1 of 5 for GT to Debate (The entire book of Galatians)


1 of 5 for GT to Debate (The entire book of Galatians)

I have to be away for a bit. I will open this time up to say that GT is indeed having much positive to contribute to this! I knew she would. I will also say that the opportunity is now for a bit for others to do as I and GT both have on the current verses.

I will haze the goodness out of any that condemn anyone on this thread.

GT and all that participate are to be respected here. I have given strong warning. Especially from this moment forward, all respect is to be held.

I welcome Daqq or any to check my work, but this it not to be criticized. If any one else posts here, if they specifically say they want Greek or Hebrew or Aramaic word checking, then go for it. Otherwise, respect that it is very personal to express how one hears scripture and simply leave their exposition ALONE.

This is for GT, Myself and others to express Galatians, from our personal mind and Spiritual growth. Thank you all.

Now is the time for the verses on the table. If you don't get it out before the next chunk of Galatians is posted, you will be awarded a sticker of shame for posting your reply, until GT and I have concluded the entire book of Galatians.

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1 of 5 for GT to Debate (The entire book of Galatians)

Daqq, I do not believe Paul abolishes the Law, but explains that it was fulfilled through Jesus.

I'm not asking you if raping, pillaging and murder sprees are OK, but I am pointing out that Obedience to God through Moses is diametrically different than trusting that Jesus has fulfilled all of my Ordinance based obedience to God through Moses for my lifetime. Does that statement upset you?

Galatians does reference Curse/Abomination, and in light of Moses, the Protoevangelium assigned that Title to a very particular entity.

Again, I propose that my tying of the Curse / Abomination ties to the Law.

The Law is talked about expansively in Galatians, and it is talked about by Paul as a guardian, and that we were under a guardian.

If death is the enemy of God, and the sting/curse comes from Sin/Deviation from God's perfect standards, and the Law empowers Death this way, I ask you to evaluate the Protoevangelium and tell me who Death is?

Who brought death into Gods Kingdom through deceiving The Bride into Disobedience?

What does the curse of Eating Dust mean in direct exegesis to Adam and Eve returning to dust and You Will Surely Die?

Are you following?

Do you see where the punishment of death comes from?

Do you see the first to be called Abomination in Genisis or Cursed?

As in, Oh death where is thy sting, thy sting is in the Sin and the power of Sin is the Law.

(Paraphrasing 1 Cor 15:55). This is your excuse to bring in your other verse in Galatians. I Paraphrased one verse out of 1 Cor.)[emoji33]

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Post # 10

I added to this post. Your feed back is welcome.

I have added questions for you, if you are interested in evaluating them for answer.

Now I am genuinely out for a bit.

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Well-known member
Originally Posted by Nameless.In.Grace
Daqq, I do not believe Paul abolishes the Law, but explains that it was fulfilled through Jesus.

I'm not asking you if raping, pillaging and murder sprees are OK, but I am pointing out that Obedience to God through Moses is diametrically different than trusting that Jesus has fulfilled all of my Ordinance based obedience to God through Moses for my lifetime. Does that statement upset you?

Galatians does reference Curse/Abomination, and in light of Moses, the Protoevangelium assigned that Title to a very particular entity.

Again, I propose that my tying of the Curse / Abomination ties to the Law.

The Law is talked about expansively in Galatians, and it is talked about by Paul as a guardian, and that we were under a guardian.

If death is the enemy of God, and the sting/curse comes from Sin/Deviation from God's perfect standards, and the Law empowers Death this way, I ask you to evaluate the Protoevangelium and tell me who Death is?

Who brought death into Gods Kingdom through deceiving The Bride into Disobedience?

What does the curse of Eating Dust mean in direct exegesis to Adam and Eve returning to dust and You Will Surely Die?

Are you following?

Do you see where the punishment of death comes from?

Do you see the first to be called Abomination in Genisis or Cursed?

As in, Oh death where is thy sting, thy sting is in the Sin and the power of Sin is the Law.

(Paraphrasing 1 Cor 15:55). This is your excuse to bring in your other verse in Galatians. I Paraphrased one verse out of 1 Cor.)

Sent from my iPad using TOL ~Jesus is the Theology and the Counselor is the Commentary

Post # 10

I added to this post. Your feed back is welcome.

