But what if you like easy solutions?

There has to be room for sentimentality, to me it's an important part of love. Is it required, or necessary, all the times that you're loving? No, of course not. But radical means different things to different people, and I see room for a radical sentimentality.
That Cornel West video.... Mind: blown.
Wow. That was amazing. All of that running stream of consciousness... the lightning speed jump from one thought to the next, done so smoothly and reflexively. I need to go back and count how many names he dropped, quite without pretense, you just know that's how the wheels of his mind are turning all the time - what a mind. Can you imagine making a visual of all the people and ideas and connections? What an image that would be:
"Cornel West's Brain."
So thankful you gave me that.
I'm all right, thank you. Existing, for what that's worth.