31 Reasons To Reject The Jab


Well-known member
Why it's textbook fascism and why forced vax supporters are fascists:
The premise [that the vax situation is free market capitalism at work] is false. The vaccines are not being sold to consumers in a competitive open market. Three "picked" companies are selling the vaccines to governments. This is nothing like capitalism. Free market would be for government to stop buying the vaccines and for the consumer to decide if they want to pay their own money to get vaccinated. But when government makes the purchasing decision [let alone mandates that you then submit to it], you aren't talking about capitalism. It is just the opposite.

Gary K

New member
Myocarditis, which is basically congestive heart failure, is spreading even as colleges/universities require the most at risk age group take more jabs.



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Temp Banned
Myocarditis, which is basically congestive heart failure, is spreading even as colleges/universities require the most at risk age group take more jabs.

There you go confusing the sheep with facts.

Gary K

New member


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Temp Banned
Three year old Argentinian girl dies of heart attack one day after vaccination.

I am seeing more and more videos of folks dropping dead after taking the vaccine sure makes me want to go out and get the vaccine and every booster they come out with for the next 40 or so years. Not.

Gary K

New member
I am seeing more and more videos of folks dropping dead after taking the vaccine sure makes me want to go out and get the vaccine and every booster they come out with for the next 40 or so years. Not.
Considering how much censorship of negative stories of vaccines exists the few that slip through the cracks in the media are just the small leak in the dike. The study done on VAERS back in 2007 - 2010 reported less than 1% of adverse events being reported.

Gary K

New member
This image doesn't include what Andreas Noack, a leading expert in graphene hydroxide, found in the "vaccines".

I can't embed the following link because this site doesn't support this video type.



Well-known member
You called one of Trump's statements a gaffe. That has not been proven. It is your opinion. You should learn the difference between an opinion and a fact. You think Trump was mistaken to suggest disinfectants can be used internally, but disinfectants are already injected into humans to deal with infections, so I don't see how your opinion agrees with the facts.
You are blinded by fanboy passion of Trump. Another thread focuses on this so I will not repeat here.

The peer-review process is highly subjective, subject to bias, and often one-sided. Articles approved and published after review were then resubmitted in a test of the review process and were rejected by reviewers during the test. Peer review failed the test of accuracy, consistency, and honesty.
Peer review is a good solid process. However, because humans are involved, some imperfect results can occur. Don't throw baby science out with the bath water, dude.
Without the universal flood, we would have no worldwide fossil record, but secular reviewers reject any evidence or interpretation of data that supports the flood of Noah's day. You cannot prove me wrong about that.
I will make it my purpose to try.