1 of 5 for GT to Debate (The entire book of Galatians)

God's Truth

New member
I have caused much cringing already. Even staunch advocates of Grace have been concerned that I may be an Antinomian.

I indeed approach all scripture with the idea that the entire Law/Moses has indeed been fulfilled by Jesus, and His fulfillment of Moses (The Pentateuch) has now been issued as a payment for ALL mankind so sin/rebellion/imperfection/missing the mark is no longer an issue to God.

Am I now saying that the entire Moral/Ceremonial/Cleansing/Dietary/Judicial/Stone Law is to be thrown in the garbage? Yes! I confess that it has no place in my life!
ALL SCRIPTURE IS GOD BREATHED AND USEFUL FOR teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness,
See 2 Timothy 3:16.
In case you didn't know, eating pork is prohibited in Moses. Wait, why do we call it Moses, when churches have the Ten Commandments up on their walls and call it God's Law. Hold on, let's get back to the pork thing. The Law calls Pork unclean. But we eat Pork today! See, Pigs were used to sacrifice to foreign gods. And, just in case you didn't know, people ate the meat of sacrificed animals. Priests offered an animal up and then they were to consume it. Also, remember that Jesus drove the demons into the pigs? That was symbolic of demons moving amongst unclean people.
There were the dietary laws for a teaching tool, it taught to separate people.
The teaching tools were a matter of FOOD AND DRINK.

Hebrews 9:10 They are only a matter of food and drink and various ceremonial washings--external regulations applying until the time of the new order.

This is where I implore you to listen up! You have been fooled to believe that the devil and his demons are out to make people commit sins of the flesh! This is a lie! We don't need any help doing that. The devil is all about contaminating people at the source.

That is the devil's job.
When he deceived humanity to try to be like God, that was our first warning. Who do you think inspired people to ascribe hostile, unloving aspects to God? Who do you think demanded punishment for people's failures? Who do you think deceived people that God is a tyrannical God that demands obedience, or people will burn eternally?
We are to be like God.
God is the one who made the punishment laws.
I can hardly believe that you do not know that the law was given to Moses---BY GOD.
N.I.G., what does this have to do with Galatians? Well, back to the Law. The Law/Moses contained hidden prophecies about Jesus and rituals that pointed to His sacrifice, but you must note, the Atonement blood covered all transgression of the Law.
There were some sins that did not have animal sacrifices.
But N.I.G., God commanded stoning and even directly ensured it happened to a man that gathered sticks on the Sabbath. You are correct. That man wasn't lost that day, but is one of God's greatest revelations. Jesus is our Sabbath rest and utilizing obedience to any point of scriptural law or holding others to it are like gathering sticks/ working on the Sabbath.
You are badly mistaken.
On the Sabbath day, the law said that no one could work, not to even lift objects. Do you see the correlation from Sabbath day no works to no works for being saved?

Jesus is our Sabbath rest, we are saved by faith, and not of by works.

We are saved by Jesus' blood making us clean and not by our doing the ceremonial works.

A NO WORK rule was in place for the Sabbath day. Faith and NO WORKS save us; however, Jesus says it is UNLAWFUL to do evil on the NO WORK day of the Sabbath, and Jesus said it was LAWFUL to do good on the NO WORK day of the Sabbath, see Luke 6:9.


It is not wrong to do good when you want Jesus to save you! It is not wrong to abstain from sin when you want Jesus to save you!

For people to misconstrue that no work means we do not have to repent from doing evil before Jesus saves us is absurd. Jesus tells us to believe and repent, Matthew 4:17.

Love does NOT Judge! Love protects and forgives! Love does not demand obedience or ritual! Love simply demands that we value everyone as a child of God. Love demands that we open our eyes and see the heartbreak, of a loveless world that is growing colder. The chill is in and outside of the Church! The temperature is dropping!
I can hardly believe you speak such words against God and Jesus Christ.
Read this scripture carefully:
1 John 5:3 In fact, this is love for God: to keep his commands. And his commands are not burdensome,

2 John 1:6
And this is love, that we walk according to His commandments.
The deepest transgression we can commit is to devalue any human being with the idea that they are unloved by Jesus as they are. The deepest transgression the devil can encourage is the shunning of a brother or sister in HUMANITY! Do I have to plunge onto a killers knife? No! But I have to believe that Jesus Loves them and died for them too. We do not serve an Eye for an Eye task master that demands perfect obedience, but a Father that Loves His every Child (EVERY!)
You just do not say what God says.
God says He loves those who love Him by obeying Him.
So yes, the stone idle of Moses is gone! It is even pointed out that it was given by a mediator in Galatians!

