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  1. Keiw1

    John 17: 3

    error filled trinity translations do, they are altered as well, Altered by Catholicism, errors translated in by Catholicism, thus you put your eternal life into Catholicism translating, yet her own translating proves her to be false religion.
  2. Keiw1

    Is eternal suffering literal?

    There is NO life in death.
  3. Keiw1

    Is eternal suffering literal?

    It was a prayer to his Father--His Father sent him, thus clearly Jesus said the one who sent him= his Father is THE ONLY TRUE GOD.
  4. Keiw1

    Jesus is God !

    You are mislead. The word is not called God in the Greek lexicons--god is correct. At minimum 20 translations in history has a god at John 1:1--all done by Greek scholars. 3 had was divine, i had was godlike--a god means godlike. Yes believe he is the one sent by God=the messiah.
  5. Keiw1

    John 17: 3

    A house divided( hundreds of trinity religions = a mass of confusion) will not stand--2 billion blinds ones joined that cult. Jesus NEVER claims to be God.
  6. Keiw1

    Is eternal suffering literal?

    Jesus said--The only true God sent him( John 17:3) so why are you making it up that the only true God came down here? There is no life in death. All thought stops. One can do 0 when dead.
  7. Keiw1

    Is eternal suffering literal?

    not a single word of my post can be proven untrue by any mortal. The bible backs it.
  8. Keiw1

    Is eternal suffering literal?

    Yes symbolism. Gods justice scales prove it-They are in perfect balance. He taught all perfect justice= an eye for an eye--his standards he does not go against. His justice scales are in perfect balance. Your false teachers scales teaching a literal eternal suffering= 70 to100 years of...
  9. Keiw1

    John 17: 3

    Those who give a crap about truth, take the time and look up the tetragramoton for themselves= the 4 consonants of Gods name=YHWH, OR YHVH--In the OT nearly 6800 places, every spot the wicked removed it and replaced it with GOD or LORD all capitols. Those spots quoted in the NT on over 200...
  10. Keiw1

    John 17: 3

    My post is100% fact. You Better Relook.
  11. Keiw1

    Is eternal suffering literal?

    The Hebrew word-Sheol=The Greek word-Hades, both translate -the grave. Jesus was in Hades-3 days( the grave) you obviously cannot possibly think God made him suffer for 3 days? Your religions are filled with untruth.
  12. Keiw1

    John 17: 3

    Every translation on earth with Gods name removed in over 7000 places where Gods will wants it, thus Jesus wants it are altered by satans will. Do you understand that fact of life? JW,s didnt create God, its 100% written history-the trinity was created at the councils of Catholicism. Its 100%...
  13. Keiw1

    Is eternal suffering literal?

    I used scriptures. You reject them.
  14. Keiw1

    Is eternal suffering literal?

    Bible truth.
  15. Keiw1

    Is eternal suffering literal?

    God knows 100% they will be resurrected, That occurs at Rev 20= after the tribulation and Harmageddon, during Jesus' 1000 year reign. So in that sense he views them as living.
  16. Keiw1

    Is eternal suffering literal?

    You can look in the mirror and say the same words.
  17. Keiw1

    Is eternal suffering literal?

    All thought stops at death. God already judged sin-The wages of sin is death. There is no life in death.
  18. Keiw1

    Is eternal suffering literal?

    God will show all it does mean that.
  19. Keiw1

    Is eternal suffering literal?

    Sheol= Hades= the grave= Hades = hell. John 3:16 is clear-those not exercising faith in Jesus will be destroyed.
  20. Keiw1

    Is eternal suffering literal?

    The first death isn't permanent, the second death is. John 3:16 those not exercising faith in Jesus will be destroyed.