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  1. Angel4Truth

    ‘Liberal elitist’ rips Gatlinburg fire victims as ‘Trump-suckin pond scum’ — and pays

    ‘Liberal elitist’ rips Gatlinburg fire victims as ‘Trump-suckin pond scum’ — and pays bigly for it Heres the guy and his post: Do you think he should have been fired for his own time opinion?
  2. Angel4Truth

    Atheist Group uses photos of Christians on a billboard as if they are atheists

    Christian Mother, Daughter on 'Atheist Christmas' Billboard Slam Group for Using Their Photos Seems to me she could sue them for libel, because they have text to the pics as if they are saying things they are not, thats more than just using their stock pics, its implying that is their...
  3. Angel4Truth

    Officers injured, slain in what appear to be targeted shootings

    Officers injured, slain in what appear to be targeted shootings How much of this will be enough for you liberals to learn what you are causing?
  4. Angel4Truth

    The U.S. labor force's guy problem: Lots of men don’t have a job and aren’t looking..

    The U.S. labor force's guy problem: Lots of men don’t have a job and aren’t looking for one What reasons do you believe have caused this to be the case?
  5. Angel4Truth

    Assisted Suicides Soar in Switzerland

    Assisted Suicides Soar in Switzerland Are you for or against assisted suicide, and why? If for, what conditions do you advocate it being ok, any and all, or only some?
  6. Angel4Truth

    Colleges Try to Comfort Students Upset by Trump Victory

    Colleges Try to Comfort Students Upset by Trump Victory Its scary to think wimps like this will be in charge of anything some day. Kindergarden isnt over yet, no wonder they lack self control. A little spanking goes a long way.
  7. Angel4Truth

    Dozens arrested, police cars damaged in second night of anti-Trump protests in Cal..

    Dozens arrested, police cars damaged in second night of anti-Trump protests in California These people are violent nuts, no self control. Feel free to post any and all protestings you know of so we can know what and where to avoid. Welcome to the world(i would guess) that is getting close...
  8. Angel4Truth

    And they did not repent of their drug use....Pot use wins on election night

    Marijuana wins big on election night Voters in California, Massachusetts and Nevada approved recreational marijuana initiatives while an initiative in Maine was leading in the polls Wednesday morning. The 2016 election has proved to be the biggest electoral victory for marijuana reform since...
  9. Angel4Truth

    Donald Trump Wins the 2016 Election

    Donald Trump Wins the 2016 Election Please pray each day for Gods leading of him and for his heart to be willing to be led by the Lord for the sake of all.
  10. Angel4Truth

    Less Than Half of Practicing Christians Read Their Bible and the Rest of America Is..

    Less Than Half of Practicing Christians Read Their Bible and the Rest of America Is Even Worse Pretty scary numbers, reflects how we have our choices for leaders that we have anymore. Added also a poll, do you read scripture daily, 3 times a week or more, at least once a week, or none? I...
  11. Angel4Truth

    Pastor Robert Jeffress Says Those Who Refuse to Vote in Presidential Election....

    Pastor Robert Jeffress Says Those Who Refuse to Vote in Presidential Election Looking to Feel 'Holier Than Others' Do you agree or disagree with this?
  12. Angel4Truth

    She cant play the black card like Obama, so its the 'woman' card

    Been waiting for this and here it is, so all you good liberals and others with false guilt and cast that vote for Hillary to show you aren't sexist! (like Bammy taught you to elect skin color, now learn to vote sex) Democrats claim Clinton unfairly scrutinized because she’s a woman We all...
  13. Angel4Truth

    Gay man starts social media campaign over church dismissal for unrepentant homosexual

    Gay man starts social media campaign over church dismissal for unrepentant homosexuality I think they did the right thing, your thoughts? Copy of letter: While the letter was sent to him over a year ago, hes making news for being vocal about it on social media, now a year later by posting...
  14. Angel4Truth

    From chat: On Jesus and Homosexuality

    From the chat box: Anyway, to freelight: 1) Jesus is God, and never removed the commandment on homosexual relations or adultery. Leviticus 18:22 'You shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination. Leviticus 20:13 If there is a man who lies with a male as those...
  15. Angel4Truth

    Iran seeking 'many billions of dollars' in ransom to free US hostages

    Iran seeking 'many billions of dollars' in ransom to free US hostages Thank you, Obamination who negotiates with terrorists, since you are one, yourself.
  16. Angel4Truth

    Oklahoma HS teacher tells class: 'To be white is to be racist'

    Oklahoma HS teacher tells class: 'To be white is to be racist' Liberal white guilt gone wild. That teacher should be fired.
  17. Angel4Truth

    The land of high perversion and dead babies goes self-righteous on Trump?

    The land of high perversion and dead babies goes self-righteous on Trump? Thought i would share this, puts some things in perspective. Either way though, i think the choice of Donald and Hillary as the leader of this nation, to be judgement.
  18. Angel4Truth

    What Is the Internet Doing to Our Souls?

    Sharing this well written article, it makes you think. What Is the Internet Doing to Our Souls? By John Stonestreet , Christian Post Guest Columnist
  19. Angel4Truth

    CoverGirl Announces First Male Makeup-Wearing ‘CoverBoy’ Model

    CoverGirl Announces First Male Makeup-Wearing ‘CoverBoy’ Model He looks gross and looks like he wishes he was a chick. Disgusting. The nose ring like on an animal just adds to it too.