Search results

  1. Nang

    Trinity Unity

    The biblical premise that unity can exist between three in one, describing the Triune Godhead as plural yet singular, is revealed throughout Holy Scripture. For example the unity that exists between the various covenants God has made with men, prove to actually be one covenant, totally...
  2. Nang

    ECT The Calvinist 5 Solas

    Calvinists, holding to the historical Reformed Faith of the Protestant churches, witness to the following Gospel doctrines: Sinners are saved by the grace of God only (SOLA GRATIA), through God’s gift of faith alone (SOLA FIDE), in the righteousness of Jesus Christ alone (SOLUS CHRISTUS), as...
  3. Nang

    “Eagleswings” . . .

    . . . has flown home to glory.
  4. Nang

    Pop Prophecy

    For any Christians concerned about the falsehoods of Dispensationalism . . . including their wrong prophecies about an imminent "Rapture" of the church of Jesus Christ . . . I recommend checking out a recent publication compiled by several contributors to the "Spiritual Conterfeits Project"...
  5. Nang

    Truster is not a liar

    Sherman has said this must be made a thread, rather than just objection on chatbox to Truster being wrongly reported as being a liar by RightDivider. Why must members, who theologically disagree, be harassed and called "liar" whenever they present their differing beliefs? Who can eternally...
  6. Nang

    Are MADists Reproducing?

    Just curious . . . Do the MADists represented on TOL have like-minded spouses with whom they have produced children who believe as they do? Or are most singles?
  7. Nang

    ECT The Gospel of God

    What exactly is the Gospel of God? This quote from glorydaz prompts this question. She claims: "I would point out that the Gospel is a matter of believing in our HEARTS...not believing with our mouths or even our heads." And I am led to ask, is the Gospel a matter of what we believe? Or is...
  8. Nang

    Question: If God exists, why is there evil?

    Answer: Romans 5:12 The rebellion of the first man, was evil and caused sin and death in this world that was created good by God. Question: So why does God allow evil? Answer: God has worked to reverse evil with His good, to His glory. ". . The very point of Christ's (incarnation) life...
  9. Nang

    ECT Statement of Faith

    The following is a Statement of Faith in the Gospel of Jesus Christ, as presented by the Charles Simeon Trust organization, that I find sound, thorough, and agreeable. Are there others here on TOL who would agree with this SoF? "1. We affirm that the Gospel entrusted to the Church is, in the...
  10. Nang

    Eliminate the NEA

    Tax dollars supporting the NEA are a total waste, and should cease.
  11. Nang

    ECT Luther's Definition of the "Church"

    "The Scriptures speak of the church quite simply and use the term in only one sense...according to the Scriptures, the church is called the assembly of all believers in Christ on earth.... This community or assembly consists of those who live in true faith, hope, and love. As Paul says in...
  12. Nang

    ECT A Review of the Five Solas

    Sola Gratia: The Grace of God alone saves Sola Fide: Through the gift of faith alone Solus Christus: In the righteousness of Jesus Christ, alone Sola Scriptura: As He is revealed in the Holy Scriptures, alone Soli Deo Gloria: To the glory of God alone Any evangelism that omits...
  13. Nang

    ECT Understand the Fall of Adam according to Covenant

    Those who would oppose the teachings of “Original Sin” and the legal imputation of the guilt of that sin caused by the disobedience and fall of Adam, fail to realize God always deals with man according to Covenant: “. . The doctrine of imputation, as generally held by Calvinistic divines, is...
  14. Nang

    GT finally confesses

    Finally, we are informed! This explains her persistant arguments and resistance against the orthodox Christian Gospel.
  15. Nang

    Possible dam failure in California

    A controlled spillway at the Oroville Dam in Northern Californis began breaking up last Tuesday due to erosion damage from recent heavy rains, and early this evening an emergency and uncontrollable spillway utilized 2 days ago, has also started to erode. There is fear of dam failure...
  16. Nang

    ECT The Sovereignty of God

    The doctrine of the Sovereignty of God is the core belief of the Reformed Faith. However, many professing Christians also believe in the Sovereignty of God, while disagreeing with Reformers overall doctrines. This boils down to Reformers believing Gods Sovereignty is absolute, while other...
  17. Nang

    Three greatest works of God performed before the eyes of mankind

    God has performed three great miraculous works in the sight of men: During the O.T. times, God delivered His people of Israel out of slavery in Egypt, and gave them a promised land. During the fullness of time, God sent His Son into this world, to live and die for the...
  18. Nang

    ECT God does not ask. God commands.

    From the beginning of creation, God has commanded mankind to believe His Word. That command has never been rescinded. All men are responsible and held accountable to obey God's command. Of course, we all know, either from studying the Bible or from our own experiences, that all of us fail...
  19. Nang

    The Late Great Urantia Revelation

    I once defended your words as being negatively declared "drivel" and now I see you accusing a child of God with the same negative language and disrespect. May God grant you His righteous discernment and true repentance . . .
  20. Nang

    ECT Grace is unconditional but not universal

    The forgiving and saving grace of God comes to sinners unconditionally through faith; not by works. Repentance is not required to be forgiven (justified) by God; rather repentance is evidence the sinner has been saved by God's power and grace, through gifted faith, alone. All empirical and...