I don't believe he's saved.
Judge, Jury, Executioner, Jr. (TM), mystery's understudy as a god-player in the Kingdom of Self (Earl Jabay).
I don't believe he's saved.
Nope. We are free from sin. It is no longer a struggle.
Yes, I believe in disorders, but they are not causitive. They are symptomatic of improper thinking. Not a disease or illness.
Typical me, jumping in eight or so pages too late, but if sin is no longer a struggle for the saved, then what is it? It seems to me that the very presence of temptation can be considered a struggle.
Apparently Lighthouse does believe that his casual rendezvous with sin is a struggle. There is no struggle at all. He either sins or he doesn't. He has no remorse no matter what he does.
Mystery, I have two questions:
1. Are you aware of the field of research called psychoneuroimmunology?
2. Are you familiar with the well-documented phenomenon of dissociative personality disorder (something I'm sure Szasz would call a "made up disease") actually resulting in individuals who exhibit different immune responses depending on which personality is presently dominant? In other words, a person can be allergic to dogs, or test positively for type II diabetes, when one personality is "in control," and these symptoms disappear entirely when that personality is not in control. How would you explain this in your paradigm?
I'm hip, man. That cat doesn't know any tunes.
Woops. I was just channeling Tommy Chong. I always thought that Christ's redemptive work gave one freedom from the penalty of sin, as opposed to sin itself. Now don't get me wrong, I love to sin, but L to the Hizzie seems to be getting bent out of shape over practically nothing.
Most see that justification deals with the penalty of sin, sanctification, the power of sin, and glorification, the presence of sin.
There is a sinless perfectionism heresy (various forms) that does not see the progressive, synergistic (God and man) nature of our growth subsequent to initial conversion.
Christians are free from sin and can have victory over sin, but this does not preclude us from lapses into sin or struggle with sin. We need to appropriate His power and grace, just as we do at initial conversion. God does not force Himself on us, or we would all be instantly mature and perfect from the first minute on (contradicts reality and Scripture). There is a positional and progressive nature, with ultimate victory taking place at His Coming or our leaving this earth at death. We do not need to sin, but if we do, there is full provision for past, present, and future sin.
The godless are given over to sin, are condemned by it, and are powerless to free themselves from its bondage. In light of the holiness of God, you should consider the remedy of man's greatest problem...sin and death and hell are only conquered by Christ and His work in us.
That is much more like the concept I remember. I'm not sure if this "sinless perfectionism" idea is intriguing or just air-headed bloviation. Take that, Firefox! (didn't recognize the word "bloviation")
I'm hip, man. That cat doesn't know any tunes.
Woops. I was just channeling Tommy Chong. I always thought that Christ's redemptive work gave one freedom from the penalty of sin, as opposed to sin itself. Now don't get me wrong, I love to sin, but L to the Hizzie seems to be getting bent out of shape over practically nothing.
godrulz ia a lying pig. He doesn't know ONE single thing about Jesus or the gospel.....
godrulz ia a lying pig. He doesn't know ONE single thing about Jesus or the gospel.
Here is a repost explaining why Christians do not struggle with sin...
There is a big difference between, "not sinning", and being set free from sin.
Think of it this way...
You're working for Taco Hell and your employer comes to you everyday and tells you to scrub the toilet (Law). You try to do this for most of your life, but the manager keeps telling you how incompetent you are (falling short), and then one day a relative dies and leaves you his company where you are now CEO of a multi-national corporation. While sitting in your plush corner office, the phone rings and it is the manager of Taco Hell ordering you to scrub the toliet.
Do you go do it? No, because you no longer are under his authority. You have been set free from Taco Hell (the Law). You have a new life. Does this mean that you will never scrub toliets again? No, you will, but you are no longer accountable to Taco Hell if you don't. It is no longer wrong if you do not, but it is profitable to have a clean toilet.
I use this illustration to show you that not only have we been set free from the demands of the Law, but the Law can never hold us accountable for falling short (sinning). We are free from the Law. We are free from sin, and from it's penalty (death).
There is a big difference between, "not sinning", and being set free from sin.
Think of it this way...
You're working for Taco Hell and your employer comes to you everyday and tells you to scrub the toilet (Law). You try to do this for most of your life, but the manager keeps telling you how incompetent you are (falling short), and then one day a relative dies and leaves you his company where you are now CEO of a multi-national corporation. While sitting in your plush corner office, the phone rings and it is the manager of Taco Hell ordering you to scrub the toliet.
Do you go do it? No, because you no longer are under his authority. You have been set free from Taco Hell (the Law). You have a new life. Does this mean that you will never scrub toliets again? No, you will, but you are no longer accountable to Taco Hell if you don't. It is no longer wrong if you do not, but it is profitable to have a clean toilet.
I use this illustration to show you that not only have we been set free from the demands of the Law, but the Law can never hold us accountable for falling short (sinning). We are free from the Law. We are free from sin, and from it's penalty (death).
When we come to Christ by faith we are removed from that whole system of operation where we are told what to do, and we fail. We are under a whole new system of life and peace in Christ. Our old employer has no authority in our lives.
Are we sinless? Yes, not because we keep the toliet clean, we don't, but because there is nothing there demanding that we do. We are out outside of that system. Outside of it's domain.
I have often said that Paul did not struggle with sin, after he was regenerated, and that is true, he did not. It was not that Paul did not have issues with his behavior, but he was no longer under that system of sin and death, and he knew it. Sin was no longer an issue, but walking in faith. He was no longer under the domain of darkness, under condemnation, or death, but had been transferred to a whole new system of life in Christ! Paul says that ALL things are permissable, but not all things are profitable. He will not allow anything to be his master. Christ is his life.
Since you are not one, and have no idea what I said, then you can just go to hell. I don't really care.Your post was stupid for more reasons than I will waste my time pointing out, as the intelligent reader will easily identify most of the reasons.
He didn't rescind the Law. Your incompetence to understand what I said, is quite clear. You are really a waste of time.Why would God rescind the Law He personally handed down?
Because the Law revealed the very thing that brought death (sin), and the reason people are condemned is because they are dead.If one is free from the Law, then what need is there for redemption if it was disobedience of the Law that originally got one booked on the next train to Damnationville?
You have no idea what grace is, you are too proud to receive it.So grace is like getting a promotion even though you were incompetent at the lower level of responsibility?
No, and those who do, are dead to God.So I take it you don't scrub toilets (follow the law) any more.
You have no idea what grace is, you are too proud to receive it.
You phony piece of crap. You don't know God from Adam
No, and those who do, are dead to God.