I read through Galatians again last night. It explains all of this very well. Do you ever read it?
asked and answered...my post at #126 but you ignored or avoided it then...why should now be any different?
What did you ignore or avoid last night when you read Galatians again?...
you prolly missed this last night...right out of the gate...”Paul an apostle”...of what? The good news gospel that the Law was dead...we can cease seventh day Sabbaths off and finally eat cat bats and wombats?
Or that One the Hope of Israel was resurrected and NOT just to the jews...
verse 3 you prolly missed this too...”GRACE to you”...WHY GRACE if the law was DEAD...destroyed...if so there is NO NEED for grace...4 “Who gave Himself for our sins”...See? NOT Who destroyed the law so we no longer have it point out our sins...”that He might deliver us from this present evil age”...hmmmm if what points out evil is dead or destroyed what then is evil? Why do any need deliverance? The Law is dead no? Nailed to the cross...or?
Continuing Gal 1 Paul then warns of another gospel and of some who trouble to pervert...I know exactly which perverted another gospel pleases man...that which claims the Law is dead, done, away with, changed...but Paul insists he seeks NOT to please men but to serve Christ...Him His Way as He taught and demonstrated...
Yup your man pleasing another gospel remains the same false witness of Jews who claimed poor Stephen taught Yahushua changed the customs Moses delivered...Luke is CLEAR if Stephen was teaching that the Law was dead it would NOT be a false witness...Acts 6:13-14
I could give a care less (means I really can even put you on iggy for as arrogant and scripturally illiterate as you are, with the audacity to try and assert from that ignorant perspective. I'm MUCH better educated in scriptures than you. You? Arrogant with your little tiny bit of understanding. GREAT, I can put you on ignore. I'm not here for your amusement. I'm here to discuss scriptures as they stand. If they pull in a direction I somehow missed? Great, one day they'll make and mold me. You? You don't understand planting and watering and think you are the Holy Spirit and master teacher of apparently everybody. I could give a care less of what you 'think' about your prowess. I KNOW what it is. Grow. Up. It's biblical. Ephesians 4:13-15 Your problem is you are ONLY interested in what YOU want to be interested in concerning scriptures. Have at it.
ummm...wow...so what is “the faith OF the Son of God?” Islam? “What is the knowledge OF the Son of God” but to do His Father’w Will? “To a perfect man” according to WHAT standard if the Law is gone? “To the measure of the statue of the fullness of Christ”...seems like we should make a comparison list of similarities and differences between Him and us...to see how we measure up to Him and His teachings and ways...as He demonstrated for us to follow...
“...may grow up in ALL things INTO Him who is the Head-Christ” would be an odd and dysfunctional body if it did contrary the Head’s desire NO? I mean growing INTO Him means we do NOT have a Law? Nothing written in our circumcised hearts and inner jew minds? I mean He was a jew yes?
He even instructed prayers be said that the Sabbath be kept in the future times of trouble...notice how He did not instruct prayers be said that any be spared from trouble (raptured) but that the Sabbath be kept...oh and He intended winter times to continue as well...Matt 24:20
Yeah I think the growing up into the fullness of INTO Christ is to “follow Me love as I do”...JUST AS
No, I do not, attempted judge of me. YOU need to grow up, little boy. You are a spiritual midget and I'm not saying this to be mean, but the way you do theology debate is a "theology fight" like a child. You've a TON of growing up to do. Start doing it. You are about the worst keeper of the LAW or anything scripture and you do not know it nearly as well as you duped yourself to believe. You are in desperate need of remedial work and don't even know Galatians. Do you have ANY of it memorized by heart? When is the last time you read through it? Its a small book. Read it, Clefty.
oh my...you ARE triggered...as for Galatians...sure I read it...Why did Peter compel gentiles to live like Jews? If he himself was gonna be a hypocrite...Paul affirms Peter and Paul were Jews by NATURE not sinners and KNOWING that a man IS NOT justified by the works of the Law...because that was clear already in the OT...Abraham by FAITH read Heb 11...
Verse 17 “but IF while we seek to be justified by Christ we ourselves ALSO are found sinners” WAIT WUT?! Christ did away with the Law how can it point out sin? “...is Christ therefore a minister of sin? Certainly NOT!” Because the Law remains to show Paul that if 18 he builds again what he destroyed by faith, he is a trangressor...as the Law remains to point that out...
Verse 19 “For I through the Law died TO THE LAW” See? by Law HE died NOT THE LAW...Law remains but does not give/bring righteousness...It just remains to point out sin...and our need for Yah’s GRACE...for if it was dead we would NOT NEED GRACE...
and IF the Law could be removed or destroyed why not BEFORE Christ had to die? Was it in vain?
Do you read your Bible? What does it say Jesus abolished?
asked and already answered but ignored and avoided...typical of you...
But again...what was destroyed was the wall between jew and gentile the enmity AGAINST GENTILES making ONE NEW MAN from the jew and gentile...is why later Paul affirms gentiles are no longer strangers and foreigners but fellow citizens of the commonwealth of Israel...
so is Israel LAWLESS? Is this household of God at best an apartheid state with TWO LAWS and at worst ANARCHY? do what thou whilst? Certainly NOT... impossible...He is NOT a God of confusion...but with the MIND OF CHRIST and the GUIDANCE OF THE SPIRIT WE ARE LED INTO KEEPING HIS WILL and COMMANDMENTS...think like an “inner jew” ok?
