a whore for the republican party


Get used to it.
Hall of Fame
tomo has nothing to offer
I am sure he is a trump supporter

:think: The only thing which would make me vote for Trump is if it was a direct contest with Hillary.

I would vote for Satan himself to keep Hillary out and that is because I believe her to be even more evil than him. :devil:


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
:think: The only thing which would make me vote for Trump is if it was a direct contest with Hillary.

I would vote for Satan himself to keep Hillary out and that is because I believe her to be even more evil than him. :devil:

I was wrong
you do have something to offer


like marbles on glass
I heard on the news today that among young Democrat women, Bernie was polling 19 points ahead of Hillary. I've wondered before whether Hillary would make it out of the primaries, and if she's not even winning over the women, I might surprise myself and be right.


Well-known member
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the problem with polls

REACH Communications conducted this survey of 416 registered republican voters whom stated they will be voting in the 2016 First in the Nation Primary on February 9th 2016.

trump 26.2%
jeb 14.9%

the problem here is we have to take their word that they will vote
they could have checked to see if they voted in the 2008 and 2012 primaries
they didn't

the next one is worse

The Monmouth University Poll was sponsored and conducted by the Monmouth University Polling Institute from January 7 to 10, 2016 with a statewide random sample of 414 New Hampshire voters drawn from a list of registered Republican and independent voters who participated in a primary election in the past two election cycles or voted in both the 2012 and 2014 general elections, and indicate they will vote in the Republican presidential primary in February 2016. This was supplemented by a sample of new voters who say they are likely to register and vote in the Republican primary.
This includes 287 contacted by a live interviewer on a landline telephone and 127 contacted by a live interviewer on a cell phone, in English.

trump 32%
jeb 4%


like marbles on glass
"whom stated they will be voting"

That doesn't sound right to me. Shouldn't it be "who?"

Anyway, I understand the current problem with polls. Something to consider, though: right or wrong, way off or pretty accurate, poll results have the power to drive public opinion.


New member
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Rand's "Audit the Fed" bill fails. Rand got 54 votes as versus 47 against, but not the 60 required for cloture, let alone the 67 required to overturn a sure Barry veto. The bill goes down to defeat.

Time now to forget this very small reform, and continue educating Americans, as Ron Paul does, on why we need to End the Fed. Given the economic catastrophe it’s bringing down on the whole world, there has never been a better time. May Ron one day–if we do our job–be the auctioneer at the sale of Mordor’s cold, marble Fed headquarters.

Going, going, gone.

I'm surprised it got that many votes.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
the problem with polls

REACH Communications conducted this survey of 416 registered republican voters whom stated they will be voting in the 2016 First in the Nation Primary on February 9th 2016.

trump 26.2%
jeb 14.9%

the problem here is we have to take their word that they will vote
they could have checked to see if they voted in the 2008 and 2012 primaries
they didn't

the next one is worse

The Monmouth University Poll was sponsored and conducted by the Monmouth University Polling Institute from January 7 to 10, 2016 with a statewide random sample of 414 New Hampshire voters drawn from a list of registered Republican and independent voters who participated in a primary election in the past two election cycles or voted in both the 2012 and 2014 general elections, and indicate they will vote in the Republican presidential primary in February 2016. This was supplemented by a sample of new voters who say they are likely to register and vote in the Republican primary.
This includes 287 contacted by a live interviewer on a landline telephone and 127 contacted by a live interviewer on a cell phone, in English.

trump 32%
jeb 4%

you don't have to vote
just attend a trump rally
it is great theater
he will say what you want to hear
it will all be better


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame

Go Chry go!!!




Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
you don't have to vote
just attend a trump rally
it is great theater
he will say what you want to hear
it will all be better

Kinda like all that gas the RINO's gave us two years ago to gain control of the senate and do absolutely nothing with it except acquiesce to every whim of this president. You mean like that right?


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Landline (375) and cellphone (425) numbers were randomly selected from a statewide voter file of registered New Hampshire voters using a probability proportionate to size method. This simply means that phone numbers are proportionally representative to the number of voters in all regions across the state of New Hampshire.

this is from the The Fox News Poll

please explain it to me
you understand it


like marbles on glass
Landline (375) and cellphone (425) numbers were randomly selected from a statewide voter file of registered New Hampshire voters using a probability proportionate to size method. This simply means that phone numbers are proportionally representative to the number of voters in all regions across the state of New Hampshire.

this is from the The Fox News Poll

please explain it to me
you understand it

It's a type of probability sampling, which is good, that's the kind you want. It uses a specific process to make sure that individuals from larger and smaller clusters have the same probability of being included in a sample. I don't know, I'm only guessing, that in referencing "all regions across the state," that what they're saying is that they've weighted the poll so that people in remote or lightly populated areas have the same statistical probability of being sampled as those in urban or densely populated areas, even if, for example, in more lightly populated areas, people may be more likely to have a landline and people in cities more likely to have a cell phone.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
It's a type of probability sampling, which is good, that's the kind you want.

not what I want

all I want to know
did they vote in the republican primary in 2008 and 2012
you can know that before you make the call
you ask them who they would vote for today
without giving them a list

this does eliminate first time voters
you have to know
they don't start with primaries


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
All the speculation ends in 15 days and we will all see if the polls are correct or even remotely close.


New member
Hall of Fame
At least we will know what we are working with, I have a hunch that the polls are very close or maybe even understated.

Except because of the stupid primary season we won't really know yet. But more candidates will start to get weeded out.