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  1. Keiw1

    The resurrection to life or judgement

    7x = 2520 days
  2. Keiw1

    John 17: 3

    no need, fact is fact.
  3. Keiw1

    John 17: 3

    Its a major teaching from Jesus--can you hear him? It means eternal life to know his Father as the only true God. Satan has 99% beat living now from centuries ago. They believe dogma over Jesus. Or don't even know Jesus. There are 4 different Jesus' being taught on earth. 1 is real. All his true...
  4. Keiw1

    The resurrection to life or judgement

    Ezek 4:6-- Num 14:34--there is a day for a year rule. No king sat on the throne 2520 days after the removal of the last king in Jerusalem. That rule applies.
  5. Keiw1

    Is eternal suffering literal?

    The wages sin pays is death= Gods judgement against sin. Its paid in full at death. The second chance is in a world with no satan influences. Everything back to perfection. During the 1000 year reign of Christ. Gods kingdom rule in full control. But they will not be handed eternal life without...
  6. Keiw1

    The resurrection to life or judgement

    I answered you from post 34.
  7. Keiw1

    The resurrection to life or judgement

    Rightdivider in post 13. He said the body of Christ would be removed before the tribulation--i thought he meant the physical body of Christ, but now i see he thinks all Christians will go to heaven--that is 100% error-Prov 2:21-22 proves that. The great crowd ( Rev 7:9)of other sheep( John...
  8. Keiw1

    The resurrection to life or judgement

    I asked you to show me scripture. If i asked Jesus would he show me? A christian is one who follows Jesus. So either you can show me scripture or you cant, which is it?
  9. Keiw1

    Is eternal suffering literal?

    God has already judged sin= death, thus one cannot be retried for past sins once dead. At Romans 6:7 is clear--one is acquitted of all sin at death. Thus at the resurrection, God is so loving he gives those a 2nd chance to learn and apply his will. Under perfect conditions with no satan...
  10. Keiw1

    The resurrection to life or judgement

    How can you say possibly not When Rev 14:3 is clear--144,000 bought from the earth. God created the earth for mortal man. His plans did not change. His kingdom will bring it to a reality--called the new earth= Gods kingdom rule in full control forever, no more satan influences ever. All made...
  11. Keiw1

    Is eternal suffering literal?

    Lets see what the bible teaches on that matter-Literal or symbolic? Deut 32:4-All of Gods ways are justice)= perfect justice as he taught= an eye for an eye--His justice scales are in perfect balance, lets apply those scales to eternal suffering. On one side=70-100 years of an unrepented life--...
  12. Keiw1

    John 17: 3

    Did you break down John 17:3? 2 major points taught there by Jesus--He tells all--the one who sent him= Father is THE ONLY TRUE GOD. And that the only true God sent him-means-God did not come down here, he sent another. This is a major teaching few understand. Many claim to follow Jesus but FEW...
  13. Keiw1

    The resurrection to life or judgement

    You cant prove your words huh?
  14. Keiw1

    The resurrection to life or judgement

    Did you miss the prophecy found in Daniel 4? 2520 days when a king will sit on Gods throne from the removal of the last king--No king sat on thr throne. Thus applying a year for a day bible rule, this comes up--607bce+2520( years) = 1914 is when Rev 6:2 occurred--Rev 6:4 backs it with...
  15. Keiw1

    The resurrection to life or judgement

    They best hurry. We are at near the end of these last days. Revelation has been occurring for quite awhile. Paul mentions Abrahams seed-meaning Gods chosen, they are spiritual Israel religion now( these are christian), not literal Israel religion.
  16. Keiw1

    Jesus is God !

    He is right. Jesus is the image of God--the bible teaches that fact. Every christian as well teaches that fact then. An image is NEVER the real thing.
  17. Keiw1

    The resurrection to life or judgement

    Prove your words from the bible please. You say it teaches what you said. --Yes it does, does not cut it.
  18. Keiw1

    The resurrection to life or judgement

    The deliverer came, it was Jesus, literal Israel religion rejected him and sent him to his death. To this day they reject him. They can turn to Jesus right now( Matt 23:39) they refuse. Spiritual Israel( made up of all who obey the real Jesus) is now Gods chosen.
  19. Keiw1

    The resurrection to life or judgement

    No where does it say Christs body will be removed as you have posted. No where does it say the changing occurs prior to the tribulation either. There are some little flock on earth today. These are the ones to get changed in the twinkling of an eye. Jesus said back then--some of you standing...
  20. Keiw1

    The resurrection to life or judgement

    Israel will NEVER do verse 39--