I have added questions for you, if you are interested in evaluating them for answer.

Now I am genuinely out for a bit.

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Daqq, I do not believe Paul abolishes the Law, but explains that it was fulfilled through Jesus.

Not just "fulfilled" but fully expounded, ("filled up"), so that it may be likewise fulfilled in his disciples also who take up their own crosses, fence-posts, and stakes, (for we are building a sheep-pen to keep out the wolves), and follow Messiah.

I'm not asking you if raping, pillaging and murder sprees are OK, but I am pointing out that Obedience to God through Moses is diametrically different than trusting that Jesus has fulfilled all of my Ordinance based obedience to God through Moses for my lifetime. Does that statement upset you?

Why should an incorrect statement upset me? It only hurts you in the long run, not me. :)

Galatians does reference Curse/Abomination, and in light of Moses, the Protoevangelium assigned that Title to a very particular entity.
Again, I propose that my tying of the Curse / Abomination ties to the Law.
The Law is talked about expansively in Galatians, and it is talked about by Paul as a guardian, and that we were under a guardian.

Curse vs Anathema was already answered to but I see you did add more to that also. As for "guardian" do you mean what is rendered "schoolmaster" in the KJV from Gal 3:25 or the "tutors and governors" of Gal 4:1-2? The schoolmaster is paidagogos which is actually more like a modern day school crossing guard who makes sure that the children get to school safely. What Paul is actually saying is that the Torah plays the role illustrated in this following image file: so long as the children stay within the lines, which are clearly demarcated, they will get to school safely and take their seats in the classroom of Mr. Torah the Word, that is, Yeshua. :)


If death is the enemy of God, and the sting/curse comes from Sin/Deviation from God's perfect standards, and the Law empowers Death this way, I ask you to evaluate the Protoevangelium and tell me who Death is?
Who brought death into Gods Kingdom through deceiving The Bride into Disobedience?
What does the curse of Eating Dust mean in direct exegesis to Adam and Eve returning to dust and You Will Surely Die?
Are you following?

Why do you capitalize "The Bride" the way you do? Are you suggesting that Eve represents the body of Messiah, the great congregation? In my understanding Eve represents the flesh; it does not matter whether you are male or female on the outside, (there is neither in Messiah), because all these things are spoken in allegories and parables. The inner man is masculine while the helpmate-wife and soul are feminine. It is your flesh that is deceived: therefore Paul says not to allow her to speak out in the assemblies or teach men, that is, do not allow your flesh to speak for you. It is an allegory.

Do you see where the punishment of death comes from?
Do you see the first to be called Abomination in Genisis or Cursed?
As in, Oh death where is thy sting, thy sting is in the Sin and the power of Sin is the Law.
(Paraphrasing 1 Cor 15:55). This is your excuse to bring in your other verse in Galatians. I Paraphrased one verse out of 1 Cor.)

Therefore let "the flesh" die off now and do not allow her to move your will with her natural instinct to live: part your soul asunder, and put to death the deeds of the body; mortify your own unruly "members" which are upon your own land, (for the kingdom of Elohim is within you), as both Yeshua and Paul teach:

Matthew 10:34-39
34 Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword
[machaira sword of spiritual warfare].
35 For I am come to sever a man from his father, and the daughter from her mother, and the daughter in law from her mother in law.
36 And the enemies of a man shall be those of his own household
[Micah 7:5-6 referring back to Deuteronomy 13:6-9].
37 He that loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.
38 And him not taking up his stake and following after me is not worthy of me:
39 He that finds his soul shall destroy her: and he that destroys his soul for my sake shall find her.

Without Micah 7:5-6 which is quoted in the above passage, which in turn refers back to Deuteronomy 13:6-9, we could never have received these teachings; neither would we likely understand the SPIRIT of Deuteronomy 13 and indeed all of the Torah, and therefore, Because the Torah was given through Moshe; the grace and the truth came to be through Messiah Yeshua, (without the Torah there can be no grace). But, as Paul says, if one continues to live and walk according to the flesh the same will die: yet if we do the will of Elohim as it is written in Torah and expounded through Yeshua, and then his apostles, we shall not see death because we will have passed from death into life in Messiah, (by his Testimony which is paramount because it is the New-Renewed Covenant Spirit [testimony is spirit]). :)

God's Truth

New member
Paul's letter to the Galatia Christians was a warning to them not to turn back to the Law of Moses which has no jurisdiction over God's kingdom.

