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  • Ok Lady!

    You gotta say hi to us..
    did the trip go well and smoothly?
    Are y'all doing well?

    Yes, we miss you!
    I remember my Father telling me that he trusted my choices of whom I dated ....... unless he was a liberal.
    Sorry to hear that, back problems can make everything very difficult. I'm glad you are doing fairly well though and you'll be in my prayers. :)
    The doctors say he has turned around remarkably fast. Pneumonia Monday and clear today (had him checked) after three plus days of hospital care. Now we're keeping an eye on and giving treatments through the weekend, but he's very much a recognizable version of his old self. :)
    Hi bybee,

    I love your Christmas Tree. Gorgeous! I'm making the chili today. Mmmmm!! Thanks for the idea. I will put a tsp. of cumin in it also. Then it will taste more like Hormel. Heeheheheee! I think very highly of you even though you don't really get a chance to post on my thread. Right now, we are discussing when Jesus will return. It's not only about Creation or Evolution. I even talk about music and food there. May Jesus Bless Your Heart!!
    I have been dubbed " DMV Princess " by Anna. So, I am informing all of my subjects of the name change. :chuckle:
    I did not read anything that had been posted before I read Granite's post. I thought I was affirming his anti-Islam stance. I didn't check to see to whom he was responding or the context of that response. I would not hurt you or cause you pain. Believe me I shall never response in haste ever again! You and I are in agreement on so many things that I do hope that our history of trust will win out. When I take the time to respond properly I have your back as I have the back of all my friends on TOL.
    How could you have put your stamp of approval on what Granite posted in the context of our discussion? Not only did he trash me as a rape victim but he criticized me for questioning radical Islamic intent and our current corrupt Cabinet. How could you possibly think that I would throw the death of innocent people in the face of their families? Don't you know me any better than that? Granite took a flying leap off the deep end with his position in a very ugly way and you just followed him blindly? Please don't expect me to believe that of you because I know you're not blind or unintelligent. You can't possibly have responded to his post so definitively without having read it. You're not empty headed Pat...not in the least. If you have hurt me? Seriously? Of course I forgive you. I have no choice in light of the faith. Trust, however, is a two way street.
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