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  1. Nang

    Nang's SPOTD 4-9-08

    AMR's post on the "Initial Justication" Thread here:
  2. Nang

    Does Abraham's faith disprove Unconditional Election? - One on One

    Thank you TOL for providing this forum that will enable ApologeticJedi and myself to further discuss the following topic, as put forth by ApologeticJedi on the Religion Board a few days ago: "Abraham had faith when God said that he would have a child that God would do what he said. It was a...
  3. Nang

    Nang's SPOTD - Beloved57's definition of grace.

    Today, 12:10 PM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Grace is the undeserved favor of God to selected individuals , chosen in christ before the world had beginning , working effectually [ grace] for it is Gods power, bringing salvation to those...
  4. Nang

    Nang's POTD

    :first: Ask Mr. Religion gets riled! :chuckle: :banana: :jump: Loved it . . .made my day! Nang
  5. Nang

    Re: Bob Enyart

    Re: Bob Enyart Has Bob Enyart posted here since 2005? I would be interested in being given links to his most recent posts. ("Royal Battle X" is dated, to say the least!) Nang