ECT A further MAD error 2

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
She denies that the faith and finished work of Christ 2000 years before any of us no good, double dog Gentiles were even born is enough to save ALL! She has NO good news!~

There are a few "Calvinists" on TOL, that I have a civil relationship
with! The others always appear, angry, argumentative, superior,
and somewhat boorish! Nang is one of the worst posters on this
forum, Calvinist or not!


Well-known member
God's enemies (which again goes against your Supralapsarianism)!

Romans 5:10 For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more, being reconciled, we shall be saved by his life.

She denies that the faith and finished work of Christ 2000 years before any of us no good, double dog Gentiles were even born is enough to save ALL! She has NO good news!~

And now we's lappin' it up! :noid:

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
A "true Calvinist" believes that God chose whom He would save
before the foundation of the world, and the remainder, not of the
"Elect" will suffer "eternal damnation!" In order to be a Calvinist,
one must change the character and intent of the God of the Bible!

Grosnick Marowbe

New member
Hall of Fame
You deny it, by perverting it.

It CLEARLY states that those who are in Christ were chosen TO BE holy and blameless. Not chosen to be saved.

"According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love"

Good post!

patrick jane

Uh, all you had to do was answer whether you believe that God is a Covenantal God, if that is what you believe.

If you believe so, why are you making such a big fuss?

all work and no play makes . . . oh, wait, that's jack, not john w - but seriously it was a loaded question ? he just probably gets tired of doing the verbal waltz. i see where he's coming from sometimes. i wouldn't answer it myself though. trying to define God never works for me - :patrol:


TOL Subscriber
We've already been through this in this same thread, and NOW you are just being the same old dishonest witch, who knows full well not only what I have said about this, but also what God has said about this.

I am convinced that you are just a troll, who does not believe in God one single bit. You are just allowed on this site to stir up trouble, lie, slander, and mislead others, all to the benefit of bringing people back here to debate you.

Eph 1:3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ:

Who is the "us" being blessed with every spiritual blessing? Those who are "in Christ.

I know, you reject that believers are in Christ. However, that is what Paul says, and you hate Paul, and the God who gave him the gospel.

Eph 1:4 According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love:

Those "in Him" (in Christ = us) were chosen before the foundation of the world THAT WE (those in Christ) SHOULD BE holy and blameless before Him.

You left off the rest of the verse because it PROVES what a manipulative witch you are.

Paul plainly states that God chose that all who are in Christ (not you) will be holy and without blame.

You godless pervert.

You seem to not be very bright, for you make no sense or follow through with good Scriptural argument at all. :dunce:


New member
You seem to not be very bright, for you make no sense or follow through with good Scriptural argument at all.
Liar, and you know you are lying. You're a dog. Go return to the vomit you spew.

Those verses say exactly what I showed you they say. Any honest person in Christ knows it, but you cannot know it, because you have not the Spirit of God in you. All you have is the same demon your church has.


TOL Subscriber
all work and no play makes . . . oh, wait, that's jack, not john w - but seriously it was a loaded question ? he just probably gets tired of doing the verbal waltz. i see where he's coming from sometimes. i wouldn't answer it myself though. trying to define God never works for me - :patrol:

Do you believe your Maker is a Covenantal God?

If so, why so?

If not, why not?

This is not a "loaded question" but a strait-forward question about why you believe in God.


New member
I answer your question about a verse, and then you respond with:

You seem to not be very bright, for you make no sense or follow through with good Scriptural argument at all. :dunce:

Then you report me by saying this:

Continual verbal harassment and name-calling from this poster, without cause.

You are a hypocritical pig


Well-known member
"Exclusively Christian" and so I'm ashamed of things said in this section. We cannot 'hide' Godliness behind purposeful meaningless insult. "If" an insult is warranted, it should be a sad description, reluctantly given, not a joyous rapture of doctrinal delight. One might wonder whom you actually serve. See my sig. I'm working on it this year. A few others might want to do the same.

The only part of my sin I will glory in, is in the cleansing blood of the Cross but my sin too, placed Him there. My joy is rarely without tears of His necessity. He begged His Father to avoid it. I may sin boldly, but not without understanding that great cost. I tend to sin sheepishly when those droplets fall on me and I see them.

The blood of Jesus does indeed cleanse us from all unrighteousness, but never without great cost to Him.

Luke 7:47 Therefore, I tell you, her many sins have been forgiven--as her great love has shown. But whoever has been forgiven little, loves little.


New member
"Exclusively Christian" and so I'm ashamed of things said in this section. We cannot 'hide' Godliness behind purposeful meaningless insult. "If" an insult is warranted, it should be a sad description, reluctantly given, not a joyous rapture of doctrinal delight. One might wonder whom you actually serve. See my sig. I'm working on it this year. A few others might want to do the same.
You are so full of dung, I don't know how you see your keyboard.

You insult people just as much as others do. The difference is, you have a rather rigid finger pointing at everyone else.

Lazy afternoon

Liar, and you know you are lying. You're a dog. Go return to the vomit you spew.

Those verses say exactly what I showed you they say. Any honest person in Christ knows it, but you cannot know it, because you have not the Spirit of God in you. All you have is the same demon your church has.

You are not going to let Doom talk to you like that are you?



Well-known member
Not sure what you said, Doom (ignore, remember?) "Love much." Paul was killing Christians, not just opposing Christ's gospel. If God can save him, He can save a Calvinist wretch like me, and a MADist wretch like you. For me, that's a very Calvinist notion, that God saved Paul when he was not looking for it, against even his will as it were, to even strike him blind. If I am wrong, I'm happy to be shown wrong and open to correction (though not specifically yours at the moment). This same Paul, wrote the book of Romans that explains God choosing. This does NOT mean I believe God arbitrarily chooses some while not others. I know the negative of Limited Atonement, but that's not what I believe. It is rather a very ugly caricature that I have heaped upon me, often. I am told to gladly take stripes for Him and I do have to look to 1 Peter to wonder if these are my own stripes or His. I'm not sure if you agree that 1 Peter even applies to my Gentile self. A few people on TOL don't bother to ask or correct. Nick has always asked first. I really appreciate him for that. He and other's examples have led me to this year's resolution to attack less, defend more.

In Him,



Well-known member
Interesting that Nang said in her report to the woodshed,

His eternal soul can be lost if he does not repent of his attitude
Consider carefully what this reveals about Nang's core beliefs.

Calvinists believe the elect (whoever they are) can't lose their salvation; they'll be persevered unto the end by God. They likewise don't believe reprobates even have salvation, so they can't very well lose it.

So how exactly is Nick in risk of "losing his eternal soul" if he doesn't start being nice to Nang? If he's a reprobate, his soul is already unsavably lost. If he's elect, God can't possibly lose hold of him.

A confused lady, she is.