out there as a conservative and Trump has really not proven that he is one on most fronts but, Trump is definitely not an establishment candidate and maybe that is what Palin is endorsing.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
what can the unions do for you?

look what they did to flint
look what they did to detroit

look what they did for the automakers

look how they are protecting bad cops
look how they are protecting bad teachers
look how they are protecting government workers
pensions and healthcare benefits that are bankrupting the states

they are now at the supreme court justifying why your government employees must pay their dues

pay attention