To the complete ignorance of Paul's writings.
here we go again...
AND STILL NOT SUBMITTED AT HIS TRIAL to prove what you claim...That Paul taught Jesus changed the customs Moses delivered...the same false witness jews spread to stir up the people against poor Stephen.
But Paul’s accusers COULD NOT PROVE what they asserted...which is EXACTLY what you try to keep doing here.
Sloppy meshing of the Old to the New is always what causes problems.
is why it’s better understood as RENEW...besides the covenant was renewed but I will put MY LAW...NOT My NEW Law or even My improved law or updated law or My Son’s much HIGHER LAW...nope but just I will put MY LAW into hearts and minds...
Always, thus you, Catholics, and other Extrinsic proponents will never encourage another to walk by the Spirit properly.
catholics claim the Spirit leads one to follow catholic works tradition law...I maintain the Spirit leads one to follow and fulfill His OWN LAW...that is properly as He would know...
The Law simply teaches. It does not 'make' holiness. It teaches you about it, so in that, it truly is good,
thanks so dont just hear about it DO know what Moses taught from his seat DO THAT Yahushua said...
but Jesus said (sermon on the mount) "You've heard it said...but I say...." It establishes Him as God and establishes something MUCH higher than the Law.
So what He said abrogates His Father’s law you would have the house divided? How does dont kill vs dont even get mad abrogate the first...or dont commit adultery vs dont lust...or dont swear falsely vs dont swear at all? Its about the circumcised heart the inner jew the clean temple...fulfills the Law...just like an defiled unclean uncircumcised heart allows the same...not what comes into that makes unclean but that the already unclean allows the unclean to enter...
Paul's whole treatise concerning the Law is similar to Christ: Those who live by the sword, will die by it, and those who live by the law, will die by it. Galatians 2:19;3:12
all have sinned are cursed...but as the first text states I through the law (see? Gotta have it) died TO the Law...(see? the Law didnt die WE did to it it’s curse) that I might live to for the second text the law IS NOT of faith...but you gotta DO IT...verse 13 confirms Yahushua redeemed us form the curse of the Law...NOT THE LAW it point out our need of Him
As if the Spirit would lead you to break His Own Law...LOL...of course we are not even under the STATE traffic laws if we do not break any...but if you are under it under arrest even...LOL
It is like you know half your Bible only
you mean the only half that was around when Paul wrote ALL scripture is of Yah and useful for training in righteousness...Yahushua really was just teaching it and demonstrating its results...
:think Deuteronomy 27:26 You like links, have you read
CARM on this?
what does any of that have to do with adult gentiles not physically being able to circumcise themselves on the eighth day of existence as per Moses’ Law...being able to be reborn literally to be cut the eighth day as per Moses see how rediculous that is? Add to that Judaizing Jews were demanding gentiles be cut in order to 1) be saved 2)fellowship with jews...neither of which was taught in the OT....
You are throwing scriptures around like cultists who so badly want them to be their own words and not God, and with no fear that you are mixing the word of God with your fable. YOU are exactly wrong. Everybody but a VERY few Seventh Day Adventists thinks so. Your kingdom is much too small and you've prophetically stepped up into the place of Jesus (which is why VERY few of us should become teachers, getting in the way of the Spirit and playing Holy Spirit). This alone is enough for anyone to completely reject you on TOL: You, Clefty, are getting in the way of the Savior with nonsense.
feel better? All this because you don’t read the OT clearly but as with a veil covering the parts that say FAITH ALONE unto salvation and then obedience BECAUSE one is saved...
The OT is NOT an instruction book on how to get the is an owner’s manual BECAUSE you alread own the car and wish to maximize it and care for it don’t break down...yeah dig?
Please dont ignore this...
:nono: YOU assume the new man isn't new, just two olds placed together. As you are fond of reminding, the gentiles already were part of that. Such WOULDN'T have been new... :nono: You are too committed to a poor reading of scripture. Your elders were wrong.
please look up “renewed vs new covenants”...don’t bother with “My new laws or My upgraded laws...or even My Son’s higher Law replacing My own”...that is NOT in scripture
This is still you trying to be grafted into DYING Jews, not living ones.
LOL good grief...Paul was clear we are not grafted into the branches that were cut off for unbelief...that being the jews...but that we are grafted into the trunk...fig trunks make fig WHY our fruit is MORE LIKE not LESS LIKE HIM HIS
life is not grafted into death...or fruitfulness into fruitlessness
You are the one with the fuzzy math here. You are stiff-necked. Why is that? Why do we (me included) resist truth rather than simply read it and become changed by it? We are so prideful. It is really hard not to do that on TOL so perhaps it raises our hackles, but that is exactly why I'm trying to use scriptures more than anything else with you. Only God can change hardness. Only He can break through.
by their fruits we will know whose slave you are...your yoke reveals your owner...
