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  • The guy cracks me up with his arrogance! Goes around telling others not to clutter up the place with a bunch of mumbo-jumbo, ..... and then proceeds to post a bunch of mumbo-jumbo.

    A classic case of "It's OK when I do it".
    Commitment never has been a strong point for the LGBTQueer crowd. But then Dan Savage and his 'husband' are into threesomes.
    Thanks for the rep, Brother. I think we can make people go where they weren't heading, derail them so to speak, with our poor behavior and poor witness, the result of HaSatan's machinations.

    I like your little black and white kitty. :)
    Thanks for the rep. One of the upsides to my revelatory efforts in reformulating the Trinity is that it has won over a number of Arians, Sabellians, and Unitarians, etc. If I can show them the non-modal ontological deity of Christ while excluding the necessity of multiple hypostases, they often receive it. That's a huge step, in my experience.
    Thanks--yes, and when as a group they comprise 1.5% of the human population. The idea that "we will be fully equal once it's legal in all 50 states" is quite simply a delusion.
    Best regards;
    Maybe...I didn't care for the distortion between wanting to preserve a thing while denigrating it at the root. :idunno:
    Yeah, I tend to fuel the fire sometimes by throwing out a taunt.
    It could get really out of hand with that particular poster and I won't pursue it.

    I value your's and my relationship!
    And yes, if Justice Kennedy votes for gay marriage nationally (and it is basically his swing vote which will determine the outcome) then the future is on his head, and the shame is his.

    I think he was feuding with a few people, unbeknownst to me, and took one of my typically less than plain bits from the wrong angle. I'd written, "Man, you think you've made a good impression and there you are...second page of the friends list. Time and time again." The joke he was supposed to get was that I was finding fault with my being listed in the back of the alphabetical bus." Just a bit of goofery gone awry in the reading. Such is life.
    Have you ever noticed how the most bold and erroneous among us are those who are the self-taught, God-revealed-it-to-me types? From my experience there is no reaching them and no end to the error they propagate.
    Yes, indeed there are some beautiful scenes in Tennessee. Thanks for the suggestion. Algood is near Cookeville. I've spent some time in that area. I'll probably use Etna for a while, though.
    Re: bacon in the sun. :) Yeah, I liked the way that one played out phonetically. I wonder how many people caught that. One that I know of.
    My recent remarks re: enlightenment being met with darkness, were not for your support, but meant for pps, as encouragement against your unfounded rebukes. Now you have reported him, and brought punishment upon him, for no good (Christian) reason at all.
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