The glory of God initiated the Stone law through Moses, and impersonally to humanity. Jesus Royal decree to Love God with our all and Love one another as we Love ourselves was given on Calvary!

There is no way you can love your neighbor if you do not obey all the commandments Jesus gives.

You keep repeating the same falseness even after I HAVE ALREADY RESPONDED to your false beliefs. Now respond to what I said instead of merely copying and pasting your beliefs.

God's Truth

New member
God's love is unconditional. Jesus said God makes his sun to rise on the evil and the good and sends his rain on the just and the unjust. You as a sinner can never meet the conditions required to receive God's love but you are too blind to see that.

You are badly mistaken not know the scriptures.

God loves His creation but God does NOT love you personally if you do not obey Him.

Would you like the scripture references?


I expounded on the scriptures when I corrected your explanations of them.

Now go and reply to what I said.


There is much said on this thread. If you could pretty please link me to the posts you want me to go back to by simply writing the post numbers down and giving them to me, I will go back and answer them.

Please provide those numbers and reply to any of my posts with them.

I do not want to get into a back and forth with you.

I am doing my best to attempt to share views in such a manner that I'm not negating any different views.

I also have no desire to pick apart any Galatians exposition that others do.

I am reading every word that is contributed on this thread and I am attempting to allow the feedback to steer how I expound on Galatians.

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God's Truth

New member
So was Moses. (Deuteronomy 10:19)

You are forgetting something though.

You are forgetting that the FOREIGNERS were to be like the Jews and follow the law.

Leviticus 18:26 But you must keep my decrees and my laws. The native-born and the foreigners residing among you must not do any of these detestable things,

God's Truth

New member

There is much said on this thread. If you could pretty please link me to the posts you want me to go back to by simply writing the post numbers down and giving them to me, I will go back and answer them.

Please provide those numbers and reply to any of my posts with them.

I do not want to get into a back and forth with you.

I am doing my best to attempt to share views in such a manner that I'm not negating any different views.

I also have no desire to pick apart any Galatians exposition that others do.

I am reading every word that is contributed on this thread and I am attempting to allow the feedback to steer how I expound on Galatians.

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No, I am not going to go look for it for you. You have a responsibility to read and reply to exactly what I post to you, for I do that for you, and YOU are the one who made this thread for us to debate, not just for you to preach to me what you believe.

God's Truth

New member
But we must realize that when he speaks of the Spirit's work, he does switch over to fruit, not works. In Gal 5. The works of the flesh are one kind, but when describing the fruit (not works) of the Spirit, he says 'about these there is no law.' A better translation is: 'you don't make laws about these because they emerge naturally since you have a completely different dynamic in relation to God.' The Gospel's message is such that the persona is changed, almost unconsciously. It's better if unconciously. You forgive because you were forgiven.

That guy in Mt 18's parable got into trouble by his misconception of what he had been offered about the million dollar debt. He thought he was offered MORE TIME. So his response was 'I will repay you.' That's not what he was offered. He was offered cancellation. This totally changed how he treated others.

Jesus' words ARE SPIRIT.

You will not have the Spirit and Life if you do not obey Jesus' words.

Jesus tells us some things to do to get saved, and he tells us things to do to stay saved.

John 6:63 The words I have spoken to you--they are full of the Spirit and life.

We eat of Jesus when we obey him.

If you do not eat Jesus you will have no life. If you do not obey Jesus you will have no life.

Those who obey Jesus are the people who receive the Holy Spirit. See Acts 5:32, and John 14:23.

God's Truth

New member
Galatians 2 (HCSB)

11*But when Cephas came to Antioch, I opposed him to his face because he stood condemned.

Paul had to rise up and chastise Peter in Antioch!
12*For he regularly ate with the Gentiles before certain men came from James. However, when they came, he withdrew and separated himself, because he feared those from the circumcision party.

Peter was eating with the Gentile sinners and loving them as Jesus commanded him to do.

