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    A Biblical View of the Orlando Shooting I've written to this guy asking for a pdf of the sermon. What he says is scriptural which means it will not be popular. Listening to this will give you a clear picture of where you are. In the flesh or in the Spirit. There are children of all ages in...
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    Result of Romans 1:19, 20

    All false religion and false worship is the result of the general revelation that Paul speaks of in Romans. Mankind receives and acknowledges that the Creator exists and then ‘’choses’’ to worship. Depending on where they are born and what the common form of religion/denomination happens to be...
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    That's, Sola Scriptura....

    Sola Scriptura meaning ''by scripture alone''. Plus our creed Plus Reformed Theology Plus Calvinism Plus keeping the sabbath holy Plus our authority Plus our buildings Plus our denomination (which is subject to change) Plus the free will that we decry, but think we exercise, in choosing...
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    The error in the word ''cross''.

    The word "stauros" occurs 27 times in the Christian Greek Scriptures(the 'New Testament') and in each case is mistranslated as cross. Most people have been brought up to think of a cross, but they have been brought up in error. The scriptures state ‘cursed is he who hangs from a tree’’...
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    Addiction, addict = adjudged.

    There are certain words, which describe the situation or circumstances of a group of people or indeed an individual, which have fallen into misuse. The kind of misuse that gives glory to humanity, while bringing into question the sovereignty of the Eternal Almighty. The wrong...
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    Creepy, stalker like behaviour.

    Am I the only one that finds it decidedly creepy, when someone who knows they are on ignore, continue to post on active threads?
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    Amoral= without morals Asexual= without discernable sex or genderless. Atheist= without Theos. The word atheist is used once in scripture and is translated as, ‘’without Elohim’’. The fact a person is without Elohim is because Elohim has not called him to salvation. It’s not a decision or...
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    Britain is no longer a Christian country The majority of those who practice a form of devotion deny Eternal sovereignty and power. They are unregenerate, superstitious heathens.
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    Deaths from gunfire USofA

    So many people die annually from gunfire in the US that the death toll between 1968 and 2011 eclipses all wars ever fought by the country. According to research by Politifact, there were about 1.4 million firearm deaths in that period, compared with 1.2 million US deaths in every conflict from...
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    London knife attack

    Muslim attacks passengers on underground shouting ''this is for Syria''. PS with a knife.
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    Global warming.

    But the day of Yah Veh will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up. A more accurate translation: But the day of Yah Veh shall come...
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    ECT Rape/ravish/violate.

    Rape. I moved this from ''the rest'' as the act of rape is scriptural. The term rape has a Hebrew word and meaning. It is used three times in scripture. The act of rape is a curse from Elohim upon rebellious and sinful people. Rape is a punishment. Hebrew word is shāgēl and means to ravish...
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    ...mock and despise.

    Wherever he is whatever he’s thinking saying or doing he knows for an absolute fact that he is in the center of the will of the Eternal Almighty for his life and salvation. This knowledge is a rare gift and is accompanied by absolute truth. It is only understood by the recipients...
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    ECT Luther questioned.

    As you prepared to nail your 95 Theses to the Cathedral door. If a glimpse through time had been granted you my dear Luther to see the 41,000 denominations that would spring from your protestations. Would you have driven that nail home? Or would the shame have been to much to bare? 41,000...
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    ECT Parrot fashion

    A young man came to see me a few weeks ago and was asking why preachers contradicted each other and often themselves. I listened to a sermon he'd heard and was able to tell him that the preacher didn't understand most of the words he was using. He was simply repeating words he'd heard or had...
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    ECT ....continuing (life goes on)

    A man might be subject to a game changer An experience that changes his outlook. His view point of life and all he see's changes. But it is still a game his old habits remain they shall like weed's spring up. On a rare occasion a man will, without seeking to do so, experience a game ender...
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    Is homosexuality, adultery or fornication a sin when: It arrives as a thought. It becomes a fantasy. It becomes desired. It is pursued. It is acted upon.
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    Foreign language posts.

    A guy posted on here some weeks ago and made some claims. I decided to post in Arabic and Persian to test him. Before doing so I checked the rules and not finding any rules against using a foreign language I asked for advice and permission from a mod and was told to go ahead. OK Cry baby?
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    If you receive 'Click' as an answer from me it means I haven't any interest in what you have to say. It also means I do not believe you have the ability to hear what I have to say.* Click is a little blue button at the top right hand corner of the post window. If its clicked the post disappears...
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    The resultant misery of sin

    The People of the Abyss, Audiobook, Audio by Jack London, London Slum of Death. Brutal Reality. Jack London lived for a time within the grim and grimy world of the East End of London, where half a million people scraped together hardly enough on which to survive. Even if they were able to work...