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  1. Angel4Truth

    Liberals eat their own...Post examples in this thread.

    Caitlyn Jenner jokes about liberals while discussing baseball shooting — and liberals are enraged Feel free to add articles to this thread, where they eat their own and attack those they embrace. I guess Bruce in drag is no longer a hero, for pretending to be chick, since he said something...
  2. Angel4Truth

    London Teacher Knifed, Beaten By Three Women ‘Chanting from the Koran’

    London Teacher Knifed, Beaten By Three Women ‘Chanting from the Koran’ How nice, not so important when its little attacks, but dont little attacks add up?
  3. Angel4Truth

    ‘I Understand You Are a Christian!’: Bernie Sanders Angrily Erupts During ...

    During Questioning of Nominee Who Believes Christ Is Only Way to God Praise the Lord Bernie Sanders didnt make it.
  4. Angel4Truth

    Parents Horrified by Man’s Risque’ Drag Performance at Children’s Talent Show

    Parents Horrified by Man’s Risque’ Drag Performance at Children’s Talent Show Pervert, how sick to behave this way with children present.
  5. Angel4Truth

    Another thug who pulled a gun in a robbery attempt, shot, gets justice.

    Teen shot dead after allegedly pointing gun at off-duty customs agent — but lawyer calls it a murder Another day, another thug lie matters. Thug lies matter - justice was already served, you point a gun and attack someone, then you die instead? Justice served.
  6. Angel4Truth

    LSU students say school’s ‘Tigers’ mascot is a symbol of racism and ‘white privilege’

    Disclaimer : Note to liberals, trigger warning, article contains things you might find uncomfortable. LSU students say school’s ‘Tigers’ mascot is a symbol of racism and ‘white privilege’ Here you go, poor baby: Cry it out.
  7. Angel4Truth

    Why is gender a social construct, but not race?

    Rachel Dolezal disinvited from Baltimore Book Festival after public backlash Why is it ok for people to be like bruce jenner and be celebrated as heros those who claim they are an alternate gender than how they were born, yet this woman who claims to be black trapped in a white body, is to be...
  8. Angel4Truth

    “White Supremacists” Are Right-Wing Trump Supporters, No?

    “White Supremacists” Are Right-Wing Trump Supporters, No? The left is massively desperate. Example from right here at TOL and response to their fake news that there are white christian terrorists active and my response to their spin lie in what they claimed: so the guy isnt christian, nor...
  9. Angel4Truth

    Loss of Faith Among Top 4 Reasons Young Adults Are Committing Suicide: Family Policy

    Loss of Faith Among Top 4 Reasons Young Adults Are Committing Suicide: Family Policy Institute Hopelessness is killing people, is that your goal liberals and atheists?
  10. Angel4Truth

    Judge Finds No Recourse for Mother Whose Son Obtained Hormone Treatments Without...

    Judge Finds No Recourse for Mother Whose Son Obtained Hormone Treatments Without Parental Consent You need parental permission for your child to be given an aspirin at school, but you can give them hormones without it. Sick sick world.
  11. Angel4Truth

    ‘Sexual Emergency’ Migrant Who Raped 10-Year-Old Boy Has Sentence Reduced

    ‘Sexual Emergency’ Migrant Who Raped 10-Year-Old Boy Has Sentence Reduced We should definitely invite more of these monsters to come live among us. I advocate for the firing squad in this case, for the child raping pervert and the judge. Thoughts?
  12. Angel4Truth

    Students Demand Apology Over Superintendent’s Christian Speech, Prayer at Graduation

    Students Demand Apology Over Superintendent’s Christian Speech, Prayer at Graduation (4 of them) Do you support him or think he should be fired?
  13. Angel4Truth

    Can you identify as an elephant or black if youre white? Should you be ashamed to ask

    Piers Morgan Stirs Controversy for Asking ‘Non-Binary’ Couple If He Could Identify as Black Woman, Elephant Mass mental illness being a way of life. Where is my crown and banner, i WANT IT, NOW.
  14. Angel4Truth

    Public Libraries Hosting ‘Drag Queen Story Hour’ for Children

    Public Libraries Hosting ‘Drag Queen Story Hour’ for Children Shameful. Perverts. That demented freak might as well be asking them if they want to be a total pervert when they grow up. Matthew 18:6 But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him...
  15. Angel4Truth

    More fake liberal causes hate crimes in the news

    Thought id make a thread where i can post these as they happen, since they seem to be happening a lot anymore (fake "hate" for racial, ethnic, gay, etc crimes, motivated by desire for money or notoriety or their causes) So feel free to discuss, or even post some that you come across in the news...
  16. Angel4Truth

    Judge Allows Advancement of Lawsuit Challenging Denial of ‘Atheist Prayer’ Before ...

    Judge Allows Advancement of Lawsuit Challenging Denial of ‘Atheist Prayer’ Before Pennsylvania House In light of this, TOLS atheists, please tell me again that atheism isnt a religion, and has no prayer? If Atheism isnt a religion, why would it pray or want to? Why is it now competing as a...
  17. Angel4Truth

    ‘Beauty and the Beast’ Director: I Wish I Was Like ‘Lord of the Rings’ Star Who Rips

    ‘Beauty and the Beast’ Director: I Wish I Was Like ‘Lord of the Rings’ Star Who Rips Leviticus 18:22 Out of Hotel Bibles At least these 2 queers admit they know full well that the bible condemns homosexual sex, instead of trying the lying claim that it doesnt condemn it or that its about...
  18. Angel4Truth

    Harvard University LGBT Fact Sheet Claims Gender Can 'Change Day to Day'

    Harvard University LGBT Fact Sheet Claims Gender Can 'Change Day to Day' Mass mental illness.
  19. Angel4Truth

    The left’s ‘triggers’ now include chicken sandwiches and long hair

    The left’s ‘triggers’ now include chicken sandwiches and long hair Mass mental illness. Especially the hair thing.