Are you nuts? Peter was not eating with Gentile sinners, Peter was eating with REPENTANT Gentiles.
But then, men of obedience and law keeping came to Antioch with James.
That is evil for you to put down obedience.
You have gone astray from the truth and I am trying to help you see exactly where you went wrong.

God's Truth

New member
These exalters of the Law created division between the gentile sinners and the self righteous. Peter was afraid of these self righteous people. He feared for his life, and temporarily gave up his freedom in Jesus for fear of his transgression of the Moses.[/I]
13*Then the rest of the Jews joined his hypocrisy, so that even Barnabas was carried away by their hypocrisy.
The Jews wanted the Gentiles to do the purification/ceremonial laws to clean themselves because they did not accept it that Jesus’ blood cleans us.
You are ridiculous to believe and preach that we do not have to obey when it is only that we do not have to do the purification laws.
Soon, all of the Jews that had turned from Moses to Jesus, turned back to Moses and shunned the gentile sinners. Even Barnabas, a close friend and companion of Paul, lost his Way.

14*But when I saw that they were deviating from the truth of the gospel, I told Cephas in front of everyone, “If you, who are a Jew, live like a Gentile and not like a Jew, how can you compel Gentiles to live like Jews?”
Paul saw the evil of Satan amongst his friends in Jesus and proceeded to publicly rebuke Peter. He pointed out that Peter lived like the Gentiles in his Heart and Flesh, but he was now binding the Gentiles to be Self Righteous by Moses!

15*We who are Jews by birth and not “Gentile sinners”
16*know that no one is justified by the works of the law but by faith in Jesus Christ.
Paul acted out of line with the truth BECAUSE HE WAS AFRAID OF THE JEWS.
Galatians 2:12 For before certain men came from James, he used to eat with the Gentiles. But when they arrived, he began to draw back and separate himself from the Gentiles because he was afraid of those who belonged to the circumcision group.
And we have believed in Christ Jesus so that we might be justified by faith in Christ and not by the works of the law, because by the works of the law no human being will be justified.
The Jews HAD TO JUSTIFY THEMSELVES by obeying the purification/ceremonial works. That is who they cleaned themselves to make themselves justified.
Now faith in Jesus’ blood cleaning us is what justifies us---NOT, “No longer obeying justifies us”!
Now it begins! I implore you to pay attention. I predict that my insane proclamations, that Moses/The entire Law has no place in salvation or revelation of the new wine, will be echoed throughout Galatians.

Jesus is the True, Perfect vessel of the True Water turned to New Wine of Love that bears no judgment. We are just fractured dipping jars that are only liquid tight by the covering mercy and grace of Jesus. Moses is a Man Created Jar that was guided by the true Craftsman's hands. His Wine is old and fermented to the point of bitterness and alcohol content that is destructively stout. We cannot dip into the Jar of Moses without the Loving Nature of Christ being removed from our cracked dipping vessel.
We are only renewed by dipping into the Loving vessel of Jesus!

Jesus said this another way:

Matthew 9

17*And no one puts new wine into old wineskins. Otherwise, the skins burst, the wine spills out, and the skins are ruined. But they put new wine into fresh wineskins, and both are preserved.”

If you put the new wine of Jesus in the old skin of Moses, the thin skin of the already stretched wineskin will bust as the new wine ferments (Holy Spirit teaching the fruit or grapes of the spirit) and expands the wineskin.

Believe me, I tell you, we are all gentile sinners though Jesus makes us as sinless Gentiles with His Love and Sacrifice. We once followed the Law, but only Jesus Saves us. We are only saved by the Grace of Jesus and never by 1 letter of obedience to the Law.

17*But if we ourselves are also found to be “sinners” while seeking to be justified by Christ, is Christ then a promoter of sin? Absolutely not!

So, what if we are sinners by the Law while seeking the Grace of Jesus? Does this mean this teaching of turning from the condemnation of the Law and towards the Mercy of Jesus makes Jesus a promoter of Sin? NO!

18*If I rebuild the system I tore down, I show myself to be a lawbreaker.

If I lay one stone from the old covenant towards myself or another, I am now subject to Moses and a full transgressor of the Stone Law that brings DEATH!

