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  1. Keiw1

    The resurrection to life or judgement

    You can say nonsense, but can't prove my post is wrong. Its been over 1950 years and to this day the Israelite religion outright refuses to do Matt 23:39. Its 100% fact-Jesus started a new religion. Jesus spoke to 7 churches in revelation not to 7 synagogues.-That is spiritual Israel=Any Jewish...
  2. Keiw1

    The resurrection to life or judgement

    The second resurrection is at Rev 20-After Armageddon. The first resurrection started here at Rev 6:2,( little flock members only) = these-Rev 1:6, Rev 20:6) the remaining little flock on earth during the tribulation get changed in the twinkling of an eye and NEVER taste death.
  3. Keiw1

    The resurrection to life or judgement

    Jesus cut Israel off of being Gods chosen-After telling them off at Matt 23, verse 38 he assures them-Your house is abandoned to you, unless they do verse 39--they outright refuse to this day. A new religion began=christian religion-- Those back then left the jewish religion and joined Jesus'...
  4. Keiw1

    The resurrection to life or judgement

    Perhaps and assuming do not make truths. No they cannot sin as much as they want. These are the end of the last days. The first resurrection= the little flock only, not the rest. I did not say there is no judgement after death, no judgement on past sins. judgement will be for when satan gets...
  5. Keiw1

    The resurrection to life or judgement

    The ones on thrones= the little flock( Luke 12:32) these are numbered-Rev 14:3-144,000 bought from the earth= the anointed bride of Christ. The great crowd( Rev 7:9) no man can number are the other sheep( John 10:16) who are not of that fold. These remain on earth forever( Matt 5:5, Psalm 37:29...
  6. Keiw1

    The First Night of Passover (A Reflection)

    Most religions claiming to be christian have 0 understanding of the Lords evening meal. At Luke 22:29-30-clearly teaches its a special covenant made with those who will sit on thrones( Rev 1:6, Rev 20:6) only. They are the only ones allowed to partake of the emblems. They are the anointed bride...
  7. Keiw1

    The resurrection to life or judgement

    Most are confused on this matter. God has already passed judgement on ones sin= The wages of sin is death. Thus once one is dead has paid in full Gods judgement against sin. At Romans 6:7 it teaches-one is acquitted of all sin at death. Thus cannot be re-judged on past sins once dead and...
  8. Keiw1

    Would Anybody Miss Iran ...

    The same God created every human being alive as one human family. Its false religions and govts that divide. The ones who do not know God are blind and let them.