We have a new law in Christ. The old law with some changes is our new law.

See Hebrews 7:12 For when the priesthood is changed, the law must be changed also.

The works that Paul did not want the Galatians to do are the ceremonial works; hence, the warning not to get circumcised, and the sadness Paul must have felt when he found out that the Galatians were observing special days.


New member
The works that Paul did not want the Galatians to do are the ceremonial works; hence, the warning not to get circumcised, and the sadness Paul must have felt when he found out that the Galatians were observing special days.

The Law of Moses cannot be chopped up. It must not be added to or subtracted from.

Don't forget Uzzah.


I am moderating this as well as contributing, therefore, I am silencing my voice in debate for now. The debate and responses thus far are excellent and the demeanor is positive.

The floor is open for debate, until tomorrow morning. The exposition of the verses will take presidente over debate once the new verses are provided.

I only add one more thing. Even in wild debate, RESPECT is the standard on this thread.

Thank you.

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God's Truth

New member
The Law of Moses cannot be chopped up. It must not be added to or subtracted from.

Don't forget Uzzah.

Why are you bringing up Uzzah? lol

We have Jesus Christ.

Jesus said no more eye for eye, foot for foot, hand for hand, etc.

Jesus said no more stoning to death for adultery.

Do you remember those changes?


The old law was fulfilled and we have a new law.

Why don't you believe the scriptures?

Hebrews 7:12 For when the priesthood is changed, the law must be changed also.

God's Truth

New member
No, he did not say that:

Matthew 5:38
38 Ye have heard that it hath been said, An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth:

What? You claim Jesus did not say no more eye for an eye, etc?

38 “You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.’39 But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also. 40 And if anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, hand over your coat as well. 41 If anyone forces you to go one mile, go with them two miles. 42 Give to the one who asks you, and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you.

God's Truth

New member
No, he did not say that:

Matthew 5:38
38 Ye have heard that it hath been said, An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth:

Now that I have proven with scripture where Jesus tells us not to go after the eye, or tooth of the person who took yours, what about the old law COMMAND to stone an adulterer?

Did you forget about that one?


Well-known member
What? You claim Jesus did not say no more eye for an eye, etc?

38 “You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.’39 But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also. 40 And if anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, hand over your coat as well. 41 If anyone forces you to go one mile, go with them two miles. 42 Give to the one who asks you, and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you.

He does not say, "It is written", but rather, "You have heard that it has been said", which means that he does not overthrow the Torah, which is written, but rather overthrows the common interpretation of the Pharisees, Sadducees, and Scribes concerning those passages from the Torah. That is because they understood not the SPIRIT of the Torah, and saw it all as outward and physical, and had been teaching the people that passage erroneously. If you want to know about soul for soul, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, all you need do is look elsewhere in the Testimony of Yeshua because he expounds the meaning of that passage many times. If your right eye offends you, pluck him out and cast him from you; if your right hand offends you, cut her off and cast her from you; if your foot is always running swiftly into mischief, cut it off and cast it from you: soul for soul, eye for eye, hand for hand, foot for foot, for those evil shepherds which have taken control over those "little ones", the lesser members of your household, will eventually cause you the loss of the whole body if you do not punish them.

1 Corinthians 9:27
27 but I buffet my body and bring it into bondage: [slavery] lest by any means, after I have preached to others, I myself should be rejected.

Soul for soul, eye for eye, hand for hand, foot for foot; cut them off and mortify the deeds of the body. If you refuse to do so they will rise up against you and slay you in the end. But if you do these things according to the teachings of the Master you will be fulfilling Torah whether you know it or not.

God's Truth

New member
He does not say, "It is written", but rather, "You have heard that it has been said", which means that he does not overthrow the Torah, which is written, but rather overthrows the common interpretation of the Pharisees, Sadducees, and Scribes concerning those passages from the Torah. That is because they understood not the SPIRIT of the Torah, and saw it all as outward and physical, and had been teaching the people that passage erroneously. If you want to know about soul for soul, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, all you need do is look elsewhere in the Testimony of Yeshua because he expounds the meaning of that passage many times. If your right eye offends you, pluck him out and cast him from you; if your right hand offends you, cut her off and cast her from you; if your foot is always running swiftly into mischief, cut it off and cast it from you: soul for soul, eye for eye, hand for hand, foot for foot, for those evil shepherds which have taken control over those "little ones", the lesser members of your household, will eventually cause you the loss of the whole body if you do not punish them.

