Going from having existed forever as a spirit to being a human being with a body of flesh is a gigantic change!John 1:14 speaks of the Son of God manifesting His heavenly glory by assuming a flesh body.
There is no mention of His Being "changing."
There are NO contradictions in the Holy Scriptures.
Going from being the God who created all living things to being a dead human being is a huge change!
Going from being a dead human being to being alive again, with a new glorified human body that will never taste death again, is an incredibly magnificent change!
It is literally impossible to be a Christian without acknowledging that God changes in the most ineffably profound of ways!
You can say that the gospel doesn't imply a change if you want but the bible absolutely does not teach that God is immutable in the Classical sense of the term, which is what Calvinism not only teaches but is based upon.
Saying it doesn't make it so, Nang!Plato is not the source of my faith; nor my beliefs.
You would never have heard of immutability if not for Plato's Republic. Augustine believed it, he built a doctrine around it, introduced that doctrine into the Catholic church, Luther believed it and Calvin formalized it into what is known today as Reformed Doctrine or Calvinism. That is the truth, Nang. Denying it is only so much burying your head in the sand.
How I wish this were so! The fact is that you read your doctrine into the text and ignore glaringly obvious contradictions such as the doctrine of immutability and the incarnation (the whole gospel actually).My doctrine is founded upon the study of Moses, the psalmists, and the prophets . . who all spoke of the coming of Messiah. As instructed by Jesus Christ in Luke 24:44.
Sola Scriptura!
I didn't suggest that the premise was false, only that it is not your PRIMARY theological premise, and it isn't! No Christology could be, by definition! The existence of God would have to be a premise one accepted long before you ever saw any need to form a Christology. As I said in the last post and which you ignored. A premise that has an underlying premise of its own cannot be your PRIMARY theological premise.I totally disagree. " . . There is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved." Acts 4:12
There's nothing there for you to disagree with, Nang. Don't be stupid.
Bah . . .
It is no wonder you remain adrift in your errors.
Okay! Explain it to me then, Nang!
You explain to me how one can form a Christology without first understanding and accepting as true the concept of a Christ (i.e. Messiah).
Go ahead! Explain it!