19*For through the law I have died to the law, so that I might live for God. I have been crucified with Christ

Because of the Love, forgiveness and Grace that are found in Jesus and taught to me by His Spirit of the Royal Law, I have died to the Condemnation of the Stone Law of Moses that brings Death! I am counted as dead with Jesus in His Tomb, but it is His resurrection and Perfection that are in the place of that crucified man of death that I am now in this fading kingdom of dust!

20*and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.

I am DEAD in Jesus's tomb, yet Jesus lives in this dead flesh. I am only alive by my FAITH in Jesus! I only have this gift because Jesus Loved me and died for me.

21*I do not set aside the grace of God, for if righteousness comes through the law, then Christ died for nothing.

I refuse to set aside Jesus's Grace, because Jesus's grace IS my Cloak of Righteous Perfection, over this Dead and Dying body of sinful flesh. If this were a lie and I personally could live a life of righteousness according to ANY part of the Law, then Jesus died for NOTHING!
You will not get in God’s grace if you do not obey Jesus.


ALL SCRIPTURE IS GOD BREATHED AND USEFUL FOR teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness,
See 2 Timothy 3:16.

There were the dietary laws for a teaching tool, it taught to separate people.
The teaching tools were a matter of FOOD AND DRINK.

Hebrews 9:10 They are only a matter of food and drink and various ceremonial washings--external regulations applying until the time of the new order.

That is the devil's job.

We are to be like God.
God is the one who made the punishment laws.
I can hardly believe that you do not know that the law was given to Moses---BY GOD.

There were some sins that did not have animal sacrifices.

You are badly mistaken.
On the Sabbath day, the law said that no one could work, not to even lift objects. Do you see the correlation from Sabbath day no works to no works for being saved?

Jesus is our Sabbath rest, we are saved by faith, and not of by works.

We are saved by Jesus' blood making us clean and not by our doing the ceremonial works.

A NO WORK rule was in place for the Sabbath day. Faith and NO WORKS save us; however, Jesus says it is UNLAWFUL to do evil on the NO WORK day of the Sabbath, and Jesus said it was LAWFUL to do good on the NO WORK day of the Sabbath, see Luke 6:9.


It is not wrong to do good when you want Jesus to save you! It is not wrong to abstain from sin when you want Jesus to save you!

For people to misconstrue that no work means we do not have to repent from doing evil before Jesus saves us is absurd. Jesus tells us to believe and repent, Matthew 4:17.

I can hardly believe you speak such words against God and Jesus Christ.
Read this scripture carefully:
1 John 5:3 In fact, this is love for God: to keep his commands. And his commands are not burdensome,

2 John 1:6
And this is love, that we walk according to His commandments.

You just do not say what God says.
God says He loves those who love Him by obeying Him.

There is no way you can love your neighbor if you do not obey all the commandments Jesus gives.

You keep repeating the same falseness even after I HAVE ALREADY RESPONDED to your false beliefs. Now respond to what I said instead of merely copying and pasting your beliefs.


Shunning evil is indeed good. Some of the stone is the foundation of government. I agree that it has a practical sense in some light to civility, however, as you point out, there is a new covenant.

Jesus is the Rock foundation and works of the flesh, either good or bad are the sand foundation. I appreciate your call to obey Jesus and do good on His sabbath day.

The new commands are always exalted by myself. I fail those commands and the Spiritual nature of the Stone as well. I do not say this to promote evil. I say this to promote truth.

I confess my sins one to another, because I rebuke spiritual pride in my life.

To put it blunt; you are exalting that you have a sinless walk, and I will not question you on this any more.

You have made it clear that your salvation hinges on a sinless walk and thus I know you teach others this.

You are offended every time I rebuke you for this, but even Paul, a Pharisee of perfection in deed, counts his fleshly works loss. He kneels at the cross in his heart permanently.

GT, by professing that my flesh is imperfect, I am simplifying the gospel. I am stating that my salvation hinges on Jesus alone.

Please show me one post on this site where I teach that people should sin.

I teach that people must recognize that the sword of the Spirit pierces to the bone, marrow, soul and spirit. I expound that the Spirit can find sin in anyone and everyone should understand that Jesus imputed righteousness by Faith is our only salvational hope.

You may think I'm evil for saying that the devil doesn't encourage sin, but I promise you that the morning star (not the Bright Morning Star) is not omnipresent. His work is to corrupt the nature of God in the hearts of people through corruption of the gospel that over through his hold on mankind.

