İ'm a 18 year old know-it-all Muslim. Ask me anything!


Acts 20:28 KJV
(28) Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood.

Colossians 1:14 KJV
(14) In whom we have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins:

Ephesians 1:7 KJV
(7) In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace;
Absurd isn't it? God is Most Merciful. Why would he do that to himself for our forgiveness and redemption. God is above all this what you think of Him. He can just forgive all sin even without repentance.

Word based mystic

New member
you quoted "These won't be human and they won't have experienced any other life. They are virgins of an heavenly nature purely as a reward."

So in heaven those with that reward will participate in non-human partners??? That were basically made for a lust act. Isn't that akin to bestiality.
Making love was designed for married partners not some soulless robot created for fulfilling the lusts of the flesh.

Word based mystic

New member
you quoted "O mankind, fear your Lord, who created you from one soul and created from it its mate and dispersed from both of them many men and women"

So basically mankind was created from one soul then that was dispersed.

The language implies that all mankind has one soul. that there are not individual souls.
possibly dissected or split everytime a new person is birthed. There are no true (souls) only one big soul that we all share and possibly be retrieved later???????
and then put back together at some date????

remember (O MANKIND) (who created you from one soul)


New member
Why has a god that has never manifest himself in front of the masses, a god worth worshiping and believing in or even submitting to?

Why do your Muhammad is any more important than say, John Smith (Mormon).

What good is hanging onto the dead words of the Quran and/or Bible if God refuses to be active in the words affairs?

Wouldn't annihilation of the soul be preferable?

To me, it seems that Islam is a religion of fatalism and resignation... the same as a lot of branches of Christianity... where is the life?


New member
Where's the justice in killing yourself for the sins of others?

That's a funny question coming from an Islamic, and I don't mean laughable funny. I mean downright odd considering Islamic suicide bombers.

You're missing it. Yeshua didn't kill himself. We killed Him. We ALL killed Him. John 1:29

Totton Linnet

New member
Silver Subscriber
Where's the justice in killing yourself for the sins of others?

If you die for your own sins...you'll be dead. Christ laid down His life for ME and then He rose [and I rose with Him]

It is appointed unto man once to die and after that the judgement.


New member
Making love was designed for married partners not some soulless robot created for fulfilling the lusts of the flesh.

Each virgin bearing a cup of wine. Drinking is a sin for an Islamic and fornication is a sin for an Islamic, so what does this indicate if these things are supposed to occur in heaven?


Well-known member
Yes Adam was created in the image of the Most Merciful. But tell me does God have a humanlike body?
I'm sure He is very much 'like' us, since we're created in His Image and Likeness.
Is God physical?
I believe that He is, since He is spirit and can manifest a physical body at will.
Forget being male or female is God some type of no-sex human?
Do you think that God has sex?
And we would never be like God or like angels. If our destination was that they why does God have angels who does just that? Why didn't He create us in the form of angels? We are different to angels.
We are a little beneath the angels but will judge them, so I'm sure our bodies will be more glorified than theirs.

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
I have a question for the 18 year old heathen. Will you beg God for forgiveness after he says Depart from me, I never knew you. ?

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
Jordan freed the world of two more muslims tonight (their morning). Praise God!

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame



Yes, but he is like the hundreds of millions of muslim that would not kill, but endorse that will do it.


What is the punishment for apostasy under Sharia?
A difference of opinion. The correct opinion is that the individual who apostates and then fights against the state or religion (treason) is deserving of death just like those of the kuffar who do so. Always remember that Islam unlike Christianity still subscribe to the Law and thus must have a social and political domain.

If some Muslim in the West were to apostate and then write books against Islam then he is free to do so. But not when he aims to destabilize an Islamic state.


I'm sure He is very much 'like' us, since we're created in His Image and Likeness.

But don't you also believe that God cannot be compared with any creation? By image you can't mean physical shape etc

I believe that He is, since He is spirit and can manifest a physical body at will.

God cannot weaken or destroy himself at will. Why are you always thinking small of God??

Do you think that God has sex?

No I don't. What I mean is that God does not have a human image. We as our souls or spirit is created in the image of the Most Merciful. Not our bodies.

Anyways if God is such why did Jesus take the form of a man? Why not a woman? Its a woman who stole for the tree, right?

We are a little beneath the angels but will judge them, so I'm sure our bodies will be more glorified than theirs.

If we believe and do righteous deeds we would be above the station of angels as we have freedom of choice but they don't. Satan and his hosts are from the Jinn. They are not angels. And we would have a body but still it would have sex. And eat. And drink forever and ever. This is the wisdom of God. We are bodies and spirits. Why would he create us like this just to take it away? Why is sex, eating or drinking some sort of sin or lowliness?


Each virgin bearing a cup of wine. Drinking is a sin for an Islamic and fornication is a sin for an Islamic, so what does this indicate if these things are supposed to occur in heaven?
Why is it a sin? Because the wisdom being the divine commands necessitate these to be sins. The evil outweighs the benefit. With evil being kicked off from paradise there wouldn't be sin.