Says the man stuck in translations because he can read neither Greek nor Hebrew :sigh: All this posturing... :sigh:
So did you read the ordinance in that photo of that enmity against goyim? You know which was abolished as was the wall between jew and goyim...making ONE NEW MAN...citizen of Israel...
What? That Law is Grace pointing out our need of a Savior? Who taught and demonstrated IT and how it can be done...Romans 3:20 brings awareness of sin...WHAT GRACE...John 1:14 Word became Flesh full of Grace and Truth
Imagine NOT knowing what pleased Him...or not knowing what to do once saved...yuck...what grace we have a map and list and recipe
Law actually triggers grace Romans 5:20
I'm not against, nor more importantly, do I believe Scripture is against the above.
Good we should be walking in agreement soon...yes KNOWING what pleases is life DO as OUR Heavenly Father WANTS...on earth as it is where I AM...
Gays argue the Law is abolished to please themselves...their lifestyle rebellion of knowing the Law and pleasing themselves instead...arguing I was born this way...well many were born to kill or be good thieves are with skills and talents to LIE...but they were asked NOT TO...because they are practicing to be where I AM and none of that rebellion is in HIS WAY OF LOVING...
read again what I wrote...rules are not about ability...
I saw a 'law' man scold a child once because he could not balance. That child, held back over and over and over lost for the team. The child could NEVER do that coordinated effort. What Jesus did, was made us awkward children, able to enjoy the game (as far as analogy can take us, they are always limited in scope).
even special olympics are a unique blend of rules and desire then ability...what you call mr Law scolding was wrong to do so He would cause to be able to...I can do all things in that Coach...the analogy holds your example is Law indeed killed the spirit...prolly mad because the law of biology lost to the law of physics...and yet the rule can not bend for abilities...IS WHY the game is win poorly is not the game and yet to lose nobly somehow is...
:nono: This is where analogy goes to far. While I do press on with Paul, there are parts of the Law I can never fulfill. The flesh tugs at us, such that Jesus said if you covet, or lust, you've broken the Law. While the Law, indeed is good, we could get so caught up in the worries of trying to fulfill it, that we lose the joy from the frustration, of spending time with our Savior. "Mary has chosen the better thing..."
so what if you dont serve an ace,hit a homerun, score a touchdown every time that is not the game...that would make the game boring...what is the game is TO TRY and watch the CHARACTER be built...the LOVE...Paul admitted as much...but to overcome to run the race complete...fight the good fight...not once focused on rules because it is understood and soon innately done...
Yet you, like that other law-abiding man,
you missed the point of the video COMPLETLEY...knowing the rule is loving the game...loving the game is knowing the rule...knowledge of the rules BENEFITS the play that is GRACE in and of itself...imaging playing a game you dont know the rules...
was miserable and wicked to that child who could not balance. While physical inability is not the same, it really did, in fact, come from his sense of 'rules' (Law) thus is adequate for analogy: He lacked the grace to know that Christ meets our needs and inadequacies.
apples and oranges...physical inability is NOT the same as NOT keeping the does NOT come from the heart the other does...from a rebellious heart...much rather play with a disabled person that LOVES the game...WANTS to keep the rules do the best...than an ablebodied CHEATER...imagine playing someone who says “oh no that rule was fulfilled yesterday by another better player no need to keep it today...” LOL or “NO NO NO that rule was NOT dispensed to me personally”...good grief...
HalleluYah...then PLEASE do not attempt to slander me as judaizer because I would NEVER demand a beginner player to serve aces immediately just to play with me...LOL
In the OT...NO ONE was expected to cut themselves in order to be saved or even fellowship with jews...and expecting adults to circumcise themselves in the manner of Moses at 8th day of life was IMPOSSIBLE...Peter spoke exactly to the IMPOSSIBLE BURDEN they never had to keep so why expect the gentiles...
That burden was to have to choose to be cut or jews they never had to make that burdensome was done for them by faithful parents who did it for them to WHY circumcision can NOT save as it is NOT chosen by the exactly why we reject infant baptism...
These judaizers were placing burdens on adult gentiles they did not carry themselves...even Yahushua called them out on this BUSTED those Pharisees Matt 23:4 Luke 11:46
I had a coach that told me I wasn't good enough to play (baseball at the time). I had no father, so had never played catch, and so the coach was right.
A better coach? Would have spent after hours time with that fatherless child to help him get ready. That coach? Bad coach.
totally agree...but rules still define the american pastime game you play and the player you are to play it...the stats alone drive guys crazy...LOL
No player ever quits after his first strike out...and no fan ever calls him a hypocrite for failing his uniform...just try again...
and yet christians so scared to fail (to end up in hell fire forever I imagine) strike out once and quit...hate the game stoopid rules hate the fans hate too jeer and mock his failure...