I know that you do not understand this, because you keep empowering him with your focus on flesh, instead of the Spirit.

Your right that we obey Jesus, but our holding up the staff only begins when we place our faith in the unconditional Love of God.

The idea that you believe God is not unconditional, makes me sad. The fact that you are offended at the idea that Jesus loves prostitutes and drug addicts as much as He loves you and everybody else here, leads me to believe that you are somehow missing the CORE of the gospel.

Please don't say my words of utter dependence on Jesus are from the devil. Do this for yourself, because I do not speak of Jesus's unconditional Love from a heart of evil.

I immediately proclaim that I am condemned in this dying, sinful structure called a body, but turn and say; thanks be to Jesus for providing my salvational needs.

This is the milk of the gospel. The very fact that I avoid outright saying this to you, because I know it offends you tells me that you have been taught that God is hard and merciless to His enemies. He is not!

Complication of the gospel is evil's thrust.

We are bathed in Jesus's Grace and are to only have confidence in that.

The Holy Spirit takes the burden of guiding us. I believe in the correction of God and I have written about how leveling it can be.

Correction is the tool of a friend. Only a tyre not demands obedience from a friend or slave.

True leadership is humble and consistent. It leads out of trust, not demand.

Faith first in the unconditional Love is core obedience of Jesus. The commission that follows is a commission of Love that naturally reshapes us.

But, GT, to deny that our flesh is sinful and without the need for Jesus forgiveness at any second of any day is to turn our back on the unconditional Love. I don't say that, Paul says it, and even more importantly, Jesus says it. If that isn't high enough for you, the Gather said it to the Israelites!

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God's Truth

New member

Shunning evil is indeed good. Some of the stone is the foundation of government. I agree that it has a practical sense in some light to civility, however, as you point out, there is a new covenant.

Jesus is the Rock foundation and works of the flesh, either good or bad are the sand foundation. I appreciate your call to obey Jesus and do good on His sabbath day.

The new commands are always exalted by myself. I fail those commands and the Spiritual nature of the Stone as well. I do not say this to promote evil. I say this to promote truth.

I confess my sins one to another, because I rebuke spiritual pride in my life.

To put it blunt; you are exalting that you have a sinless walk, and I will not question you on this any more.

You have made it clear that your salvation hinges on a sinless walk and thus I know you teach others this.

You are offended every time I rebuke you for this, but even Paul, a Pharisee of perfection in deed, counts his fleshly works loss. He kneels at the cross in his heart permanently.

GT, by professing that my flesh is imperfect, I am simplifying the gospel. I am stating that my salvation hinges on Jesus alone.

Please show me one post on this site where I teach that people should sin.

I teach that people must recognize that the sword of the Spirit pierces to the bone, marrow, soul and spirit. I expound that the Spirit can find sin in anyone and everyone should understand that Jesus imputed righteousness by Faith is our only salvational hope.

You may think I'm evil for saying that the devil doesn't encourage sin, but I promise you that the morning star (not the Bright Morning Star) is not omnipresent. His work is to corrupt the nature of God in the hearts of people through corruption of the gospel that over through his hold on mankind.

I know that you do not understand this, because you keep empowering him with your focus on flesh, instead of the Spirit.

Your right that we obey Jesus, but our holding up the staff only begins when we place our faith in the unconditional Love of God.

The idea that you believe God is not unconditional, makes me sad. The fact that you are offended at the idea that Jesus loves prostitutes and drug addicts as much as He loves you and everybody else here, leads me to believe that you are somehow missing the CORE of the gospel.

Please don't say my words of utter dependence on Jesus are from the devil. Do this for yourself, because I do not speak of Jesus's unconditional Love from a heart of evil.

I immediately proclaim that I am condemned in this dying, sinful structure called a body, but turn and say; thanks be to Jesus for providing my salvational needs.

This is the milk of the gospel. The very fact that I avoid outright saying this to you, because I know it offends you tells me that you have been taught that God is hard and merciless to His enemies. He is not!

Complication of the gospel is evil's thrust.

We are bathed in Jesus's Grace and are to only have confidence in that.

The Holy Spirit takes the burden of guiding us. I believe in the correction of God and I have written about how leveling it can be.

