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  1. C

    Joe Biden Raped Tara Reade

    As Anna reminded me- I referred to Kavanaugh at the beginning of this thread. Post #4. So- how about an apology for calling me a hypocrite?
  2. C

    Water as a Problem for Abiogenesis

    Oddly enough, most scientists would disagree with you about "what science shows".
  3. C

    Social scoring credit system

    - perhaps a tad more detail about your claims would be in order. What country are you talking about, for starters? I know the the PRC has been doing this type of thing. Who else?
  4. C

    UK gives "do not resuscitate" order or mentally retarded people

    1. I'm not British 2. You'll label anything bad "leftist". In this particular case- who exactly came up with this idea? And who is this 'watchdog' organization that blew the whistle?- another 'leftist' body, I believe.
  5. C

    UK gives "do not resuscitate" order or mentally retarded people

    why is this "leftists"?
  6. C

    Water as a Problem for Abiogenesis

    So, getting back to the actual topic of this thread. "Dissolved" isn't the same as "Attack". And the NASA scientist was very careful in what she said- much more careful than the creationists here are pretending.
  7. C

    Water as a Problem for Abiogenesis

    "Not necessarily" is a hedge betting statement.
  8. C

    Water as a Problem for Abiogenesis

    What I am saying is that there is not much solid evidence for exactly how life started. Unlike the evidence that the forms of life changed over time. That evidence has been discussed ad nauseum on this site. But hey- you're the modest expert, and I am parading around like a proud emperor. So...
  9. C

    ABSOLUTE PROOF - Mike Lindell's Documentary on Election Steal

    If there's absolute proof, I'd expect the courts to notice....
  10. C

    Ivermectin for covid 19

    If I have to 'prove' myself to a complete stranger before having a discussion- well, I pass.
  11. C

    Water as a Problem for Abiogenesis

    Does 'SCIENCIFICALLY supported' only include things that fit the Bible?
  12. C

    A promising COVID Treatment

    Clearly the thousands of doctors who aren't using your cures are idiots. As are those who promote prevention- with a vaccine.
  13. C

    Were you intentionally mislead?

    You have repeatedly posted nonsense here, and wasted our time with falsehoods. I'm not going to waste even more time debunking this trash fact by fact. Call it 'ad hominen' if you like- with your track record, it is the only reasonable response. Can I offer you some Polyethylene Glycol?
  14. C

    Water as a Problem for Abiogenesis

    And one last word: The theory of Evolution does not attempt to explain the origin of life. The study of abiogenesis is interesting, but highly speculative- unlike evolution, which is supported by a lot of data.
  15. C

    Water as a Problem for Abiogenesis

    What really happens is that they get tired and worn out from the endless nonsense half- arguments that are thrown at them. We've all got better things to do with our time.
  16. C

    Water as a Problem for Abiogenesis

    Please explain why the fact that the "chemical building blocks of life" dissolve in water is a problem.
  17. C

    Were you intentionally mislead?

    By spreading this kind of trash, you are encouraging people to be not careful. You may indirectly be causing others to get sick or die. I will venture a guess that you consider yourself "pro-life"- so why not behave as if you really are?
  18. C

    Please read up on vaccines in a reliable source. Seriously. You have absorbed nonsense ideas and seem incapable of shaking loose of them. Nearly every word you wrote above is simply wrong. Vaccines prevent infection. They induce immunity. It's been proven over and over again. Know anybody with...
  19. C

    1. I got it last years flu vaccine, as did many millions of others- where are the reports of millions of dead vaccine victims? Are there mass graves hiding somewhere? 2. About 150 million people have been vaccinated against COVID already. Where are the reports of millions of dead?