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  1. Angel4Truth

    NY Student Banned From Traveling to NC Because State Does Not Allow Men in Women’s...

    NY Student Banned From Traveling to NC Because State Does Not Allow Men in Women’s Restrooms Gotta love liberals running your life.
  2. Angel4Truth

    Openly ‘Gay’ Speaker Invited to Conservative Event Dropped After Sexual Remarks....

    Openly ‘Gay’ Speaker Invited to Conservative Event Dropped After Sexual Remarks Favoring Young Boys, Older Men Surface And thats what happens when conservatives embrace what they know good and well is wrong. Hes a pervert sexual deviant, like all practicing gays. No, God is not ok with gay...
  3. Angel4Truth

    Chicago gang members say more police won't stop the murders

    Chicago gang members say more police won't stop the murders Why don't black lives matter to blacks? Black on black crime is the highest.
  4. Angel4Truth

    Pair charged in explosive device at elementary school; planned to shoot cops and...

    Pair charged in explosive device at elementary school; planned to shoot cops, start race war And its update from today: Suspects in Magnolia Elementary bombing case plead not guilty in federal court So, since blacks cannot commit racism - and only whites can, what do you call this black...
  5. Angel4Truth

    Wisconsin students group demands free tuition for black students

    Wisconsin students group demands free tuition for black students Would this be considered a privilege?
  6. Angel4Truth

    NC Economy Barely Impacted by Backlash to Transgender Bathroom Law

    NC Economy Barely Impacted by Backlash to Transgender Bathroom Law Yay! God takes care of those who take a stand on truth. Do not be afraid to walk according to what is right. Psalm 118:5 From my distress I called upon the LORD; The LORD answered me and set me in a large place. 6 The LORD is...
  7. Angel4Truth

    Increase in marijuana use linked to economic insecurity, new study shows

    Increase in marijuana use linked to economic insecurity, new study shows Nothing like losing brain cells, AND having less money overall. Why do people want to legalize failure, misery loves company? Drugs aren't the answer, the Lord is. He can fill the emptiness that people try to cover...
  8. Angel4Truth

    Mississippi Town Rallies After Complaint Results in Removal of Christian Flag

    Mississippi Town Rallies After Complaint Results in Removal of Christian And then put them in all your yards, so instead of seeing only the one at the park, the crybaby atheist can see 100s of them in yards around town! Excellent solution. Do you notice in these kinds of stories, the...
  9. Angel4Truth

    Trump immigrant-ban protesters asked if they’d let refugees live with them...

    Trump immigrant-ban protesters asked if they’d let refugees live with them. Here’s how they respond. Enjoy: So libs, would you house some? If yes, for how long, would you do it for life?
  10. Angel4Truth

    CBS poll shows that majority of Democrats think Christianity as violent as Islam

    New CBS poll shows that majority of Democrats consider Christianity as violent as Islam Wow, dems are nuts. Anyone who believes that Christianity is more dangerous than Islam, knows nothing about either, and believe lies, or are outright lying themselves.
  11. Angel4Truth

    Trump Says He 'Needs God Even More' as President (Who can argue with that?)

    Trump Says He 'Needs God Even More' as President Who can argue with what he said? I agree a position of power and leadership requires one to be more focused on God. Luke 12:48 48 But he who did not know, yet committed things deserving of stripes, shall be beaten with few. For everyone to...
  12. Angel4Truth

    BLM Activist Demands White People Give Away Their Money, ‘We Need To Start Killing

    Watch: BLM Activist Demands White People Give Away Their Money, ‘We Need To Start Killing People’ Now its apparently time for blacks and libs to kill white people. Thats how off the charts these racist loons are. I wonder how long it will be before some liberal loon here comes and tells us...
  13. Angel4Truth

    House votes to permanently ban taxpayer funds for abortion

    House votes to permanently ban taxpayer funds for abortion :thumb: Even though that should have already been happening.
  14. Angel4Truth

    Sexist, vulgar posts on women's marches rebound on officials

    Sexist, vulgar posts on women's marches rebound on officials So, id like someone to tell me what the difference is in sexism coming from men vs the filth being spewed by the vagina wearing women marchers? Why should one be fired or resign and the other celebrated?
  15. Angel4Truth

    Fast-food worker turns herself in after allegedly putting menstrual blood on burger

    Fast-food worker turns herself in after allegedly putting menstrual blood on burger So, what do you think her punishment should be?
  16. Angel4Truth

    LGBT dance party outside Mike Pences home - like Sodom and Gomorrah

    I thought this needed its own thread, its a post i made in another thread and i havent seen any threads on it... does this remind you of the pervert crowds of Sodom and Gomorrah? They actually did this surrounding his home in a residential area... (read the links) This on top of a car while...
  17. Angel4Truth

    Seven charged with attempted murder of Berlin homeless man -

    Seven charged with attempted murder of Berlin homeless man Still want these people coming to a city near you, unchecked?
  18. Angel4Truth

    Did social media play role in string of mall fights across U.S.?

    Did social media play role in string of mall fights across U.S.? And this one: Chaotic mall disturbances reported across U.S. on Boxing Day What they are not saying is that it was hundreds of black teens in each case, and massive fighting and chaos and trampling and malls being shut down...
  19. Angel4Truth

    Hosts of "Fixer upper" HGTV show under Attack for Attending Bible Believing Church

    Hosts of "Fixer upper" HGTV show under Attack for Attending Bible Believing Church Chip and Joanna Gaines Under Attack for Attending Bible Believing Church; Benham Brothers Respond Liberal - tolerant (if you agree with them) and totalitarians, if you do not, you will be forced to agree. You...
  20. Angel4Truth

    Allah doormats pulled by Amazon after complaints but you can wipe your feet on Jesus

    Allah doormats pulled by Amazon after complaints — but you can still wipe your feet on Jesus Agree or disagree and is this hypocrisy in your opinion or not and why?