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  1. Sherman

    Say Bye to the twin tailed Cat

    And the why behind my decision to not use her. I have used her in one form or another since 2013. It is time for a change. Also the Jet was the 'Ban Hammer'. That is not the face I want to present with this new released forum under the new ownership. This board is more laid back. Now...
  2. Sherman

    Attempts to ban the book Irreversible Damage turns it into a bestseller.

    After Trans Activists Try To Ban ‘Irreversible Damage,’ It Becomes A Bestseller The nutters don't want to hear the truth about living in a world of pretend. This book reveals the truth about gender dysphoria. The author Shrier explores in this book stories of young girls who suddenly in...
  3. Sherman

    Ask Sherman

    This is a technical help thread. If you see a glitch with your user permissions, it is likely it can be fixed. :)
  4. Sherman

    Announcement concerning this forum

    This is in regards to certain kinds of posters that like to come into this section to mock or post blasphemy, you will be removed from this section. Honest debate is allowed, mockery is not. Also theories that do not work off of the available evidence are disallowed in this section. This...
  5. Sherman

    Testing 123

    This is the first post to test if the board works.
  6. Sherman

    Snapping the Gothard Umbrella shut.

    I was exposed to the Gothard Umbrella reaching several times over the years. It looks good on paper, but the Umbrella model develops holes when compared with scripture. Here's an excellent blog on Gothard and his model...
  7. Sherman

    About Viruses the Good and the Bad

    There is a video from talk about viruses. The discussion about viruses is now at the forefront because the Coronavirus outbreak. My husband introduced me to this video and I found it very fascinating.
  8. Sherman

    Rolling out the new Creation Science Section.

    This is the one stop place for posting all your creation science related topics. I will be migrating any threads I find related to this subject to here.
  9. Sherman

    No, Defining Men As Men In Federal Regulations Will Not Kill Trans People

    Another interesting topic for discussion this one brought to you by the Federalist. No, Defining Men As Men In Federal Regulations Will Not Kill Trans PeopleSnippets from article The LGBT media is turning to sensationalist reporting and headline hysteria on an HHS rule change that protects...
  10. Sherman

    Epic Machines

    This thread is what it implies. It about impressive machines, be they trucks, cars, aircraft, trains or anything else. Starting off with the 5 of the worlds largest trucks.
  11. Sherman

    Former CNN Pro-Trump Contributors Allege Network ‘Openly Despises Conservatives’

    Article from MEDIA-ite Exclusive: Former CNN Pro-Trump Contributors Allege Network ‘Openly Despises Conservatives’ "Finding a pro-Trump voice on CNN got more difficult this week as it was reported that the president has called upon former Virginia Attorney General and CNN contributor Ken...
  12. Sherman

    Incarnate Deity

    Now these verses show quite frankly that Jesus is Divine, the second person of the Trinity. There is tendency with people when they want to prove a point is to do scissors and paste, do little snippets instead to taking the section in context. This a large block of scripture so you see the...
  13. Sherman

    Praise The Lord IV

    This is a TOL tradition started by Psalmist. He is now with the Lord, face to face singing His praises. It is one that should continue. Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord; Giving thanks always for all things...
  14. Sherman

    Catholic Church Sexual Abuse Scandal: 7 Excerpts From the Grand Jury Report

    “We, the members of this grand jury, need you to hear this,” begins the nearly 900-page report released Tuesday by a grand jury that spent two years investigating reports of sexual abuse in six Pennsylvania dioceses of the Roman Catholic Church over a period of 70 years. The report, which says...
  15. Sherman

    Sherman's Pick 4-17-2018

    JudgeRightly Lots of wisdom in this post. For that reason I am making it my post of the day. Thread rules: 1. Congrats only 2. No debating 3. No trolling Any disruption of the thread or rule breaking will get you removed from the thread.
  16. Sherman

    Nicholas J. Freitas on Gun Control

    Del. Nicholas J. Freitas on Gun Control. He has not been drinking the 'Kool Aid' Please watch this seven minute video before you comment.
  17. Sherman

    My ‘Sex Change’ Was a Myth. Why Trying to Change One’s Sex Will Always Fail.

    My ‘Sex Change’ Was a Myth. Why Trying to Change One’s Sex Will Always Fail.--By Walt Heyer. "Recently, during a radio show on which I appeared as a guest, a caller posed a question I frequently get asked: “Do the administration of cross-gender hormones and genital surgery change a boy into a...
  18. Sherman

    Moratorium on one trick pony threads and posts.

    The current one trick pony threads are ones attacking the character of our current President. 70 percent of the recent threads in this section are on that very topic. That is too much. I am going to kindly ask the four parties that dwell on this subject to take it back to your liberal and...
  19. Sherman

    Sherman's Pick 3/20/2018

    Clete calls it like it is. He doesn't pull any punches. Good Job Clete! Thread rules: 1. Congrats only 2. No debating 3. No trolling Any disruption of the thread or rule breaking will get you removed from the thread.
  20. Sherman

    Sherman's pick 3-12-2018-

    The Barbarian gets put in his place. ​Brilliant Debating Lon! Thread rules: 1. Congrats only 2. No debating 3. No trolling Any disruption of the thread or rule breaking will get you removed from the thread.