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  1. Sherman

    Obama's Legacy

    There's been a lot of crummy toxic threads lately. Let's get the ball rolling with a discussion about Obama's legacy. His legacy is abuse of power. Of any President in history he had made the most sweeping decisions, overriding the will of the people, Congress and the House of...
  2. Sherman

    The American College of Pediatricians Says Gay Marriage is Tragic for Children

    A snippet from the amicus brief from the American college of Pediatrics Until 1985, research reflected a healthy variety of perspectives and findings on the question of child welfare with same-sex parents. In that year the APA’s Committee on Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Concerns (“LGB Concerns...
  3. Sherman

    Sherman's Pick 11-15-2015

    Lon knocks it out of the park. Purex's pitch is just crushed by Lon. :up:
  4. Sherman

    Sherman's Pick 11-11-2015

    ok doser pulls out a gem. I suspected a jewel was in the making when he made that stumper of a remark of his.
  5. Sherman

    The Largest Healthcare provider for women

    It will surprise some of you to find that it isn't Planned Parenthood. The article below provides some interesting comparisons between Planned Parenthood and Community Healthcare centers. FACT CHECK: The Largest Women’s Health Care Provider In America Is NOT Planned Parenthood Time will tell...
  6. Sherman

    Sherman's pick 08-01-2015

    Desert Reign couldn't have said it better.
  7. Sherman

    TOL Nugget Reporters.

    Before you get your rudders bent, let me explain to you what a nugget is. A nugget is a new flier, an experienced warrior of the sky. Reports are like missiles launched at your intended target. Now if they are frivolous, they are not going to hit and they are going to count against you as a...
  8. Sherman

    Sherman's Pick 6-13-2015

    A4T hits the nail on the head
  9. Sherman

    I was a transgender woman--one man's story

    Walt Heyer speaks from his own personal life as a transgender. It is a there and back again story. It is not something the liberal media likes the talk about. They don't like to talk about the health and emotional consequences that such surgery brings about. It was a pivotal scene. A mom was...
  10. Sherman

    Sherman's Pick 5-27-2015

    A4T gives Meshak a run for her money Congrats on a great post. It will be going into the nominations for Post of the Year.
  11. Sherman

    Memorial Day thread

    Hymn to the fallen, a reminder that Freedom isn't free. It was bought with a price. You tube tags are not working, so just click the link
  12. Sherman

    Girl Scouts accepting 'Boys that live as Girls'

    More of this insanity. I looked at several article before choosing this one. It isn't just rumor that Girl Scouts are doing this. They say Case by case basis, but if the child is physically a boy he does not belong. He needs help instead. This article was published in 2011. This is a...
  13. Sherman

    Schools to teach 'Gender Fluidity'

    A peculiar madness has overtaken our culture. One of the nation’s largest public school systems is preparing to include gender identity to its classroom curriculum, including lessons on sexual fluidity and spectrum – the idea that there’s no such thing as 100 percent boys or 100 percent girls...
  14. Sherman

    Sherman Pick 5-3-2015

    This post speaks for itself. Congrats.
  15. Sherman

    Sherman's Pick 4-18-2015

    This will be going into the nominations for post of the year. This post is a gem and it in line with the vision of this forum.
  16. Sherman

    Discord over cakes continues

    In the article posted the link provided Bill Jack went into the Azucar bakery in Denver and asked for two cakes with the following verses on them. I requested two cakes, each in the shape of an open Bible. On the first cake I requested on one page, ‘God hates sin — Psalm 45:7,’ and on the facing...
  17. Sherman

    Woman raised by lesbian couple makes a surprising revelation

    Or is it that surprising? Some quotes from the link below. 'I Ached Every Day for a Dad;' 'It's Not Just Me' Heather Barwick, a contributor to The Federalist, is a straight woman who was raised by her biological mother and her mother’s same-sex partner. She wrote an open letter to the gay...
  18. Sherman

    Cal Thomas: Obama missed a chance to condemn Muslim atrocities

    There was a time when the 63-year-old National Prayer Breakfast was a rather mundane affair. It rarely made news. Speakers — evangelist Billy Graham spoke at most of the early ones — talked about Jesus and salvation. Presidents, beginning with Dwight D. Eisenhower, would follow with...
  19. Sherman

    Rush Limbaugh's theory on the Measles outbreak

    Rush Limbaugh is known for voicing controversial opinions on his syndicated radio show. However, his latest statement about the recent measles outbreak has liberals completely outraged, but it may be because he has hit the nail on the head this time. Most media outlets are blaming the measles...
  20. Sherman

    Muslims On Food Stamps Demand Halal Food Be Provided

    A group of Somali women who all receive food stamps are demanding that food be provided that meets Islamic requirements, something that their county of Hennepin has so far refused to do. Minnesota has the largest Somali population in North America and because they are refugees they...