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  1. Keiw1

    Is eternal suffering literal?

    Symbolism on eternal suffering. John 3:16 says those not exercising faith in Jesus will be destroyed. Hades(grave) and death gets thrown in the lake of fire to be destroyed as all things will be, thrown in there.
  2. Keiw1

    Is eternal suffering literal?

    Only a sadist would create a literal eternal suffering. God is love.
  3. Keiw1

    Is eternal suffering literal?

    John 3:16 warns against being destroyed. Jesus teaches those walking the broad and spacious path to destruction.
  4. Keiw1

    John 17: 3

    Paul says-through Jesus-Col 1:15-16)--i see your translation left out through, At John 1:3 it says through as well. Jesus is Gods image--an image is never the real thing.
  5. Keiw1

    Is eternal suffering literal?

    They know nothing in the first death either--Ecclesiastes 9:10--All that your hands find to do, do with your very power, for there is no work, nor devising, nor knowledge, nor wisdom in Sheol( grave) the place to which you are going. Sheol = Hades.
  6. Keiw1

    Is eternal suffering literal?

    That is about the little flock, not the great crowd. And to God all the righteous who ever lived are in a sense still living to Jehovah's view. The first death is temporary. He knows 100% they will live again in the resurrection. So to him are still alive in a sense.
  7. Keiw1

    Is eternal suffering literal?

    These believe-Matt 7:21-23--they won't be saved. That was a partial truth about believing--Obeying carries much more weight.
  8. Keiw1

    Is eternal suffering literal?

    The dead are dead, they know nothing. They cannot think.
  9. Keiw1

    John 17: 3

    Gen 1:27--HE created, not we. Let us= Jehovah and his master worker( Prov 8:30) = the one who was beside God during creation process. He calls the creator-HE( not we) at Prov 8 Things were created-THROUGH Jesus( Col 1:15-16)--that means another did the creating=HE alone has the power and wisdom...
  10. Keiw1

    Is eternal suffering literal?

    Lake of fire = the second death. There is no life in death. God throws death and the grave into the lake of fire to destroy them forever. All things thrown in there get destroyed forever.
  11. Keiw1

    John 17: 3

    Every Jewish person on earth will tell you God is a single being God. Paul disagrees with you and your teachers-1Cor 8:5-6- first he warns all other Gods are false then tells all of creation who God is= There is ONE God to all, the Father. At Isaiah 40:26 God is called-HE, not we. Gen 1:27 the...
  12. Keiw1

    John 17: 3

    Israel to this day serves a single being God, they NEVER served God as triune--They served the true God. Recorded facts of history=Catholicism added the holy spirit to a triune godhead in 381 ce at the council of Constantinople. No trinity was served prior by a single true follower of the true...
  13. Keiw1

    Is eternal suffering literal?

    twisting things never works. Destruction is permanently done away with.
  14. Keiw1

    Is eternal suffering literal?

    Gods words are a 100% guarantee--He took an oath, he set before all-LIFE or DEATH. Did you read the words at John 3:16= a very famous scripture-- For God loved the world so much that he( not we) gave his only begotten son, in order that everyone exercising faith in him might not be DESTROYED(not...
  15. Keiw1

    Is eternal suffering literal?

    Its impossible for death to be thrown in before Rev 20:10--death is tossed in at 20:14 Eternal suffering is symbolism not literal. God isn't a sadist who would make nothing little mortals suffer for eternity. I showed you the oath that the true God made at Deut 30:19--Life or death he set before...
  16. Keiw1

    John 17: 3

    Paul inspired by God said--There is one God to all the Father..Believe me when ones teachers don't match Jesus and Gods bible writers--RUN FROM THEM, they are these-2Cor 11:12-15) No matter what your teachers say, its 100% undeniable fact, the God Israel served in the bible = the Abrahamic God=...
  17. Keiw1

    John 17: 3

    that makes 0 sense. its not 1+1=2 that is for sure. Paul backed Jesus' words-1Cor 8:6-There is ONE God to all the Father)---not Father, son and holy spirit.
  18. Keiw1

    Is eternal suffering literal?

    Death gets thrown into the lake of fire after satan is loosed and misleads some to be destroyed. The ones who stand faithful get their names written in Gods book of life. Then one has eternal life. The torment is missing each day in Gods kingdom( eternal life)-- trading 70-100 years of a sinful...
  19. Keiw1

    The resurrection to life or judgement

    It as well was a prophecy concerning nebuchadnezzars return to the throne-it cant possibly be 70 x 7 years concerning him-2520 days concerning him, 2520 years when Jesus received his crown at Rev 6:2
  20. Keiw1

    John 17: 3

    What don't you and hundreds of religions( a house divided will not stand) claiming to be christian not understand about-The one who sent Jesus= Father is THE ONLY TRUE GOD.