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  1. RCLady

    Israel’s goal in West Bank: ‘slaughter Palestinians wholesale instead of retail’

    Israel’s goal in West Bank: ‘slaughter Palestinians wholesale instead of retail’ September 18, 2015 reports: The possible use of live ammunition to deal with protesters in Jerusalem is an extreme measure taken by Israel, but which is essentially in line with the country’s violent...
  2. RCLady

    Mysterious Iridescent ‘End of Times’ Cloud Phenomenon Spotted in Costa Rica (Video)

    September 18, 2015 Check it out:
  3. RCLady

    Francis covers cross, bows to please Jewish secretary of Israeli president

    ZnGq7d_u9p8 reports: “Israeli President Reuven Rivlin paid a visit to Pope Francis in Rome, accompanied by his personal secretary Rivkah – an Orthodox-Jewish woman. When a person usually greets the pope, they shake his hand and bow down. But when Rivkah’s turn came to greet...
  4. RCLady

    Antipope Francis calls on every EU church & community to take in a family of Muslims!

    Antipope Francis calls on every EU church & community to take in a family of Muslims! Antipope Francis calls on every EU church & community to take in a family of Muslims! Comment: 2 John 1:10- “If anyone comes to you and does not bring this doctrine...
  5. RCLady

    Antipope Francis makes divorce and ‘remarriage’ in the Counter Church even faster...

    Antipope Francis makes divorce and ‘remarriage’ in the Counter Church even faster, easier with radical reforms Comment: As our material explains, in the true Catholic Church there is no such thing as an ‘annulment’ of a consummated marriage, but only a...
  6. RCLady

    Mother told to abort two of her triplets to save the third, refused, all born healthy

    Mother told to abort two of her triplets to save the third, refused, all born healthy August 26, 2015 A mother was left with an agonising decision to make after being advised to abort two of her triplets in order to protect the third. Elizabeth Brewer fell pregnant with...
  7. RCLady

    California home school interest surges as parents look to sidestep vaccine law

    California home school interest surges as parents look to sidestep vaccine law August 27, 2015 With the passage of a new law this summer mandating vaccines for schoolkids in California, home school advocates and organizations say they are seeing surging interest in off-campus...
  8. RCLady

    People who commit suicide go to Hell

    Study: 63% of ‘Catholics’ Don’t Think Suicide Sends A Person To Hell August 23, 2015 reports: Most Americans believe they are seeing an epidemic in the United States of people taking their own lives. But most Americans don’t view suicide as a selfish choice, and they don’t...
  9. RCLady

    Mary's Sinlessness: A Biblical Documentary

    ZTVyptxPQ04 This is a must-see new video. It covers many things people have not heard before. Among numerous other things, this video shows, with an extremely important new argument, how Mary’s sinlessness is actually proven by an epistle of St. Paul...
  10. RCLady

    Israel approves 20 year prison terms for stone throwers

    July 21, 2015 The Israeli Knesset has overwhelmingly passed a new law that radically toughens punishments for people who throw stones – a tactic that is predominantly used by Palestinian protesters. Sixty-nine deputies voted for the bill, which was approved in the second and third...
  11. RCLady

    Second Video Exposes Planned Parenthood’s Illegal Activity

    Second Video Exposes Planned Parenthood’s Illegal Activity July 23, 2015 MjCs_gvImyw Many people have obviously seen and heard about the recent videos that completely expose Planned Parenthood. The videos clearly prove that Planned Parenthood violates...
  12. RCLady

    Oregon now allows 15-year-olds to get state-subsidized ‘sex-change’ operations withou

    Oregon now allows 15-year-olds to get state-subsidized ‘sex-change’ operations without parental consent July 9, 2015 The list of things 15-year-olds are not legally allowed to do in Oregon is long: Drive, smoke, donate blood, get a tattoo — even go to a tanning bed. But, under a...
  13. RCLady

    Francis receives blasphemous Communist hammer and sickle ‘crucifix’ from Bolivia pres

    Francis receives blasphemous Communist hammer and sickle ‘crucifix’ from Bolivia president July 9, 2015 reports: Pope Francis has received a rather unusual gift from Bolivia’s first indigenous president Evo Morales during his visit to Latin America: a crucifix carved into a...
  14. RCLady

    Russia signs agreement to prevent abortions, establish crisis pregnancy centers

    July 5, 2015 reports: The Ministry of Health in Russia has signed an agreement with the Russian Orthodox Church that includes prevention of abortion and provision of palliative care. The agreement signed by Health Minister Veronika Skvortsova and Patriarch Kirill, the head of...
  15. RCLady

    Message to Knight or whoever the cuplrit is:

    Why were hundreds of my posts deleted?
  16. RCLady

    Francis’ New Encyclical: Radical Environmentalism

  17. RCLady

    Demonic New Statue Set Up In London

    Demonic New Statue Set Up In London June 12, 2015 reports: If you go down to Marble Arch today, you’re in for a big surprise. Because there’s an 11-metre-high bronze cat-with-wings that screams at you… The work, called ‘She Guardian’, comprises four tonnes of...
  18. RCLady

    Johns Hopkins Psychiatrist: Transgender is ‘Mental Disorder;’ Sex Change ‘Biologicall

    Johns Hopkins Psychiatrist: Transgender is ‘Mental Disorder;’ Sex Change ‘Biologically Impossible’ June 4, 2015 reports: Dr. Paul R. McHugh, the former psychiatrist-in-chief for Johns Hopkins Hospital and its current Distinguished Service Professor of Psychiatry, said that...
  19. RCLady

    School with children as young as four to give ‘gender-creative, transgender’ scholars

    School with children as young as four to give ‘gender-creative, transgender’ scholarships June 7, 2015 reports: “A private day school in Franklin County has created a welcoming place for transgender, gender-creative, or gender non-conforming children and families. The Center...