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some translation would have you count or calculate the number 666

Revelation 13:18 (ESV) | In Context | Whole Chapter

18 This calls for wisdom: let the one who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and his number is 666.

which once again brings us to gibbon who says

"Forty-six years after the flight of Mahomet from Mecca, his disciples appeared in arms under the walls of Constantinople"

from chapter 52

now all you need is an islamic calendar calculator

now all you have to do is plug in 46 which we got from gibbon
you will get 666

I think gibbon knew that

another way to calculate this year

You are wise to hold Edward Gibbon in high esteem as one of the great English historians of the Roman Empire, but he was no friend of Catholicism. Indeed, he saw the corruption of the bishops and of Constantine, and I'm sure he saw the structure of the beast of Rome flow like maternal blood into the curia of the church.


Well-known member
you are afraid
to talk about the beasts

don't be afraid

I'm not at all afraid to talk about the beasts. I thought the O.P. concerned the number of the second beast and my remarks were aimed more toward that subject. The information given of God about the second beast includes the passage concerning buying and selling mentioned previously. If you ignore this you miss important information necessary to understand both Revelation 13 and Daniel 7, 11 and 12, ; but, more to the point, you miss important information about the nature of the number.


Well-known member

if you search daniel for the word number, you get this

Daniel 9:2 In the first year of his reign I Daniel understood by books the number of the years, whereof the word of the Lord came to Jeremiah the prophet, that he would accomplish seventy years in the desolations of Jerusalem.

that is why I started thinking it was a year

very few history books have anything happening that year
some have islam attacking shortly thereafter
gibbon gets closer than any of them
he also points out the problem others have with the dates

“In this inquiry I shall unfold the events that rescued our ancestors of Britain, and our neighbours of Gaul, from the civil and religious yoke of the Koran; that protected the majesty of Rome, and delayed the servitude of Constantinople; that invigorated the defence of the Christians, and scattered among their enemies the seeds of division and decay.”

The Decline And Fall Of The Roman Empire by Edward Gibbon

I will always remember the first time I read this. It was early on in my research of the Apocalypse, Islam, and the Byzantine Empire and I was not sure where this was leading me but at that moment in time a historian of the eighteenth century told me I was on the right track.

Gibbon's footnote on the date is very interesting. His date 668 is at least five years earlier than most historians and I think he is still two years off

back to
the apocalypse

The mark is your legal name! try not living without it for a month and see the trap your in! every time you use it you comment fraud in ignorance, but as they say in the legal world that is no excuse.

They own you lock stock and barrel if you use it.


Well-known member
The mark is your legal name! try not living without it for a month and see the trap your in! every time you use it you comment fraud in ignorance, but as they say in the legal world that is no excuse.

They own you lock stock and barrel if you use it.

That is one possibility in that it is a personal identifier but how do you tie that to the right hand or forehead?


Well-known member
That is one possibility in that it is a personal identifier but how do you tie that to the right hand or forehead?

The mind (programmed from birth, think shipping terms) controls the hand, which signs the legal name in cursive, curse, spells, etc................lose the name win the soul game.


Well-known member
The mind (programmed from birth, think shipping terms) controls the hand, which signs the legal name in cursive, curse, spells, etc................lose the name win the soul game.

Okay, so, now how do you see this mark tied to the number and the name?


I'm not at all afraid to talk about the beasts. I thought the O.P. concerned the number of the second beast and my remarks were aimed more toward that subject. The information given of God about the second beast includes the passage concerning buying and selling mentioned previously. If you ignore this you miss important information necessary to understand both Revelation 13 and Daniel 7, 11 and 12, ; but, more to the point, you miss important information about the nature of the number.
Intrigued, can you talk more about this, and/or the highlit in particular?

Thanks. :)


Well-known member
Intrigued, can you talk more about this, and/or the highlit in particular?

Thanks. :)

Sure. I think that the parallels between portions of Daniel and Revelation make it obvious they are talking about the same thing. With this thought a given it stands to reason that each contains clues about the subject they both address for those open to the notion. Those addressing this subject might be divided into two camps; those believing these passages address future events and those believing they are prophecy fulfilled. These two camps have numerous subdivisions who have developed numerous interpretations of some of the relevant passages to explain their stance while ignoring others. Though I am a member of no denomination I have to admit that I am among those who sees this portion as yet to be fulfilled as I have not seen an argument sufficient yet to make me think otherwise.

