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  • I'm so sorry to hear that! I can certainly pray for a specific healing of that and I will! :) MRI to me means a good excuse for a nap! What are they trying to rule out?
    I'm okay, Sis, thank you for asking and for your prayers. What pain we have now will be nothing compared to the joy we have later. How are you?
    I'm sorry to hear about your issues but I'm glad you are getting the help you need. You'll be in my prayers. :)
    :( Sorry to hear that bybee. I'll pray that you have a smooth journey home, you get the help you need, and that you are well soon. Blessings in return.

    Since I'm on my phone, I can't leave a message with my rep comment, so I'm going to leave it here.. I just love you!!! :D
    Saw your comment to Chrys...just when I forget his nature where I'm concerned he reminds me. Don't know if you saw my response, but essentially I said that the only way to counter the impression Sod was giving (most of his comments being about neg reps) was to set out what I'd actually done. He knew that or should have...second neg rep I've given in months. Not mad, just disgusted with that sort of oily nonsense.

    Hope you're faring well. :cheers:
    Hello bybee, Nang does not have biblical knowledge, but is regurgitating what she has been spoon fed. She comes against the gospel on nearly every post and does not consent to wholesome words.
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