Did you just say something?
you are an enemy of The Cross, IMO - Hush child
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Did you just say something?
Or, the third option: All men are born with the capacity to choose, but all choose to reject God and thus all require salvation — save one.There are only two options:
1. Deny all are born in the sin of Adam and therefore possess some "seed" of grace.
2. Recognize the original sin of all Adam's progeny, being dead in their state of sin, requiring God the Holy Spirit, through the ordinary means of the preaching of the Gospel, to regenerate those God the Father has purposed to regenerate such that they will possess the moral capacity to do nothing but believe the Gospel (monergism).
People do not go to hell because they do not hear the gospel.How is God just if there are those who die as sinners and go to hell that never got a chance to hear the gospel?
How would what be any different?How would that be any different?
:dizzy: Grammar is your friend.If God elected a people from every tribe, tongue, and nation according to his divine purposes (Ephesians 1:4-5; 1 Peter 1:1-3; Rev. 5:9b) and only saving those any different than God not revealing his gospel to parts of the earth where people have never heard it and die in there sins? .
Or, the third option: All men are born with the capacity to choose, but all choose to reject God and thus all require salvation — save one.
There are only two options:
1. Deny all are born in the sin of Adam and therefore possess some "seed" of grace (prevenient grace as the Romanists and Arminians assert) such that the person can actually participate in their re-birth (synergism)
2. Recognize the original sin of all Adam's progeny, being dead in their state of sin, requiring God the Holy Spirit, through the ordinary means of the preaching of the Gospel, to regenerate those God the Father has purposed to regenerate such that they will possess the moral capacity to do nothing but believe the Gospel (monergism).
And the Lord said, “Because the outcry against Sodom and Gomorrah is great, and because their sin is very grave, I will go down now and see whether they have done altogether according to the outcry against it that has come to Me; and if not, I will know.”Does God ever learn anything?
And the Lord said, “Because the outcry against Sodom and Gomorrah is great, and because their sin is very grave, I will go down now and see whether they have done altogether according to the outcry against it that has come to Me; and if not, I will know.”
-Genesis 18:20-21
And the Lord said, “Because the outcry against Sodom and Gomorrah is great, and because their sin is very grave, I will go down now and see whether they have done altogether according to the outcry against it that has come to Me; and if not, I will know.”
-Genesis 18:20-21
Ah, you're taking it out of context, Lighthouse.
See? I knew of of our reformed divines would 'splain it to us.
I have to say it is a pleasure to get the chance to answer this question. But when I have answered it, Mr Orr has agreed to answer the converse question from a Calvinist or reformed perspective.How is God just if there are those who die as sinners and go to hell that never got a chance to hear the gospel? Unless . . . you don't believe that we are all by nature sinners and under God's wrath for our sin.
So let me begin by summarising the open theist position. Well, it is my position, not necessarily that of other open theists. Although I am reasonably confident that it is their perspective as well.If I secretly compel you to perform an act, then publicly condemn you for performing it as if YOU CHOSE to do it (which you did not because you didn't HAVE the power of choice), what words would describe me and my actions in this illustration?
I emphasised the relevant text. Sin can only be committed with knowledge and intent. The (reformed) doctrine of original sin (of course this doctrine did not originate in the reformation but in my view it was the reformation that promoted it in its most crystal clear form)... By the way, I am defining sin in the present context as the deliberate and willing commission of a wicked act. In this context I am not defining it as merely the breaking of some law, though, hopefully, you would expect that law generally would be consistent with goodness. Paul is obviously concerned to make this very point when he says that human beings from Adam to Moses still sinned even though the law was not given. (Rom. 5) Sin is punishable by definition... Therefore the doctrine of the original sin and culpability of every individual from birth is self-contradictory. This fits in with my schema I gave recently for deciding if some or other theology was correct. The doctrine fails the first test of coherence. Therefore we do not go any further with it. We do not attempt to justify it by other methods such as proof texting from the Bible. All the many texts which its supporters adduce from Scripture cannot overcome its inherent incoherence.How is God just if there are those who die as sinners...?