One of the reasons for my belief is that history has yet to record a time in which the world wide control of commerce implied in Rev 13 has been implemented. Cash allows for a purchasing autonomy that would seem to be precluded by Rev 13 and so I have anticipated us moving toward a cashless society for some time and it does indeed appear that we are moving in that direction. This control is associated with a mark, number and name (hats off to Zeke in that a signature is still a part of this enterprise). For me personally any interpretation of Rev 13 is going to have to include all three to be convincing.

I have noted with interest the ever diminishing list of things you can do monetarily without a SSN as well as the ever increasing requirement of thumbprint (right hand of course) and/or retinal scan (forehead) to obtain the identification necessary for commerce. I have yet to discern a good candidate for “the name”. As sir Issac Newton once noted, prophecy isn't there for us to tell what is going to happen before it does so much as it is to recognize what we are seeing when it happens. I think he was right.

I don't think we are there yet but we may well be sneaking up on it. Gradualism is the time worn tool of our enemy and though many see the events of Revelation and Daniel as some sort of a light switch that will suddenly be thrown I rather suspect our adversary will attempt to boil that frog by raising the bath water one degree at a time.


Sure. I think that the parallels between portions of Daniel and Revelation make it obvious they are talking about the same thing. With this thought a given it stands to reason that each contains clues about the subject they both address for those open to the notion. Those addressing this subject might be divided into two camps; those believing these passages address future events and those believing they are prophecy fulfilled. These two camps have numerous subdivisions who have developed numerous interpretations of some of the relevant passages to explain their stance while ignoring others. Though I am a member of no denomination I have to admit that I am among those who sees this portion as yet to be fulfilled as I have not seen an argument sufficient yet to make me think otherwise.

One of the reasons for my belief is that history has yet to record a time in which the world wide control of commerce implied in Rev 13 has been implemented. Cash allows for a purchasing autonomy that would seem to be precluded by Rev 13 and so I have anticipated us moving toward a cashless society for some time and it does indeed appear that we are moving in that direction. This control is associated with a mark, number and name (hats off to Zeke in that a signature is still a part of this enterprise). For me personally any interpretation of Rev 13 is going to have to include all three to be convincing.

I have noted with interest the ever diminishing list of things you can do monetarily without a SSN as well as the ever increasing requirement of thumbprint (right hand of course) and/or retinal scan (forehead) to obtain the identification necessary for commerce. I have yet to discern a good candidate for “the name”. As sir Issac Newton once noted, prophecy isn't there for us to tell what is going to happen before it does so much as it is to recognize what we are seeing when it happens. I think he was right.

I don't think we are there yet but we may well be sneaking up on it. Gradualism is the time worn tool of our enemy and though many see the events of Revelation and Daniel as some sort of a light switch that will suddenly be thrown I rather suspect our adversary will attempt to boil that frog by raising the bath water one degree at a time.
What do you think of Solomon? Do you think there's an association between Solomon and 666? 1st Kings 10:14, 2nd Chronicles 9:13

Solomon was the Son of David, and King of the Jews. He reigned over the united Kingdom of Israel, just before they divided. He wrote about and is know for "wisdom" and "understanding." Revelation 13:18

And he had a thousand wives and concubines. :idunno:


Well-known member
What do you think of Solomon? Do you think there's an association between Solomon and 666? 1st Kings 10:14, 2nd Chronicles 9:13

Solomon was the Son of David, and King of the Jews. He reigned over the united Kingdom of Israel, just before they divided. He wrote about and is know for "wisdom" and "understanding." Revelation 13:18

Aside from the obvious numerological similarity I would have to say the one that first leaps to mind for me is ... money.

And he had a thousand wives and concubines. :idunno:

Indeed he did ... and if I were to look for a reason for his eventual disfavor with God I suspect one could do worse than start there.


Aside from the obvious numerological similarity I would have to say the one that first leaps to mind for me is ... money.
That is really interesting because poster George Affleck is of the same mind, and two's a trend. Thanks for sharing it.
Indeed he did ... and if I were to look for a reason for his eventual disfavor with God I suspect one could do worse than start there.
Solomon built Jerusalem's temple, and wrecked David's kingdom, in 40 years. The son of perdition.

Christ built the Church, the temple of the Holy Spirit, and the kingdom of Heaven in seed form on earth, and wrecked Jerusalem's temple, in 40 years.

There are nine people outside the Catholic, Orthodox (including Anglican) and Lutheran (including tens of thousands of ecclesial communities) churches for every five people inside. 9-to-5.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
there is a man who is not the beast
the number ties them together
the man could be the Antichrist
the Antichrist is not the beast


Well-known member
Solomon built Jerusalem's temple, and wrecked David's kingdom, in 40 years. The son of perdition.

