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  1. T


    The greatest imaginable and most blessed of peace is the peace declared between sworn enemies. In the degree of being an enemy, it is enmity that holds a hatred that is tangible and that seeks the destruction, physical or emotionally of the enemy. The Eternal Almighty requires the justice of...
  2. T

    Is Elohim "nice"?

    Nice, as mankind imagines someone nice, would conduct himself.
  3. T

    Pray for me.

    Some time ago I called in to see the daughter of an old friend of mine. She was doing some home improvements and various other “stuff” and it was all getting on top of her. She told me her woes and explained her plans. As I was leaving she asked me to pray for the success of her endeavours. I...
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    Why did you become a Christian.

    I know Him as Messiah whom you call Christ. Yah Shua whom you call Jesus. Messianist who you call Christian. Why did you become a Christian. 1 Did you think that going to Church and being obedient would be rewarded with favour? 2 Was it the fact that in church you might meet the ideal...
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    Man created god.

    Some time ago a guy told me he didn’t believe in God. I replied that neither do I and he looked at me in a very confused way, so I added. I don’t “trust’’ in god or god’s because I know exactly what the word god means, where it originated, what it meant to the people that used the term god and...
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    Psalm 146:9

    A few different translations of Psalm 146:9 and they all point in the same direction. That, “there is no peace unto the wicked” and that the Eternal Almighty has each and every means at His disposal to bring about this verse. As in all scripture the verse has a contrast and that would be, “there...
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    From the same lump of clay.

    Equality for mankind begins and ends in one indisputable fact. We are taken from the same lump of clay. In the reason for the taking the making and shaping there is no equality. It is the choice and power of the potter who forms. Some as vessels of wrath fitted for destruction others as...
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    Evil at His hand.

    We know for a fact that in Elohim there is no darkness. He is light, in whom no darkness dwells, but we have darkness and that is beyond argument. But how can He who is light create darkness? So are we to say that because Elohim is light He could not possibly create darkness? Even though the...
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    What Nicodemus expected to hear:

    What Nicodemus expected to hear: John 3:16 For Elohim so loved the nation of Israel, that He gave His only begotten Son, so that the Jews through trust in Him should have eternal life. As far as Nicodemus was concerned this is what was expected. A savior for the Jews…the Messiah, ‘’the...
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    " I Am the Truth"

    Messiah declared, “I AM THE TRUTH”. The truth is revealed to us by the WORD, by the revealed will of the Eternal Almighty. Those that have been set free by truth have met with Him the Saviour of their soul. They recognise the truth and follow after the truth,“ My sheep hear my voice, and I know...
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    The Wicked Westminster Confession.

    If you have been given this confession as a basis for what you trust then you must read this. Many church websites give this or The Savoy Declaration (SD) and the 1689 London Baptist Confession of Faith (BCF) and they are based on the Westminster Confession of Faith...
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    Suicide would be the ultimate expression of free will.

    What we call suicide would be the ultimate expression of free will, but it is not. A man decides life is not worth living and so seemingly ends his life? I use the term seemingly, because that is what it is. We know from Job that Satan was given much power over Job, but was warned, ‘’guard his...
  13. T

    Alcoholic oblivion.

    ….Just and a phone call from a very old friend He has been a notorious drunk all his life, but is now semi-mostly-sober He phoned to tell me he wasn’t well and volunteered the symptoms. He felt as if he had a permanent hangover accompanied by severe dizzy spells. I suggested he just enjoy the...
  14. T

    Purposed for His glory.

    There is nothing that exists that was not purposed by the Eternal Almighty. It pleased Him to provide mankind with contrasts. His providence and judgements utilize all things. Everything is at His disposal to be used for one end and one end alone, His glory.
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    Stripped of their nobility.

    I wrote this earlier in response to an article that was brought to my attention. On reflection it also describes Adam and in him the human race being held in the captivity of sin. They were in captivity
 and yet called a pride
 I saw no dignity
 no honour
 or satisfaction 
in their...
  16. T


    If your religion or your hope in salvation is based on anything you have said, done or obeyed then you are building on sand. If your salvation is based on what has been done for you, to you and on your behalf and your trust is in Yah Shua Messiah having pleased the Father, then you have the...
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    He saved a liar a foul mouthed blasphemer a fornicator a drunk a druggie a dealer an adulterer He saved a crooked man a deceiver a lazy man and a glutton he saved a man who hated who was embittered a striker a schemer a dreamer He saved a murderer He saved me and I was all these men and...
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    Paid, for ice cream. What about the Man who paid for sin? What about the man who cried out, "It is paid"? How great was that bill?
  19. T

    Fun, mans chief end.

    What are the most highly regarded, necessary and desired objectives in life that are continually at the forefront people's minds? Mankind’s aim in life is to have fun, enjoy and be happy. These achievements would be collectively described as fulfilment. Fulfilment must not only be achieved it...
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    Every event, word and deed recorded in the Bible glorifies the Eternal Almighty. Every event, word and deed purposed or performed by mankind glorifies the Eternal Almighty. …according to the purpose of him who works all things according to the counsel of his will, …For of him, and through...