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  • A shame it didn't start out that way. I suppose it was because of the much closer relationship of religion and the state, reflecting the vast majority of the citizenry. No one saw the need or anticipated a substantive change.
    Yes, I believe I mentioned that in the now defunct Part 1. By all means do research and mention it in the thread.

    Good to see your font once again my friend! :)
    Loved this: "I'm pretty sure [they aren’t] dealing with a full-deck, however (and I do not mean that as derogatory in the slightest)." That is great! :)
    Over the next few weeks or so, a friend of mine and I are going to be reading through St. John's gospel, Hebrews, Romans, and the epistles of St. John and exchanging comments.

    Want in?
    HI Lon, hope you have been well, I havent been fishing much, just reading and spending time with family and work.... anyone heard from bybee? i see someone said shes been missing..?? and yes I have been spending time talking with athiest and witches and wizards,,and all sorts of ppl that need to hear the Gospel :)
    It wasn't my intention to credit them, but just to draw attention to the fact that the book describes such entities.
    I conclude that they are demonic.
    What does your avatar have to do with this conversation? I don't get it.

    And if you think that trying to do right in God's eyes and walk in the way of Yeshua is being trigger happy then I guess we don't have anything to discuss. I'm sorry I bothered you.
    You dunno? Meaning what?....that you don't know when folks are not representing the love of Yeshua? I know better than that about you. Do we make excuse for it? How can we? Why can't we rise to God's occasion rather than wallow around in what feels good?
    You already have me on your side, Lon. There is never a good time to cast God, Yeshua or the faith in a bad light. Here is where we differ as far as IDW is concerned. He is only 37. He is a product of what we didn't do so there is a key component missing from his faith. He is a young man bold for the Lord and in these days and times, that's rare. Rather than smack and demean him for it, it should have been patiently explained. Now we simply have more to be responsible for not doing. And I meant what I posted about others here offending the Lord on a regular basis and folks finding it perfectly acceptable. Let's not delude ourselves into thinking that because it's not couched in a satirical in your face cartoon, it's not visible. :popcorn:
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