Notice how Paul, when preaching to the unchurched, to rank heathens, does not begin with the 'four spiritual laws'. He does not tell them that they are all sinners condemned to hell. Surely he would have done this if the doctrine of original sin was correct? Instead he speaks of the possibility of these men groping for God and finding him and he speaks of God overlooking the times of ignorance. This is perhaps just an inkling into Paul's concept of the heathen and perhaps on its own it is not sufficient to justify a specific doctrine of salvation without explicit belief in Christ but whatever it is, is certainly anything but the Gospel according to Calvin.and He made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined their appointed times and the boundaries of their habitation, <sup class="versenum">27 </sup>that they would seek God, if perhaps they might grope for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us;
How then is there not one who 'chooses' to not reject God?Or, the third option: All men are born with the capacity to choose, but all choose to reject God and thus all require salvation — save one.
Absolutely. If God didn't know, He isn't God. There is no way you can be a little god of your own universe, or else you are a Mormon, and God isn't God. It might 'look' good on paper, but the logical end of a God who is subject to His Creation, means He is a 'created' god and someone or something is greater than he.Ah, you're taking it out of context, Lighthouse.
See? I knew of of our reformed divines would 'splain it to us.
Incidentally...the sleazy ploy of caricaturing sola fide as synergistic whenever it's proclaimed by non-Calvinists shows just how shady and warped Calvinistic thinking has gotten.
:nono: It is just the way Calvinists 'think.' That isn't sleazy.I like your incidentals!
It was interesting that the reformers lied about this. They proclaimed that it was only by faith that one could be saved and everyone, as they expected and intended, latched onto it because it was an implicit rejection of indulgences. And of course everyone was ready to pile onto that bandwagon.
But having got people on the bandwagon, the true colours of the bandwagon became apparent: there was absolutely nothing at all that you could do to be saved. Not by faith alone, not by scripture alone. Not by anything at all.
And then I said3. God is completely just and judges according the heart, not according to the outward appearance.
I just want to clarify, in case anyone thinks I have contradicted myself, that the reformed view of man's sinfulness being a tendency to sin is merely a statistical tendency (my choice of words). The heart refers to the intentions. God doesn't judge you merely for having a likelihood of sinning, even if that likelihod is 100%. Judging the heart is not the same as judging on the basis of your tendencies. Babies do not have such intentions.At any rate, this is the open theist position. We deny that man is by nature sinful and/or that the tendency to sin is culpable in itself. Only the actual of commission of sin is culpable. Men will be judged according to their deeds, not according to how they were made.
I like your incidentals!
It was interesting that the reformers lied about this. They proclaimed that it was only by faith that one could be saved and everyone, as they expected and intended, latched onto it because it was an implicit rejection of indulgences. And of course everyone was ready to pile onto that bandwagon.
But having got people on the bandwagon, the true colours of the bandwagon became apparent: there was absolutely nothing at all that you could do to be saved. From your perspective it was just luck. Not by faith alone, not by scripture alone. Not by anything at all.
At least the Catholics could buy indulgences!
And the jailer cried 'What must I do to be saved?' And Paul answered 'Nothing. You just need to be lucky.'
And the jailer cried 'What must I do to be saved?' And Paul answered 'Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ...if you can.'
:think:I wrote
The open view is ...is realistic and truthful ....
And the Lord said, “Because the outcry against Sodom and Gomorrah is great, and because their sin is very grave, I will go down now and see whether they have done altogether according to the outcry against it that has come to Me; and if not, I will know.”
-Genesis 18:20-21
Oh, now, God was just pretending to go down and find out. He didn't really mean it. It's a figure of speech. Ancient allegorical idiom. Poetical license. Non-literal literalism. Or something, anything, other than the flat meaning of the Words.