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  1. Town Heretic

    Town Quixote's Gazette #1

  2. Town Heretic

    Super Bowls 1-50

    I thought it might be fun to take a look at the Super Bowls from the beginning to the looming number 50. Note that the first 14 SBs were played at the end of 14 game seasons. I'm going to take these in groups of five and leave this first post to list the biggest upsets, most potent offenses...
  3. Town Heretic

    2016 Oscars: Winners, Losers and Controversy

    There's a lot of negative buzz about this year's Oscars and the apparent want of diversity in its product for the second year running, despite more than a few performances and a few (fewer) films of note that could have carried that flag. That conversation led to a recent look at the composition...
  4. Town Heretic

    Observations Great and Small

    No, this won't be like the old thread or Quixote's. I thought it might be interesting to explore that old title of mine in a different light. The best way to give a sense of it is to begin. Did you know that Thomas Jefferson didn't literally pen the Declaration of Independence? It's true...
  5. Town Heretic

    Happy Birthday Granite

    Don't forget to: beat
  6. Town Heretic

    Music Talk: albums, songs, artists, lists and tech

    Just a catch-all place to talk about what interests you, from the listed to technology impacting it. I was thinking last night about the ubiquitous ten list. You know, if you could only have ten songs on your device or take ten albums to an island, that sort of five or ten songs by...
  7. Town Heretic

    The Interview Thread Companion/Discussion Thread, II

    I think the original companion thread to the Interview Archive thread is gone, so given I'm starting the next chapter of interviews I thought I should start this as well. For those who weren't here, a couple of years ago Quincy and I put together a thread where a number of questions were posed...
  8. Town Heretic

    Legal Notes: taking stock of the law here and abroad.

    What this thread is about: a place to note and discuss current laws, trends and topics. I'll attempt over its course to raise the general level of awareness and understanding on a variety of legal topics. Sometimes with commentary and often without it. I will take questions on the law from...
  9. Town Heretic

    Cub Reporters 2015

    Here's where I'll list the monthly winners, those who through diligence and outrage earn the right to be called the Cub Reporter of the month. And, of course, an overall winner at years end.
  10. Town Heretic

    The Actual Truth About MLK, Jr., a Response

    Since aCW is over in his thread decrying people not answering him after locking it down repeatedly to keep them from doing that :chuckle: I thought I'd set out an answer to his last and a general, brief comment on the facts. I've never voted pro choice. You must have missed it, but there was...
  11. Town Heretic

    Best/Worst Christmas Song List

    Self explanatory heading... Worst: 1. Rocking Around the Christmas Tree 2. Santa Claus is Coming to Town (as performed by the otherwise brilliant Boss) 3. Last Christmas (Wham) 4. Grandma Got Run Over by a Raindeer 5. Happy Xmas 6. Jingle Bell Rock 7. Christmas Don't be Late, Chipmunks 8...
  12. Town Heretic

    Fast Personality Test

    As Briggs Myers goes this is a breeze of a quick test, taking fewer than twelve minutes even for a slow reader. Four pages of clicks and there you are. Feel free to post the results here. Me? I'm an ENFP, thank you kindly. Link to test here. Breaks down Extrovert: 71% Intuitive: 61%...
  13. Town Heretic

    Remember when...

    Anything you want to toss out that you miss, either here or there, now or then. As you liked it, to borrow. The older I get the more of these seem to crop up. Remember when there were only three channels you could rely on and that pesky UHF on and off. When your heart would race at the sound of...
  14. Town Heretic

    The Omnibox: all things television

    Programming, Technology and more... When I was a teenager and an avid reader I called television the mind sucking omnibox. Years later, with a revised appreciation, I started a blog under the Omnibox title, but let it fall away. I prefer conversation. Anyway, I thought there being a lot on tv...
  15. Town Heretic

    Cub Reporters 2014

    Better late than never as we continue to track the field of avid and often amateur hall monitors, some compelled to safe guard the site from trolls and spambots, some to further their own agendas and some because they just don't know what buttons do what yet... But if it's reported, we'll...
  16. Town Heretic

    Hall of Fame Members, How You Doin'?

    Someone seemed interested so I thought I'd start a thread to relieve people of their concern over the general and particular welfare of the group. So let me get this kicked off...I'm feeling fine. Had a nice walk through my woods with Jack today and the sky was this ridiculously bright blue...
  17. Town Heretic

    TOL Alternative Radio...

  18. Town Heretic

    TOL Snapshot: Inside the Numbers

    From time to time I'm going to look at various numbers, just for the heck of it and purely for entertainment purposes. Sky inadvertently gave me the idea when she conflated the number of individuals posting in Quixote with its popularity. I noted the number of views and it got me thinking about...
  19. Town Heretic

    American Film Icons

    I love movies. I've been a fan of film as long as I can remember. I suppose my earliest memory would be The Wizard of Oz. I saw it on a black and white television. When I saw it again a year or so later on a color television I'm told I was very upset. :D Anyway, those of you who've been around...
  20. Town Heretic

    Town Quixote's

    Come in. Some of you will be finding this via the breadcrumb link left in Observations. It's natural to wonder if this is going to be the same thread under a new address. I hope not. What I mean is that I have a somewhat different vision for this one. Welcome to Quixote's.