“Let’s just change the rules” some compromise to make it easier...thinking they can...forgetting they are not alone and One is willing and able to have them play MORE LIKE Him the 1000 batting average perfect defense no errors super player...
And 'duh' some of them will never make the team specifically because they don't have the ability.
you keep missing that this aint tryouts...or based on your WANT TO? You are already on the team with the ONLY Coach that can get you to excel to your best...and practice with Him strategy with Him diet WITH HIM...yup even outs AND proper REST...hey lookie there...and you with HIM will manifest what is in your inner ball player heart “I am a player of a beautiful game” your batting average whatever YOU ARE PLAYING COACH NEEDS YOU
Your theology, leaves a lot of struggling people outside of the kingdom.
nope any who WANT to and STICK TO IT...not take short cuts or cheat or change rules or claim “NOT FOR ME”...ANY WHO WANT TO even though they are horrible now...just Follow Him how He played...
I wasn't raised by a drunken father (fatherless, remember?) I rather know, these have a more difficult time. I had a kid in camp that was special assigned to me, because I loved on him. His father had just died and he was very angry at the world. It was a rough 5 weeks but I knew they were right to give me that kid. Poor behavior, yet loved me, and wanted to do well.
BINGO HE WANTED TO...wanted short cuts or shirking responsibilities...
He's an alcoholic, I'm told to this day.
yes the heart is most deceptive...hurt it is even more so
I do know one thing: "Where sin did abound, grace much more did abound."
yup...what grace in a world without structure or certainty or guarantee we have a hope and promise a faith with obedience to Him His way not some fickle taskmaster killing the spirit the love of the game...but One who wants us to trust and obey Him His
Your theology doesn't have a place for that kid-now-man. He is simply 'out' by your reckoning.
ouch and nope...there is a way...truth and spirit...One Who gave us a faith walk home...what grace...
You become unclean? Wash and wait for the sun to set...come are NOT DOOMED
Rules not only protect the game but the player...even more so His rules
:Yet, 1) it keeps out the man mentioned above and 2) requires I keep 'checking back to it, to make sure' as well as make sure I'm taking a day off every 6 days or else!
my yoke is easy my burden is light...he is not at all out...He came not to the saved but the sinner to demonstrate righteousness imputed...gratitude pursues retaining it...hard so hard to recall a day off? Or else? You are not gonna get stoned...hmmmmm no you arent as no more shedding of blood...judgement day is coming vengeance remains His
It works, if using limited. The other does pay more attention for a few moments.
regret distracting you from Pauls “the shadows merely point out more things to come STILL and from Him...UNTIL SIN IS NO MORE and we are restored forever by why NOW we WANT to please Him having been saved we WANT to walk as He did LOVE AS HE DID...and the Spirit regenerates us until we die to continue HIS WORK IN US to do His FATHERS WILL
To a degree, yes. You are correct. In life, I actually want to be as my Savior,
and it is hard to sin when you are praying and spending time with Him. more like Him...sin less...still even more just like Him...repeat until overcoming enduring to the end...knowing you are pleasing Him
As a parent who wakes up on Father’s Day...your kids are wanting to make for you YOUR FAVORIE blueberry you care if they mess up the kitchen or even err abit on the recipe like forget the salt...”but daddy we know you like blueberry pancakes” wouldnt you forgive the mess and the error of lack of salt...but they TRIED...
Ok but wait what if knowing your favorite is blue berry pancakes they instead make pumpkin muffins which might remind you of an enemy who tried to poison you with one...or if they messed up the kitchen and maybe erred on the recipe for strawberry shortcake...KNOWING YOU ARE HIGHLY ALLERGIC to it and so it’s an abomination to you...”but we love you daddy...thought your allergy was done away with”
Happy Father’s Day...may your children know what pleases you...and try to do THAT
Thus, I'm a bit rebellious with legalism and 'the rules' because referees absolutely can and do, take the fun out of the game where the 'game' is no longer the focus but the 'rules.' pooping Pharisees...but happily we have the best Ref...the most fair...knows the game...Played the game pro...loves the game the players too...and wants to show the fans WHY they too should play...
Do we throw out every player? :nono: Just a penalty in football. Baseball? Not a lot errors. You either tag the guy or miss. So in the world of play and rules, the game is the thing. The rules are a background interest, not the game itself. Could you imagine basketball without a basket? You don't really have to tell the kid to shoot for the 'basket' as a 'rule.' It is just part of the game. Those with Christ living in them, make the Law, incidental.
