TOL Subscriber
Calvinists, holding to the historical Reformed Faith of the Protestant churches, witness to the following Gospel doctrines:
Sinners are saved by the grace of God only (SOLA GRATIA), through God’s gift of faith alone (SOLA FIDE), in the righteousness of Jesus Christ alone (SOLUS CHRISTUS), as revealed to mankind from God via the Holy Scriptures alone (SOLA SCRIPTURA), to the glory of God alone (SOLA DEO GLORIA)!
Anyone who declares these Calvinist beliefs & teachings to be delusional, deny the very Gospel message that alone will save souls.
May God show mercy to those who falsely bring dark accusations against those who walk in the light of Godly TRUTH.
Sinners are saved by the grace of God only (SOLA GRATIA), through God’s gift of faith alone (SOLA FIDE), in the righteousness of Jesus Christ alone (SOLUS CHRISTUS), as revealed to mankind from God via the Holy Scriptures alone (SOLA SCRIPTURA), to the glory of God alone (SOLA DEO GLORIA)!
Anyone who declares these Calvinist beliefs & teachings to be delusional, deny the very Gospel message that alone will save souls.
May God show mercy to those who falsely bring dark accusations against those who walk in the light of Godly TRUTH.