Well-known member
I can, if need be. In a nutshell: To save you. Romans 9:22,23
No. Romans 9 deals with the objection that self-righteous Jews were sure to raise upon being informed that they as a nation were at risk being set aside by God. Thus the chapter focuses on God's historical use of nations for His own purposes...starting with Abraham...then Jacob and Esau, representing the nations they'd father, Gen 25:23...then unrepentant Pharaoh representing Egypt, dashed to pieces to demonstrate God's power...then a timely reference to Isaiah's warning to Israel. The chapter is not about individuals chosen, or not chosen, to soul salvation. That's called eisegesis; for if you are correct, then Rom 9:33 not only makes no sense but is a lie, unless you're willing to dip your toe in the rank puddle of the gnostic's secret knowledge of God's reprobative will. But I think you already said you're not willing to go there.
No. As I recall, he was offended that it was even asked but didn't address it.Ask Mr. Religion has answered it here on TOL as well, if I remember rightly.
Nor have you.
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