Both Solomon and his father reigned 40 years. Each had their successes and failures. I'm not sure I understand what you see as being a failure on Solomon's part sufficient to label him in this manner. The Bible records two instances of the use of this term; one historical when Judas was indwelt by Satan (John 17:12) and one that appears to point to a future event (2 Thessalonians 2:3). We may well be looking at the same phenomenon just prior to Jesus' death and His return.

Christ built the Church, the temple of the Holy Spirit, and the kingdom of Heaven in seed form on earth, and wrecked Jerusalem's temple, in 40 years.

The biblical study of the number 40 is one that will bear fruit for those so inclined.

There are nine people outside the Catholic, Orthodox (including Anglican) and Lutheran (including tens of thousands of ecclesial communities) churches for every five people inside. 9-to-5.

Not sure I understand the significance of this thought.


Well-known member
Okay, so, now how do you see this mark tied to the number and the name?

When you write or use that name it is the same as the origin of the historical custom of making your mark in the past before many could write their name, the literal hides the truth and the obvious chain the legal world holds on you, your a dead man walking while consenting to use it which is fraud, and why they summons the dead to court in front of the presiding Judge.

The number part should also be obvious once the legal veil falls from your eyes.


Both Solomon and his father reigned 40 years. Each had their successes and failures. I'm not sure I understand what you see as being a failure on Solomon's part sufficient to label him in this manner.
He destroyed the united kingdom his father King David built, because this kingdom divided right after Solomon's death, so, he wasn't able to preserve it through succession. It could be said that David was to blame, since he only catechized Solomon sufficiently to preserve the kingdom during Solomon's own lifetime.

But Solomon's temple persisted beyond the division, and it was even rebuilt when it was ruined by Nebuchadnezzar II, so succession regarding God's temple was successfully in place, and this was the important part. :)
The Bible records two instances of the use of this term; one historical when Judas was indwelt by Satan (John 17:12) and one that appears to point to a future event (2 Thessalonians 2:3). We may well be looking at the same phenomenon just prior to Jesus' death and His return.
Solomon was the son of David, and he seems to have lived his whole life "in the flesh," plus the above mentioned splintering of David's kingdom.

That was my thought.
The biblical study of the number 40 is one that will bear fruit for those so inclined.
Uh-huh. The flood, the wandering in the desert, the temptation of Jesus, the time from Jesus' prophecy of the temple's ruin and its fulfillment . . . . Yup.
Not sure I understand the significance of this thought.
The Church---Jesus' temple (Matthew 16:18)---is a big temple!


Well-known member
When you write or use that name it is the same as the origin of the historical custom of making your mark in the past before many could write their name, the literal hides the truth and the obvious chain the legal world holds on you, your a dead man walking while consenting to use it which is fraud, and why they summons the dead to court in front of the presiding Judge.

The number part should also be obvious once the legal veil falls from your eyes.

I suspect you are referring to the legal creature created by the use of all caps in a persons name on legal documentation. Not sure I care to try and unravel the rest of what you offered until I figure out if I understand that much correctly.


Well-known member
I suspect you are referring to the legal creature created by the use of all caps in a persons name on legal documentation. Not sure I care to try and unravel the rest of what you offered until I figure out if I understand that much correctly.

The facts show people are dependent on that legal name, which through fraud was attached to your being at birth, the certified paper of your birth makes you crown property and everything you register in that name is also.

I can't make you see it by debating, just cut up your driver license, credit cards, close your bank account, try not using it for just one month and you will grasp my points! The fear of not being able to buy or sell with out it will expose the truth of the system.

Four years and counting for me, no ID or beast permission to be alive and act in my freewill. Do no harm is the only universal law that counts, the rest is man made fraud to in-slave and reap souls and mine minds by killing the free being at birth, lose the name get reborn.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
we have been warned about the beast
we have been warned about the Antichrist

somebody should be looking for them


Well-known member
The facts show people are dependent on that legal name, which through fraud was attached to your being at birth, the certified paper of your birth makes you crown property and everything you register in that name is also.

I am familiar with this notion.

I can't make you see it by debating, just cut up your driver license, credit cards, close your bank account, try not using it for just one month and you will grasp my points! The fear of not being able to buy or sell with out it will expose the truth of the system.

I don't have any of the things you list.

Four years and counting for me, no ID or beast permission to be alive and act in my freewill. Do no harm is the only universal law that counts, the rest is man made fraud to in-slave and reap souls and mine minds by killing the free being at birth, lose the name get reborn.

I opted out in '98. We evidently got to the same place by different paths.