1 Corinthians 9:27
27 but I buffet my body and bring it into bondage: [slavery] lest by any means, after I have preached to others, I myself should be rejected.

Soul for soul, eye for eye, hand for hand, foot for foot; cut them off and mortify the deeds of the body. If you refuse to do so they will rise up against you and slay you in the end. But if you do these things according to the teachings of the Master you will be fulfilling Torah whether you know it or not.

You are mixing up scriptures and speaking against the truth.


Well-known member
Why are you bringing up Uzzah? lol

We have Jesus Christ.

Jesus said no more eye for eye, foot for foot, hand for hand, etc.

Jesus said no more stoning to death for adultery.

Do you remember those changes?


what about the old law COMMAND to stone an adulterer?

Did you forget about that one?

1) The woman caught in adultery was alone but the Torah commands that both her and the one she committed the act with be put to death, (in the same sense as Adam which is not the same as capital punishment). However, since she was caught in the act, why was the man she slept with not there? Yeshua therefore had no reason to overturn the Law as you suggest because the Torah was not being followed to begin with.
2) Either those who had brought her to Yeshua held a literal view of stoning or they were testing Yeshua to see if he himself held a literal view of stoning. He responded, as he did, saying, "Let him with no sin cast the first stone", and this proves beyond doubt that they misunderstood stoning according to the SPIRIT of Torah because they did not have the nerve to literally physically begin stoning her though that was their interpretation.
3) The answer from Yeshua to the woman is very similar to the answer from the chief Kohen in the Infancy Gospel of Yaakob, (James), when Maryam and Yoseph return from the desert without sin, for he says, "If YHWH Elohim has not condemned you of sin then neither do I." This has ramifications to this story in John, (which is also hotly disputed as for whether it is even original to the text in case you did not know), but since I know of no one here that interests themselves in such non-canonical works there is probably no need to pursue those ramifications, (just thought I might should mention it just in case).

As for stoning you ought to know how sharp words can cut much deeper than skin and pierce the heart; I have seen you take a hail of sharp words like fiery stones many times over in these forum boards, (and sometimes you appear to have deserved it, lol). People are being stoned on a daily basis around here with all the modern day self-righteous Pharisees running around. There is a story about stoning called "Once upon a Bar Mitzvah", (about a boy named Balal and his closest friend Baal who was like unto his own soul), which might help to understand "stoning" and "putting to death" in light of the SPIRIT of Deuteronomy 13. The same thinking has similarly already been indirectly addressed by way of Deuteronomy 13, (as referenced in the Matthew 10 quote previously above), which speaks of false prophets and dreamers of dreams, (or more likely dream entities who may appear in dreams teaching falsehoods and lies to lead us astray). The Deuteronomy passage clearly begins by warning us that dreams can become trials and tests to see whether or not we love our heavenly Father with all of our heart and soul, (Deuteronomy 13:1-3).


Well-known member
You are mixing up scriptures and speaking against the truth.

Why don't you believe the scriptures about not going after someone's eye, tooth, hand, foot?

YOU are the one speaking against the truth because the Torah never told anyone to "go after someone's eye, tooth, hand, foot" as you just said. And this is indeed what you said because you said that Yeshua changed it; therefore you show that you believe that is what it says. What it says according to the INTERPRETATION of the Master Teacher Yeshua is to go after YOUR OWN evil eye, evil right hand, evil foot, and anything else that is evil among your own members of your house-body-temple, (this is the will of Elohim). And don't forget, that little member, the little horn tongue which lights aflame the fire of Gehenna. :crackup:


New member
The Law of Moses cannot be chopped up. ______said Jamie. To which you replied______

Jesus said no more eye for eye, foot for foot, hand for hand, etc.

You are saying that an eye for eye and tooth for tooth was part of the law. It was never part of the law.

Jesus is telling them no more misunderstanding of the law. He is not telling them the law is abolished.