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  1. Buzzword

    Man Complains that NBC Changed Logo "with the colors of the gays"

    Because at this point the bigots are just reaching. Angry man complains that local NBC station changed its peacock logo to ‘the colors of gays’
  2. Buzzword

    How America Created Dylan Roof

    “The great evil of slavery was this narrative of racial difference, this ideology of white supremacy, that black people weren’t fully human, that they had deficits and deficiencies that meant that it was okay, that it was moral and just, to enslave them.” -Bryan Stevenson How America Created...
  3. Buzzword

    Well, That's That

    And now that our nation has achieved what we students of history knew all along we would achieve, how many conservatives who threatened to leave, divorce, or set themselves afire will actually demonstrate some integrity and follow through? Or will they say a prayer to St. George Wallace and...
  4. Buzzword

    “I am the mother of a gay son and I’ve taken enough from you good people”

    This needs to be broadcast over as many media as possible. “I am the mother of a gay son and I’ve taken enough from you good people”
  5. Buzzword

    Rightwing Lunatics Harass Marine Veteran on Memorial Day

    So much for "support the troops," eh conservatives? Open Carry Dingbats Harass Marine Veteran on Memorial Day This is just disgusting. Especially posting his personal information online and then CONTINUING to harass him in that medium when he fought back.
  6. Buzzword

    Advice for Anyone Considering Enlisting

    Special Forces Master Sergeant (Ret.) Stan Goff goes to great lengths to debunk the propaganda and outright lies we tell ourselves and our children about our military and the ways in which it is wielded. _8rbHwMXMT8 Harsh truths from a man who has lived it and seen it all.
  7. Buzzword

    I Am Pro-Abortion

    "An embryo has no rights. Rights do not pertain to a potential, only to an actual being. A child cannot acquire any rights until it is born. The living take precedence over the not-yet-living (or the unborn). Abortion is a moral right — which should be left to the sole discretion of the woman...
  8. Buzzword

    We're Teaching Our Kids Wrong

    We're Teaching Our Kids Wrong: Bill Gates and Steve Jobs Do Not Have the Answers There is nothing in this article which can be emphasized too much. We made the Almighty Dollar our only reason for working, and now we have made it the only reason for studying. Soon we will make it the only...
  9. Buzzword

    Republicans Vote to Sell Off National Parks

    Full Story Just when I think I'm finished being surprised or truly disgusted with the Republicans in Congress...
  10. Buzzword

    America’s Angriest White Men

    I recently read an article detailing a specific case of a Muslim family's children being seduced by ISIS into abandoning everything and trying to head to the Middle East. The rhetoric used by the Muslim fanatics running ISIS' social media components is the EXACT SAME rhetoric used by white...
  11. Buzzword

    Christian Homeschoolers Sell Daughter in Arranged Marriage

    Christian Homeschoolers Sell Daughter into Arranged Marriage, Give Discount Because She's "Damaged Goods" And here we have yet another in the massive crowd of reasons for greater government oversight into homeschooling. That you choose to educate your child instead of taking advantage of...
  12. Buzzword

    Confessions of a Congressman

    Confessions of a Congressman: 9 Secrets From the Inside - full article Brilliant article published anonymously (obviously) that really strikes at the heart of the problem.
  13. Buzzword

    Faux News OWNED by High Schooler Journalists

    VzYymuslGDw These kids demonstrate better journalistic ethics and better reporting in nine minutes than Fox News has EVER been able to demonstrate.
  14. Buzzword

    Privilege of ‘Arrest Without Incident’

    Full Article This story reveals both a gender disconnect and a racial disconnect in the treatment of suspects by police. A female is always treated as less dangerous than a male, even when, as in the case of Shields, she's packing and has fired multiple shots at multiple people and has...
  15. Buzzword

    So I'm now a gun owner...

    ...through no fault of my own. It was a weird Christmas, to say the least. We stayed with my father-in-law, a retired cop who has always been an amazing cook and didn't disappoint this year (we had Paul Prudhomme's hot-n-sour beef....intensely everything in the flavor department). But he...
  16. Buzzword

    Best/Worst Christmas Movies

    Just cuz there's already a music thread. Best A Christmas Carol (1984) The Muppet Christmas Carol It's a Wonderful Life A Charlie Brown Christmas Home Alone Miracle on 34th Street Worst Christmas With the Kranks Scrooged The Santa Clause 3 Share your picks!
  17. Buzzword

    Are you Going to Heaven?

    So God's existence is predicated upon the existence of somewhere we can also be? Last time I checked, God is before all things, and all things depend upon Him, not the other way around.
  18. Buzzword

    Are you Going to Heaven?

    The question is inadequate. Here's a better one: If there were no Heaven and no Hell, would you still be a Christian? If no reward for your good deeds was dangled out there at the end of life, if no threat of punishment was blasted in your eyes, IF THE ONLY REWARD OR PUNISHMENT IS A FULFILLING...
  19. Buzzword


    How do I type in the chatbox? It seems like I just type in the blank space, but clicking it doesn't do anything.