You have always had freedom, but you did not always walk in it. You may be free most of the time, but you could have a lapse and fall into temptation. More godly men than us have fallen (Lucifer and Adam had big falls). Job made a covenant with his eyes to not look lustfully at a woman. This involved a choice. There are practical things one can do to avoid temptation. Jesus said to pluck out an eye if it causes lust or cut off a hand. You can know and read about and walk in freedom, but this does not preclude the possibility of falling. If a naked model walked in my room, I would have a hard time to staring. I would run and flee because I know I could not handle it. God promises a way of escape. David did not have to look, lust, sleep, and kill. These were all volitional things. He caved, but other men of God did not, yet they read the same truths from Scripture.
Rom. 6-8 does not divorce walking in the Spirit vs flesh from obedience or yielding to temptation. We overcome based on Christ's work and the indwelling Spirit, but our mind and will as some role. This is why we are blameworthy and responsible if we sin. It is why the Spirit comes with conviction, not a pious platitude that gives us license to keep sinning while chanting, "I'm forgiven whether I stop sinning or not'.
There you go mystery, practical principles from Scripture that will further convince you I am going to hell....with LH apparently.