Correction is the tool of a friend. Only a tyre not demands obedience from a friend or slave.

True leadership is humble and consistent. It leads out of trust, not demand.

Faith first in the unconditional Love is core obedience of Jesus. The commission that follows is a commission of Love that naturally reshapes us.

But, GT, to deny that our flesh is sinful and without the need for Jesus forgiveness at any second of any day is to turn our back on the unconditional Love. I don't say that, Paul says it, and even more importantly, Jesus says it. If that isn't high enough for you, the Gather said it to the Israelites!

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I will no longer read and respond to your lectures and blind replies to what I write.

Now fix this reply and REPLY DIRECTLY to each scripture and explanation I gave.


Are you nuts? Peter was not eating with Gentile sinners, Peter was eating with REPENTANT Gentiles.

That is evil for you to put down obedience.
You have gone astray from the truth and I am trying to help you see exactly where you went wrong.

Did you read this?

We are only... Only... ONly... ONLy... ONLY Clean by His Life in place of ours, His Death in place of ours, and His resurrection as a call to Hope. Love is now our unpayable debt. Love is the work we do with the aid of the Spirit and Faith in Jesus is our obedience. If we find morality springing up in us, as we walk this path, then count it joy and blessing! But, never count it of your effort and never be proud of your fleshly or spiritual righteousness. It's just borrowed bread in the mouth of a beggar! We must shun pride as our Servant King did, for life can level our flesh and spirit in an instant. God is our only Pride! We may boast in Him amongst us, but we must never cast stones and we must forever kneel on the blade of repentance in our hearts. It is He alone that is worthy to be PRAISED!

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God's Truth

New member
Did you read this?

We are only... Only... ONly... ONLy... ONLY Clean by His Life in place of ours, His Death in place of ours, and His resurrection as a call to Hope. Love is now our unpayable debt. Love is the work we do with the aid of the Spirit and Faith in Jesus is our obedience. If we find morality springing up in us, as we walk this path, then count it joy and blessing! But, never count it of your effort and never be proud of your fleshly or spiritual righteousness. It's just borrowed bread in the mouth of a beggar! We must shun pride as our Servant King did, for life can level our flesh and spirit in an instant. God is our only Pride! We may boast in Him amongst us, but we must never cast stones and we must forever kneel on the blade of repentance in our hearts. It is He alone that is worthy to be PRAISED!

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YOU SAID Peter used to eat with Gentile sinners!

Peter ate with REPENTANT Gentiles.


1 of 5 for GT to Debate (The entire book of Galatians)

YOU SAID Peter used to eat with Gentile sinners!

Peter ate with REPENTANT Gentiles.

A saint is a repentant sinner! I specifically made it clear that repentance is not a discontinuence of sin. We remain sinful in our flesh. Whether we know it or not, omissivly or comissivly (willfully or unwillfully).

Repentance is a continual state of admission that it is Jesus's work alone that saves us. To believe we become sinless like Jesus is utter, decaying Spiritual Pride.

The gospel doesn't offend the sinner, it offends the self righteous.

Unless we turn from confidence in our works of flesh, we are still built on the foundation of sand. (Dirt/Flesh). Our sand castle is crumbling. There is only hope in Jesus's unconditional love.

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It's time to move forward. We are now going to progress in Galatians.

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Galatians 3:

10*For all who rely on the works of the law are under a curse, because it is written: Everyone who does not continue doing everything written in the book of the law is cursed.

11*Now it is clear that no one is justified before God by the law, because the righteous will live by faith.

12*But the law is not based on faith; instead, the one who does these things will live by them.

13*Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us, because it is written: Everyone who is hung on a tree is cursed.

14*The purpose was that the blessing of Abraham would come to the Gentiles by Christ Jesus, so that we could receive the promised Spirit through faith.

15*Brothers, I’m using a human illustration. No one sets aside or makes additions to even a human covenant that has been ratified.

16*Now the promises were spoken to Abraham and to his seed. He does not say “and to seeds,” as though referring to many, but referring to one, and to your seed, who is Christ.

17*And I say this: The law, which came 430 years later, does not revoke a covenant that was previously ratified by God[p] and cancel the promise.

18*For if the inheritance is from the law, it is no longer from the promise; but God granted it to Abraham through the promise.

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