9/11 American Muslims


New member
I accept that I know very little about almost everything. I accept that I have much to learn and, I am willing to learn.
I am willing to take in new information and change my opinion or modify my opinion.
You and me both, sister. This world is tough and I am an idealist which, unfortunately, opens me up to being disappointed, a lot. I will take a peek at the book you are referring to and see what it is all about, I have never heard of the author.


Well-known member
Comparisons can be dangerously misleading. They often seek to minimize the clear and present danger of today.
I don't give half-a-rat's-hind-end for what happened yesterday.
Let us marshal our resources to tackle today's problems.

I'll agree with that. Interesting as history is, the main question is how to deal with today's problems.


New member
Plenty of Christians on this very site who also support violence against minorities and opposing faiths, the difference is I do not judge all Christians by those actions and beliefs.

The Muslims have been attacking the Christians since the beginning of Islam. Naturally there are Christians who believe they have a right to defend themselves.

Allah is not the God of Abraham. Allah is the short form for Alilah. Mohammad did not know the name of God, so he said to the Arabs; you already believe Allah is a god, why not believe he is the only god.
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New member
The Muslims have been attacking the Christians since the beginning of Islam. Naturally there are Christians who believe they have a right to defend themselves.

Allah is not the God of Abraham. Allah is the short for of Alilah. Mohammad did not know the name of God, so he said to the Arabs; you already believe Allah is a god, why not believe he is the only god.
Whatever lets you sleep at night... :yawn:


New member
Turkish fans booed during a minute of silence for those killed in the Paris attacks. According to the CIA World Facts Book, 99.8 percent of the Turkish population is Muslim.

I watch world news all the time and did not see that reported.

Another thing not being reported is, all the crimes the refugees are committing.

Let's face it, Islam is a nasty piece of work.


New member
“We did have some celebrating — that is true,” Giuliani said on CNN's...
Muslims celebrating on 9/11
Don't you know that it went unnoticed by most all people. Peoples attention was on the news and the buildings falling, not Muslims on the roof tops.

Any such story on the news would have been pulled immediately for national security reasons.


New member
“We did have some celebrating — that is true,” Giuliani said on CNN's...
Muslims celebrating on 9/11
Don't you know that it went unnoticed by most all people. Peoples attention was on the news and the buildings falling, not Muslims on the roof tops.

Any such story on the news would have been pulled immediately for national security reasons.
What are you going on about, this time? :rolleyes:


New member
The woman who joined her husband in killing 14 people in California pledged allegiance to the leader of the militant group Islamic State. The marriage was an excuse to bring Tashfeen Malik into the United States.


Well-known member
Devout Muslims, Like Syed Farook, Recite Koranic Verse Cursing Jews and Christians 17 Times Per Day

You tube-Ken Okeefe Press TV Commentary-Paris False Flag Nov 14, 2015. A another view that shows who you are really supporting with all this right wing dis-info.

Might want to watch the video on the USS Liberty while your at it, which also exposes good ole Israel for who they really are, ISIS.

patrick jane

You tube-Ken Okeefe Press TV Commentary-Paris False Flag Nov 14, 2015. A another view that shows who you are really supporting with all this right wing dis-info.

Might want to watch the video on the USS Liberty while your at it, which also exposes good ole Israel for who they really are, ISIS.

Wait !! Israel IS ISIS ? No way


Well-known member
Wait !! Israel IS ISIS ? No way

Mossad's Motto, By Way of Deception Thou Shalt Do War, It's working! Israel citizens sent over to Document 9-11, found Dancing in the street, but you heard it was Muslims didn't ya, never mind just a little deception by the same folks who tried to sink the USS Liberty, but ya know they couldn't do it, and while they have you distracted looking at their deceptions you will likely sink unless you wake up.


I remember a news agency broadcasting American Muslims celebrating on 9/11. I looked for the broad cast to be repeated but it never aired again. Don't you know, news stories get pulled by the government if they threaten the peace? The Government also hides certain statistics in order to keep the peace. Well, I suppose they have that right to do so. I guess what bothers me is that people are mislead and kept in the dark. Maybe they are right, maybe keeping the peace is more important.

Telling the truth is more important.

American Muslims celebrating 9/11 mass murder

Filthy barbarians.