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  1. Sherman

    Sherman's Pick 9/30/2017

    Bumping this one up from a SPOTD because it is so good! Congrats Glorydaz! Thread rules: 1. Congrats only 2. No debating 3. No trolling Any disruption of the thread or rule breaking will get you removed from the thread.
  2. Sherman

    Sherman's Pick 3/20/17

    rocketman Rocketman lays down the smack! ​My sincere congrats on a good job. Thread rules: 1. Congrats only 2. No debating 3. No trolling Any disruption of the thread or rule breaking will get you removed from the thread.
  3. Sherman

    Sherman's Pick

    @Lon I have to give Lon post of the day because he so skillfully exposes the tactics of his opponent without being nasty. Lon is such a patient debater. The rest of the Christians on here could learn from his style of debate. ​My sincere congrats on a good job. Thread rules: 1. Congrats...
  4. Sherman

    Sherman's Pick 1-6-2016

    Clete Clete pitches three back to back strikeouts! Congrats Clete on doing it again! Thread rules: 1. Congrats only 2. No debating 3. No trolling Any disruption of the thread or rule breaking will get you removed from the thread.
  5. Sherman

    Sherman's Pick 1-5-2017

    Clete A battle of wits and Clete comes out on Top Congrats Clete! Thread rules: 1. Congrats only 2. No debating 3. No trolling Any disruption of the thread or rule breaking will get you removed from the thread.
  6. Sherman

    Sherman's Pick 01-01-2017

    Knight The pitch---> Knight swings.... It's a Grand Slam! Congrats Thread rules: 1. Congrats only 2. No debating 3. No trolling Any disruption of the thread or rule breaking will get you removed from the thread.
  7. Sherman

    Sherman's Pick 12-26-16

    JudgeRightly This was posted----> And here is the brilliant reply Congrats on a job well done! :the_wave::the_wave: Thread rules: 1. Congrats only 2. No debating 3. No trolling Any disruption of the thread or rule breaking will get you removed from the thread.
  8. Sherman

    Article: Germany Issues Official Warning To Refugees: “Don’t Touch Women In Pools”

    You can view the page at“Don’t-Touch-Women-In-Pools”
  9. Sherman

    Sherman's Pick 8/20/2016

    First is this post dripping with spite. An example on how not to post. Bright Raven knocks it out of the park with this comeback. For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and...
  10. Sherman

    Sherman's Pick 8/12/2016

    Rocketman lays down the smack Well done Rocketman! Thread rules--No debating or arguing about the recognition in this thread or PM box. Congrats only. Other kinds of posting will get you locked from the thread.
  11. Sherman

    Sherman's pick 8/11/2016

    Bright Raven settles the matter with the Sword of the Spirit Rosenritter makes this post. Here is Bright Raven's outstanding reply. ​As they say in the US Navy, Bravo Zulu Bright Raven!
  12. Sherman

    Article: Protesters Arrested for Obstructing Minneapolis highway

    You can view the page at
  13. Sherman

    Article: University of Toronto puts transgender bathrooms on hold

    You can view the page at
  14. Sherman

    Article: North Carolina rescinds the Trannie in the Bathroom law

    You can view the page at
  15. Sherman

    Article: A Florida College Student Is Brutally Attacked By Five Muslims On Patrol Enforcing Sharia Law

    Article: A Florida College Student Is Brutally Attacked By Five Muslims On Patrol Enforcing Sharia Law You can view the page at
  16. Sherman

    Article: BREAKING: 1 Hillary Email SHOWED Terrorists How to Kill Amb. Chris Stevens

    You can view the page at
  17. Sherman

    Article: DEAR RNC: An Everyday American Writes A Letter To Explain The Trump Phenomenon To The Washington Elite

    Article: DEAR RNC: An Everyday American Writes A Letter To Explain The Trump Phenomenon To The Washington Elite You can view the page at
  18. Sherman

    Article: NPR Takes Obamacare Poll, Avoids Result: More Feel Harmed Than Helped

    You can view the page at
  19. Sherman

    Article: Donald Trump: Mitt Romney was a disaster as a candidate

    You can view the page at
  20. Sherman

    Article: FBI investigating if Clinton aides shared passwords to access classified info

    Article: FBI investigating if Clinton aides shared passwords to access classified info You can view the page at