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  1. Town Heretic

    Windows and other computer nonsense

    So a few blue screens into last week I realized my HP had given its all and would need retiring. Enter my p7-1414 and windows 8 (the previous HP being XP). First impressions: Windows 8 new look/set up. I have to admit I love it. Having the weather and news feeds and a number of other things...
  2. Town Heretic

    One Sentence Movie Reviews

    Brevity is golden. Title and one line that sums up why we should or shouldn't care about the movie. It can be a standard of a more recent release. Your call. To get it going. The Avengers: it had the splash of summer action hits, but lacked the gravitas of the first Iron man, making it an...
  3. Town Heretic

    TOL Lexicon: add your ism, ist and ite, etc.

    I thought it might be interesting for those inclined to have a place to try out or establish new coins or use within the TOL family. I'll start it off with a couple: 1. Misinformationalists: those who in the face of clear, factual contradiction or with a want of substantive or serious support...
  4. Town Heretic

    A Momentary Life...

    A place to make brief observations of the moments in your life that speak to you. #1 I don't know their names these birds at my window singing some thing joyful
  5. Town Heretic

    Moron of the Day

    While I rarely engage in name calling on an artless level, the volume of posts of late so dense that not even thought can appear to escape them demands some form of recognition and, after a fashion, feint, sardonic praise. So here it has already produced two strong end of the year...
  6. Town Heretic

    Going to the Movies: past, present, future.

    I love the movies. Film noir to musicals and everything in between. I've started favorite/best film threads in the past, but thought I'd run one that would let us discuss our favorites, fill people in on the best to be had in the moment and get excited about upcoming events. Harrison Ford and...
  7. Town Heretic

    TOL: Quincy's Interview Archive

    As some of you know, Q has started a series of voluntary interviews. My hope is that this reflection, a closed thread where only the actual interviews will be published, will act as a helpful reference and insight for both the new kids and established players and become a thread of record for...
  8. Town Heretic

    All Things Jack

    Mother and son, day one. Father and son, day one.
  9. Town Heretic

    TOL Pet Memoriam

    I had the thought earlier this morning while going through a few pictures of Cammy, who some of you already know passed away yesterday. That set me thinking of Lucy, who died February of 08 and of Sarah, who disappeared some time ago and is likely gone as well. It seemed to me that it wouldn't...
  10. Town Heretic

    A passing thought, a reference...

    The following was brought on by my perusal of a bit by Sax in his blog. You should stop in and read him if you haven't. Interesting fellow. Last night I was at my father's house and the four of us (my wife and my mother included) were having a conversation about life when it occurred to me...
  11. Town Heretic

    Less is also frequently say more.

    So I'm reading through a good number of the About Me sections in various profiles and I have to say that most of you are about as forthcoming as a Klansman at an Obama rally...seriously, would it kill you to leave something like a flash of insight there for those of us who are actually...
  12. Town Heretic

    Fans All Over...

    Here in the great state of Alabama there is a tradition of favoring and following one of the two state institutions of higher learning renowned for their prowess on the football field. Either you grow up roaring "Go Bama!" and "Roll Tide!" or you cry "War Eagle!" at the drop of a hat. Now each...
  13. Town Heretic

    Some Body Loves You?

    A conversation (of sorts) with the ever interesting Pam Baldwin ended with this... I went to a Presbyterian church yesterday where the minister spoke against religious emotionalism...after sitting through the experience of that worship I can tell you they mean business. Apparently...
  14. Town Heretic

    In Passing...

    A very good friend to me died the other day. His name was Jimmy Faulkner and he had been, in his time, a state Senator, mayor, twice serious candidate for Govenor of Alabama, a remarkable business man whose interests included television stations and a string of newspapers, a good father and an...
  15. Town Heretic

    Why You Are Wrong...

    I put this in Observations, but thought it might be Why You Are Wrong: God never intended it; man never accomplished it; no reasonable person would swallow that; and only a fool would follow that; there’s no possible way it could be true; history is against you; you lack any...
  16. Town Heretic

    Olympic Fever Inoculation

    So they're taking baseball out of the A national past time in at least two countries and popular in dozens more. Part of the reasoning behind it is that most countries don't have programs and they can't field a broad enough competitive base to assure quality for the games...
  17. Town Heretic

    Another day older and...

    Look out, boggers, here comes Sam Pepys for the new century. :thumb: Today I waited on the tow truck for the second time in as many weeks. After spending what could have been a nice down payment on a new vehicle I had my wife firmly back behind the wheel of her car...but in driving it from the...
  18. Town Heretic


    I've had my own blog for a while now, after a fashion, in the Observations Great and Small thread, which is why I probably won't be using this feature overly much...but it's a great idea. :thumb: Actually, I think I will use it--make it a more personal window than the aforementioned...
  19. Town Heretic

    And a very pleasant day to all...

    I’ve never done anything remotely like this before, so I hope creating a new thread by way of saying hello was the correct procedure. I spent the first 29 years of my life as an atheist, including the last several of those as a Buddhist. I have for some time believed in God, but I’m not locked...