BRAVO LON...having the Christ mind is EXACTLY about the LOVE...His rules merely qualify that love which makes it what it is LIKE NO OTHER...and it becomes natural the particulars INCIDENTAL...not written all over the gym or field but in our inner circumcised hearts and inner jew minds...we eat sleep and breath the game...naturally IN HIM...SPIRIT LED...INTO FULFILLING HIS RULES...that is the Love no other in the world provides...
The first four make it about other god asks of us these 4...the last six basically every other god does...certainly every government...ok maybe not the covet one...but you know what I am going at...Paul was greatful the covet law remained...Marx should have too
I dont ask people if they wanna keep a certain ball within a box while hit over a net on one bounce or before while holding a specific racquet making sure not to step over the line when you serve into a smaller box...BORING and horrible...I just ask if they wanna play tennis...the game is known and defines itself...once in awhile rules are disputed but never because once a rule is fulfilled in one set it is no longer applying in the next set...
Nor have I ever heard of basketball players arguing that introducing the 3 point line was added the 2pt shot was abolished...
Taking His Name in Vain. Yep, two different gospels. As I suspected, "Other", you don't even keep 9 of 10

You are in desperate need of grace. The two commands are to Love Him (this is it???) and love one another. Honestly? From what I'm reading, I'm not seeing maturity on either count from you. Continue READING please (and stop making it up in your head):
Jesus isnt even His now too distracted from ever answering if you like the photo of what was abolished in Col 2:17 or if you could read the commandments in ordnance at you with your years of use anything to avoid it...
Rom 9:7 nor because they are the seed of Abraham are they all children. But, "In Isaac shall your Seed be called."
Rom 9:8 That is, not the children of the flesh are children of God; but the children of the promise are counted for a seed.
Rom 9:11 (for the children had not yet been born, neither had done any good or evil; but that the purpose of God according to election might stand, not of works but of Him who called,)
Rom 9:12 it was said to her, "The elder shall serve the younger."
Rom 9:13 As it is written, "Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated."
Rom 9:14 What shall we say then? Is there not unrighteousness with God? Let it not be!
Rom 9:15 For He said to Moses, "I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion."
Rom 9:16 So then it is not of the one willing, nor of the one running, but of God, the One showing mercy.
Rom 9:26 And it shall be, in the place where it was said to them. "You are not My people; there they shall be called sons of the living God."
Rom 9:30 What shall we say then? That the nations, who did not follow after righteousness have taken on righteousness, but a righteousness of faith.
Rom 9:31 But Israel, who followed after a law of righteousness did not arrive at a law of righteousness.
Rom 9:32 Why? Because it was not of faith, but as it were by the works of the Law. For they stumbled at that Stumbling-stone;
Rom 9:33 as it is written, "Behold, I lay in Zion a Stumbling-stone and a Rock-of-offense, and everyone believing on Him shall not be put to shame."
so was any of this at all presented by scholarly jews who exactly like you were accusing Paul of teaching their Law and customs Moses delivered was abrogated? I mean if it is that clear to you it should have been a slam dunk GUILTY case...instead Paul insisted they could NOT prove their was Paul lying? Was Yahshua when He said DONT THINK I came to destroy the law?
Rom 10:3 For they, being ignorant of God's righteousness and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves to the righteousness of God.
that is you Lon your own everyday Jesusrest Sabbath
Rom 10:4 For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness for everyone who believes.
so when a football player runs to the end of the field that is the end of the game is it? Or NO MORE RULES FROM NOW ON...LOL years of greek never covered that “telos” could mean “goal” NO? You would rather say that the Son ENDED His Father’s Law divided the House...thus the Law being ended what points out sin? We ARE able to LIE? steal worship from Him too...kill the Spirit pricking you to follow HIM HIS you demonstrate the Law is ended for you...
What does the Spirit guide you into? What now is HOW we Love Him? The Law ENDED what is written on your circumcised heart your inner jew mind?
Keep reading, chapters 11-16 continue to explain ▲this▲ To ignore Paul, is to ignore scripture and God.
Peter was right about the unstable twisting Paul to their own gain...but at least they didnt use any of this at his trial...they could NOT twist it enough to say that Yahushua ended His Fathers Law...
"If" anyone is in Christ, they are a new creation, the old, has passed away....
right the old law passed away so His Father lied as He said it was a perpetual covenant Ex Yahushua lied claiming it would be easier for heaven and earth to pass away than a jot or tittle to do so Luke 16:17 because He is NOT the same yesterday keeping Sabbath and today keeping Sunday or every day...Heb 13:8
Ok so well...we are lawless...Christ ended it...nothing to point out our need for a Savior. No need for Grace.
Even the Pharisees agreed with Paul seeing no evil in his message that their Law was abrogated...done...destroyed ended...Acts 23:9 maybe Paul lied to them?