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  • Thanks. I'm okay. Your discombobulated schedule has thrown me off! You're usually so consistent... Early morning weekdays, and late morning weekends :chuckle: I hope everything's okay with you. :)
    I'm relaxing in the sense that there isn't any work that I personally have to do now. But I am helping a friend with a thesis. So Im working on that right now, but I don't find it exhausting. When it is not my paper, I don't really mind the work, it is quite interesting.

    Reading a bit of Robert Jenson these days, as well as re-reading some parts of The Prophets by Heschel.
    I'm hopeless when it comes to history, history is my achilles heel within the theological discipline :chuckle:
    How is it going? :)

    Finally delivered that paper, so my workload is now significantly lighter :eek:

    As soon as I read your response I started high lob I've seen in a while. You deserve a lot of rep for that one. :chuckle:
    I know what you mean by hanging in. The end of the school year can be pretty brutal as far as trying to get the attention of 20 teenagers, 3 times a day, for an hour and a half each time.:plain:

    I'm rooting for the Spurs, but I'm concerned that they can't match the athleticism of the Clippers, who look poised for a deep run, if they can beat the Spurs. Beyond them, I like the Warriors, mostly because I like Curry. He's so much fun to watch, and he totally believes in what he does. You?
    Mostly busy :eek: Time just flies by at the moment, but that is alright. There are worse things than being busy.


    I'm glad he's doing well enough, and hope he'll keep on that way now that he's back on the supplement.

    I'm doing okay, thanks. Pretty much the same as usual. :)
    Oh and reading your mostly/with thoughts. I agree with everything you wrote thereafter. So yet another reason to consider a CAT scan. :shocked:
    I've kinda picked up on those so-so vibes, that's why you've been in my thoughts.

    Those are long workdays, even more so when you have to take it home with you. Take good care, okay? How's your Dad doing these days?'s a shame there aren't more of us and less of them. How much fun would that be...well, for us then. :plain:
    I tried to get him and Nang and IMJ (the first to raise the point) to start a thread on it...remarkable how compelled people are and aren't, now and again. :eek:
    Hope you aren't offended by my remark to Pure. I wasn't really irked at anyone, but I've tried to get people to stay on a topic that has a lot of meat on the bone and it was clear to me that he was going to keep addressing his side bar there so I shut the thing down. I think if any or everyone wants to start a thread on the faith and how it should or could be more ecumenical and on what we do among ourselves, etc. it could be interesting, but it's off topic and, well, see: the post he ignored to continue his response to you on the other topic. :eek:
    Thanks for the rep comment. I love the game. I've gotten to the point that I watch what's going on much more closely than I used to. I thought K won the game when he was able to keep it close while Okafor and Winslow were on the bench with foul trouble at the end of the first half. If Wisconsin had been able to put some space between themselves and Duke at that point, then the fast start at the beginning of the second half would have made it a 15-16 point game instead of a 9 point game. That's a significant difference.

    And all this is more than you probably wanted...:eek:
    Gathering with some like-minded people this morning and then going to my family's house for food and fellowship, with an egg hunt for the kids.
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