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    2 Peter 1:20

    I post poetry online and yesterday I had a response to a particular piece. The man said he’d been waiting for 8 long and miserable years to read what I’d written and that it had helped him greatly. He briefly described the circumstances he’d been under and felt reassured that someone understood...
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    Most people have a serious blind spot when it comes to predetermined (predestination) salvation, except of course those who worship Calvin. A blind spot often occurs, even with Calvinists, when it comes to Unconditional Reprobation. Unconditional Reprobation means that Elohim reprobated...
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    ECT Start at the very beginning...

    In the beginning (Biblically) denotes work being started in a new realm in which time, space and matter would be called into existence. In the eternal realm there is no beginning and no end. So in the beginning of this work, in this new realm, Elohim began a work of creation. This took six days...
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    Ignore List for information purposes only.

    In case you wonder why I don't respond to anything you say it is probably because you have said things in the past that were heretical, vile, derogatory or simply rude. This might have been to me or to others. I then realised that there would be nothing that you have to say that I would want to...
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    Victory? hahahahaha more like a statue to stupidity. Suffragettes were planted by the establishment to convince women that they should have the same rights as men. Once convinced, the establishment, then had two taxpayers in...
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    Created equal?

    I keep hearing this "all men are created equal" and its been troubling me for years. I just realised why. Only Adam was created all others are begotten. Even Eve was taken out of Adam and was builded by Yah Veh Elohim. "bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh this shall be called Woman, because...
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    Why do people use words they do not truly comprehend that they have no experience of and yet pretend to have wisdom and authority over the word? The glory and richness of a word is found in the root or as a pearl within a shell waiting to be found. What did it mean when first used? What did...
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    About 8 years ago I called in to see someone on my way back from the mountains. She inquired as to what I did, "up the mountain", I didn't have an answer, but now I do. HIKING. 20 percent walking 20 percent observation (all the senses) 20 percent contemplation 20 percent meditation 20 percent...
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    Calvinism is a cult, a dangerous cult.

    Calvinism is a cult that was formed after John was dead. The 5 points were put together from Biblical doctrines of grace and the term Calvinism was applied. Calvin never wrote down his theology under five main points. Those that trust in the doctrines, rather than the subject of the doctrine...
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    OCD versus Sovereign providence and patience.

    I met a guy this morning that made me appreciate the freedom I enjoy by not obsessing over something. Years of wasted time, under the false impression that you have been wronged, and that you deserve redress. Obsessive compulsive disorder and manic behaviour come in many guises, but in the long...
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    Anyone who claims to have been saved has both found and entered through the strait gate. They are now on the narrow path that leads to life. Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because...
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    "Yah Giveth,He taketh away", and then He restores, amen.

    Without realising it I'd been suffering from a deterioration of stamina and health for about 5 years.Two and a half years ago I was told that I had enough cholesterol in my system to block a hosepipe and enough sugar in my blood to make candy floss. I was seriously ill and type 2 diabetes was...
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    THE CONSUMER PSALM The media is my shepherd; I shall continually want. It makes me lie down amongst the amazing offers. It leads me with millions of others: it destroys my soul. It guides me by advertising for profits sake. Even when I walk through the sales and buy what I don’t really need...
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    ECT Grace in salvation.

    I was writing some notes on what I should be making clients aware of in matters of their earthy estates: The law has the prerogative in matters of inheritance. A testator may, in certain cases, seize the prerogative. There are still parameters set in law within which the testator must remain or...
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    US "preachers" arrested.

    Preachers arrested in Bristol, by what looks to be a muslim policeman, for saying muslims are going to hell. You can't make it up!
  16. T hear me.

    I’ve been where you are and felt what you feel you might think you’re an island but you are part of a land mass that is called humanity. I remember the tribulation I recall the anguish the feeling of being trapped the desire to escape the weight pressing down seemingly to crush me. If I ever...
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    ECT No Trinity means no justification.

    All the persons in the Trinity have a hand in the justification of a sinner: Those that deny the Triune Eternal Almighty deny justification. In so doing they give proof to the fact the are unredeemed, unregenerate and uninspired. Under wrath, without hope and atheist. Vessels fitted for...
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    Alternative therapy.

    Mankind, in its entirety, has one reason for being and a single purpose. That purpose is being fulfilled every moment of every day. Mankind can deny the reason, but they cannot thwart the power behind the purpose. The denial of the reason causes restlessness,a troubled mind, anguish, much...
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    ECT Terror

    Terror is a weapon that is at the disposal of the Eternal Almighty. The result of terror is fear and fear opposes peace. “There is no peace unto the wicked saith my Elohim”. There are second causes used to promote terror, but the first cause is the Eternal Almighty. There are 44 instances in...
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    The most precious inheritance is the one you receive unaware you had any entitlement. The inheritance of love, of peace, of truth and of trust Riches above and beyond all dreams joy unspeakable.