
Please don't think I am "resisting" as much as offering an observation. I should not have stated it so emphatically. You are using the first and most important rule of interpretation: Compare Scripture with Scripture. Most do not.

I am merely pointing out that, as Kings and Chronicles are historical narrative, if we read it as the simple sentence it is meant to be, and in context, 666 modifies the word 'gold' not 'Solomon'.

Grammatically, Solomon is farther away, in the essence of the sentence, than is the gold, from 666. It would seem to me that gold should be the number 1 suspect here, if at all. If you have a reason to disregard this, say on.

Also, Kings and Chronicles are actually recording the same history, much the same as the 4 gospels give the same basic history. This would mean that both references together should be considered as descriptions of one and not two separate records. This reduces your original idea from 2 refs. in the OT to (qualitatively) 1, the same quantity as in the NT.
I'm not saying that gold is not involved, I'm saying that Solomon is not not involved.


New member
Please don't think I am "resisting" as much as offering an observation. I should not have stated it so emphatically. You are using the first and most important rule of interpretation: Compare Scripture with Scripture. Most do not.

I am merely pointing out that, as Kings and Chronicles are historical narrative, if we read it as the simple sentence it is meant to be, and in context, 666 modifies the word 'gold' not 'Solomon'.

Grammatically, Solomon is farther away, in the essence of the sentence, than is the gold, from 666. It would seem to me that gold should be the number 1 suspect here, if at all. If you have a reason to disregard this, say on.

Also, Kings and Chronicles are actually recording the same history, much the same as the 4 gospels give the same basic history. This would mean that both references together should be considered as descriptions of one and not two separate records. This reduces your original idea from 2 refs. in the OT to (qualitatively) 1, the same quantity as in the NT.

I just don't think it is as obvious as you do, but; :carryon:

Good observations. Gold is what turned Solomon away from God - wealth. But 666 is not the number of his name. Besides this is a prophecy in Revelation and does not directly refer back in time. But it is a hint to follow the money. The man related to the beast directs great wealth. Hmm. What is the wealthiest church on earth?


Well-known member
There would appear to be four different things referenced in the passage in question; mark, number, name, number of his name ... though it could be argued that items 2 and 3 could be accounted for in item number 4.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
There would appear to be four different things referenced in the passage in question; mark, number, name, number of his name ... though it could be argued that items 2 and 3 could be accounted for in item number 4.

Revelation 13:17King James Version (KJV)

17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.


Well-known member
16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

I posted what I did to point out that most folks simply referred to the mark when addressing this passage and leave out the rest. Speaking of mark, the word in the Koine Greek is "charagma". In its earlier usage it was a mark that verified the identity of the person who gave it ... the kings signet ring being the most common example. The word even connotes a downward pressure. The point being we would appear to be talking about a means of personal identification without which you can't buy or sell.

Sound familiar yet?


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Hall of Fame
some translation would have you count or calculate the number 666

Revelation 13:18 (ESV) | In Context | Whole Chapter

18 This calls for wisdom: let the one who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and his number is 666.

which once again brings us to gibbon who says

"Forty-six years after the flight of Mahomet from Mecca, his disciples appeared in arms under the walls of Constantinople"

from chapter 52

now all you need is an islamic calendar calculator

now all you have to do is plug in 46 which we got from gibbon
you will get 666

I think gibbon knew that

there is another way to calculate the number 666

the gregorian calendar didn't start until 1582
it replaced the julian calendar which was in effect when the apocalypse was written
it started in 45 BC
julius caesar was assassinated in 44 BC
based on regnal years 44 BC would be the beginning
add the year of the hijra 622
you get 666

that is the beginning of the islamic calendar


Well-known member
there is another way to calculate the number 666

the gregorian calendar didn't start until 1582
it replaced the julian calendar which was in effect when the apocalypse was written
it started in 45 BC
julius caesar was assassinated in 44 BC
based on regnal years 44 BC would be the beginning
add the year of the hijra 622
you get 666

that is the beginning of the islamic calendar

I'm not sure I understand what all this has to do with buying and selling.


Well-known member
are you looking for a beast?
are you looking for those who are part of the beast?
are you just refusing to look?

I am looking for some way that what you offer interfaces with the subject of buying and selling which is the point and purpose of the mark, number and name ... to control buying and selling.

And I'm failing.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I am looking for some way that what you offer interfaces with the subject of buying and selling which is the point and purpose of the mark, number and name ... to control buying and selling.

And I'm failing.

chapter 13 is about the two beasts
the number is there to help you find them
forget about the buying and selling


Well-known member
chapter 13 is about the two beasts
the number is there to help you find them
forget about the buying and selling

Oh, I'm afraid it's ALL about the money. Remember what the root of ALL evil is? Carve that out of your theology at your own peril.

False Prophet

New member
Daniel is speaking of the seventy year exile of the Judeans into Babylon. Nebuchadrezzar over run Jerusalem around 609 BC. Zedekiah rebelled, and Nebuchadrezzar returned in 589 BC. We can be pretty sure of first millennium dating, because of a total eclipse of the sun was mentioned in the Limmu Lists. Modern astronomy was used to calculate when this occurred in the Middle East. Cyrus freed the people when he took Babylon at the end of the seventy year Babylonian exile. Zechariah and Zerrubabel returned to rebuild Jerusalem by decree of Cyrus. The liberation of the Jews or Cyrus' Edict freed the Jews to return to Jerusalem, and this is what Daniel was seeking through prayer; you can see in the beginning of Daniel that he was one of the exiles taken from Jerusalem seventy years before.