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  1. T

    Wok a day I've had.

    Sliced a few to many mushrooms and got a little carried away with the onions, garlic and peppers. The chicken breast was on the large side and I didn't want to waste any bean sprouts, cabbage or carrots. There was also a three quarter full jar of Hoisin sauce. So I looked at the wok and looked...
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    Robert De Nero....

    ....can't act. He just applies his character to the part he is given. He is, in effect, just playing himself in different roles.
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    A missing link.

    Do you think Americans will ever understand the link between lots of people owning guns and lots of people being shot dead? Every year in the U.S., an average of more than 100,000 people are shot, according to The Brady Campaign To Prevent Gun Violence. Every day in the U.S., an average of...
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    If you haven't used the audio Bible I would highly recommend it. On home computer or Mac I recommend; On iTunes; Having it on my iPhone means I can listen when driving.
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    Do you consider people to be your friends because they are on 'your friends list' or are people on your friends list because they are your friend? .................................................................... I used to have a statement on an account I kept: I take friendship seriously...
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    A kiss on the lips

    There is a Proverb that explains how I feel at the moment: ''An honest answer is like a kiss on the lips''. I have just got off the phone from someone who I have been dealing with for three weeks. I am in a state of bliss because of the sincerity and honestly that is being extended towards me...
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    There was an article about how disgusting homophobic's are in our local paper today. I was a little upset about this so I added this comment. I fully expect it to be deleted. ''Homophobia is a fear of homosexuals and it can't be helped. I'm homophobic and I can honestly say it is not through...
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    Mistaken vegetable ID.

    I heard on the radio of a young boy who was asked by his mother what he had to eat at his new school. He told her he’d eaten white broccoli and custard. His mother explained there was no such thing as white broccoli, but the young lad was insistent and even asked his mother to cook him the dish...
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    Incest may become legal in Germany First the perverted homosexuals were given approval. There is a strong possibility that incest will be legalised and then it will be the turn of pedophilia.
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    Fearfully and wonderfully made.

    I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.
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    A fetish is a strong and unusual need or desire for something. Some people although on ignore seem to have an insatiable desire to troll or hound the person who is ignoring them. Any ideas for a name of this fetish? The person could be called an ignoramus I suppose and the fetish ignoritiss...
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    I met an elderly man in the surgery waiting room on Monday. I hadn't seen him for many years, but I recognized him and when I explained who I was he remembered me. I began to remind him of times long past and he was soon laughing. He then surprised me by saying it was the first time he had...
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    Ice water plot.
  14. T


    Liar. I can’t remember who it was that gave me this piece of advice and I cannot recall the circumstances that led to the advice being given, but I remember the advice. If you choose your friends you are better off choosing a thief or a crook than choosing a liar. The thief or crook will only...
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    Abuse, libel , stalking and bully boy tactics.

    Some time ago I embarked upon a legal study of the above problems on the Internet. The reason for this was the amount of suicides among young people. My first discovery was simple. If you intend to libel or bully someone don’t ever do it under US jurisdiction. Because if you do, and it is...
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    Fit for a King.

    There was a King who owned a very large property in which was found the biggest dining table. It was so big that people from miles around would call in daily and eat their food sat around the table. Not everybody came at the same time, but there seemed to someone at the table all day and all...
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    My Ignored List

    I don’t like anything to be hidden. I don’t like deviousness and if a man is not prepared, in good conscience, to make known his acts and facts then he should not perform nor speak them. I also know how valuable time is and I realise that anyone who is ‘ignored’ without knowing so and answers...
  18. T

    The Name.

    During the OT times the religious of the day came to a conclusion. That if the Almighty was Holy and His Name was Holy then because no man could live if he laid eyes on the Almighty. Then they had better not say His Name nor write His Name. There was one allowance and that was once a year. The...
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    Life and sin and how its dealt with.

    Prior to my conversion, when I woke in the morning, I can never remember lying in bed planning my sins for the day. I didn't need to do that, because every thought word and deed was sin*. I was sold under sin* and the prince of the power of the air was working in me as he works in all the...
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    Yah Veh……..Lord.

    In translation if there are names to be translated then there must be equivalent names in the target language. This can often be done. But when it comes to the names and titles of Deity this is impossible. The revelation of the Names and titles true Deity was given to the Hebrews and given in...