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  1. Angel4Truth

    Mississippi City Settles Lawsuit Filed by Christians Harassed at Abortion Facility

    Mississippi City Settles Lawsuit Filed by Christians Harassed Outside State’s Last Abortion Facility Good news, dont allow others to trample your rights, too many Christians are caving anymore. Trust the Lord.
  2. Angel4Truth

    2 black cops critically injure a white man with his hands up and kill his 6 year old

    Body camera footage released in Marksville police shooting that killed 6-year-old The cops: WLM - wheres the riot? I bet most of you never heard of this one till now.
  3. Angel4Truth

    Cop sent an apology cake: 'Sorry I Tased You'

    Apology cake: 'Sorry I Tased You' So, how much do you think they should pay?
  4. Angel4Truth

    Millennials Leaving Christianity, but There's Hope in the Gloomy Numbers

    Millennials Leaving Christianity, but There's Hope in the Gloomy Numbers For Christians: Did you get saved before or after adulthood? Were your parents together or divorced? For the nones: Did you leave your parents faith, and if yes, was it before or after adulthood and did your parents stay...
  5. Angel4Truth

    U.S. Education Secretary Concerned Homeschoolers Aren’t Getting ‘Rapid Instructional

    U.S. Education Secretary Concerned Homeschoolers Aren’t Getting ‘Rapid Instructional Experience’ The perverts need your kids to be enrolled in liberal extremist training camps public schools, so there is no dissension from liberal values and policies. Bet you within the next 2 years...
  6. Angel4Truth

    Judge Dismisses Suit Challenging Law Allowing Magistrates to Opt-Out of Officiating ‘

    Judge Dismisses Suit Challenging Law Allowing Magistrates to Opt-Out of Officiating ‘Gay Weddings’ Feds gone wild. This isnt America anymore kiddies.
  7. Angel4Truth

    U.S. Department of Housing Expands Rules to Require Admittance of Men in Women’s Home

    U.S. Department of Housing Expands Rules to Require Admittance of Men in Women’s Homeless Shelters You may no longer have your own opinion or beliefs, and must be refocused onto perversion because the pervert in chief says so. This kind of thing and worse is why we now have been dragged into...
  8. Angel4Truth

    Federal Judge Rules Wisconsin School District Must Allow Girl in Boys’ Restroom ..

    Federal Judge Rules Wisconsin School District Must Allow Girl in Boys’ Restroom While Lawsuit Proceeds I hope all those parents take their kids out - protesting is not just for liberal nutjobs.
  9. Angel4Truth

    Graphic Artist Challenges State Law Forbidding Her From Declining gay site creations

    Its not just cakes and bed and breakfasts and photographers, its artists... Curious if those of you who once said a cake shouldnt be denied but its not the same as art, are you ok with this one being forced? Graphic Artist Challenges State Law Forbidding Her From Declining Creation of Same-Sex...
  10. Angel4Truth

    This black life mattered to the police, as most often do, but not often get shared...

    Photo goes viral after officer holds child at scene of parents’ overdose
  11. Angel4Truth

    Mysterious Catfish Falls From The Sky, Hits Woman In The Face

    Mysterious Catfish Falls From The Sky, Hits Woman In The Face So, where do you think it came from? Submit your best theory. :)
  12. Angel4Truth

    Flakka drug : It ‘Turns Users Into Zombies’: Pennsylvania Men Behind Bars for murder

    It ‘Turns Users Into Zombies’: Pennsylvania Men Behind Bars After Flakka-Influenced Murder Revelation 9:21 Neither repented they of their murders, nor of their sorceries, nor of their fornication, nor of their thefts. The word translated as sorceries here, in the original language is called...
  13. Angel4Truth

    United Church of Canada Review Committee Recommends Atheist Minister Be Defrocked

    United Church of Canada Review Committee Recommends Atheist Minister Be Defrocked Mindblowing, how it can even be possible that a minister can come right out and admit they dont believe in God, and retain their position in a church. If your longtime church's pastor stood up and admitted they...
  14. Angel4Truth

    Trial Set for Second Man Accused of Helping Ex-Lesbian Flee Country With Daughter

    Trial Set for Second Man Accused of Helping Ex-Lesbian Flee Country With Daughter What would you do in this situation? Do you agree or disagree, and would you help someone escape if they asked for your help? Would you risk jail for helping someone like this?
  15. Angel4Truth

    Public shaming of drug addicts - Do you think its a deterant to drug use?

    Public shaming of drug addicts - Do you think its a deterrent to drug use? Do you think these kinds of images work to keep people clean? Im curious to what your response is to this kind of thing is and what you think should be done. (be warned pic is graphic so ive put it in spoiler tags...
  16. Angel4Truth

    Lawsuit: Girls exposed to transgender twerking & grinding in locker room

    Lawsuit: Girls exposed to transgender twerking & grinding in locker room What a total pervert. Thanks liberals for caring so much about kids. Why is this ok?
  17. Angel4Truth

    If its just love, why shouldnt incest be ok?

    EXCLUSIVE: 'We ended up kissing and kissing led to other things': Mother, 36, and son, 19, who fell in love when they met last year after she gave him up for adoption as a baby, say they'll go to JAIL to defend their relationship Monica Mares, 36, and her son Caleb Peterson, 19, of Clovis...
  18. Angel4Truth

    FDA Considering Changing Policy Banning Sexually Active Homosexual Men From Donating

    FDA Considering Changing Policy Banning Sexually Active Homosexual Men From Donating Blood Disgusting - they have all either forgotton why the ban was put into place, or they care more about perverts than the innocent. Do you think this is a good idea, yes or no and why.
  19. Angel4Truth

    Hillary Clinton: You Broke the Glass Ceiling, but at What Cost?

    Sharing this excellent article :
  20. Angel4Truth

    14 people shot outside party in Southern California

    14 people shot outside party in Southern California Seems the authorities here are braindead, the motive is listed at the beginning of the article. Note this article fails to mention the race of the perps, you can guess though, when its left off, its usually black, seems lives dont matter to...