Ok...TWICE He says destroy is NOT what He came to do...so don’t think that...just like when I fulfill the traffic law traveling the speed limit I do NOT destroy the traffic laws for the driver behind me...duh
But you insist to think He did come to destroy...DO NOT
He then assures us that until heaven and earth pass away (THEY HAVE NOT) one little jot or tittle will by NO MEANS pass from the Law until ALL is fulfilled...is all fulfilled? NO...
You make Him a liar...
He continue with those who break one of the least and teach others to break them too are the least of the kingdom...OUCH! look up what that means...
yup saved by GRACE...once gentiles foreigners aliens but NOW IN CHRIST they are citizens of the commonwealth of ISRAEL...just like in the OT when it was one LAW for NATIVE and FOREIGNER ALIKE...
why? because UNLIKE YOU these gentiles are GRATEFUL to be saved AND WANT to keep the House Rules of their Savior’s Father...duh...and they don’t seek to shirk chores or ignore tasks or claim “NOT FOR ME”...that doesnt even work in a secular house...or country...
Yup ONE NEW MAN has be made of two...and joined into a HOLY TEMPLE made from believing jews and believing gentiles...
Is why He said Sabbath was made for MAN not just jews...or you saying He lying?...
maybe read slower? 21“The righteousness of Yah apart from the Law is revealed”...Law is apart NOT DESTROYED...”being witnessed by the Law and the Prophets”...hmmmm the Law seems “alive” even “witnessing” and NOT “dead”...22”even the righteousness of Yah which is through faith in Yahushua to ALL and on ALL who believe. For there is no difference.” Between jew or gentile...
23 “for ALL have sinned” not just jews with their done away Law...
Again...how could these Romans Paul is writing to even sin IF the Law was done away with? And don’t get so MAD and claim it was NOT for the Romans or gentiles or you...you are in His House remember?
24 “justified FREELY by His grace through the redemption” (from what? the destroyed Law that no longer points out sin? OR redeemed from His WRATH to the transgression of the STILL BINDING LAW?) “that is in Yahushua”...
Yup and redeemed from HIS WRATH by Him Who was sent, these gentiles WANTED to remain in His House...unlike you they desire to PLEASE HIM HIS WAY...not shirk or twist or pervert with another “there is no law, no rules, not for me, you shall not surely die” gospel...sound familiar? The wages of sin remain death...
You are self-projecting. YOU are the fighting man and readily jumped in this thread, purposefully, to continue champion your crusade.
My crusade? He states clearly My Sabbaths...He made Holy...My sign to His people...it’s not my crusade but him trying to make YOU Holy...your another christ another gospel is jewish false witness that He changed the customs Moses delivered...
Think NOT!
Sabbath is actually grace given before the Fall...before the Law was revealed...before the first ordnance directed at you was destroyed by Him...
Problem? Like any hothead, you did so half loaded. Your scripture knowledge is dismal and you need to be asking questions, lots of them, before running off pulling triggers. You are that man.
You make even Isaiah a liar as he prophecied from New Moon to New Moon and Sabbath to Sabbath all will worship...except you claiming all that was done away with...
Again, half-cocked. So and what?
SO Sabbath is to all man...as it was even given to the stranger believing with Israel...and WHAT? Well...He did instruct follow Me if you love Me which means into the Sabbatismos of Heb 4:9
It doesn't mean anything, except to a Jew.
actually a jew NOW argues exactly as you do...and rejecting the stranger the sabbath NOW is JUST FOR THEM...LOL ask the satanic Zionist noahides you agree with...
Try as hard as you might, we are not Judaised.
you still miss what the men from Jerusalem were expecting the gentiles to do...be circumcised TO BE saved...WHICH WAS NEVER TAUGHT IN THE OT as circumscision does NOT save...as it is done to you as an infant...is why most even now reject infant baptism too
It is as simple as the grafted branch: a fig branch connected to an apple tree still produces 'figs.'
are figs even in the apple family? Fig is FICUS and Apple is MALUS...sorry NO MATCH...by their fruits you shall know them...
First you mix up His moral Law and now His biological law...His house rules AND His gardens...you are a HORRIBLE guest...adopted son by the Law of promise and inheritance...oh wait to you the LAW is done away with...
So 'which' day is it? Saturday? Cut to the chase: what does it matter? What if I started a work week on Wednesday when I first started working? Do I take Tuesdays off? What is YOUR point? What is it, that you think will please God? What is it that you think will not? You are so caught up in this thin veneer of 'obedience' that you miss scriptures and spiritual principles, then run off thinking 'you've got it!' when you missed it. Jesus said no man builds a house until he knows if he has ALL the materials.
like a child trying on his fathers clothes they dont fit yet...but it pleases him that his child would try...
There is a parable about the blackbird, that builds a globe nest, who tries teaching the rest of the birds how. They kept saying "Oh, we know that!" so the blackbird told them to go build their own nests and so few birds build a globular nest, but a dish.
LOL..yup some bird brains think they follow instructions but clearly don’t...He went to the synagogues on the Sabbath as was His custom...sadly I would be thrown out of synagogues today...by jews thinking like you...that He changed the customs Moses delivered...
Your theology is half-made and half-preached. You think jot and tiddle means "Old Testament" and forget the New Testament is a LOT of red-letters - God teaching directly! Those you skip to your own demise.
The red letters that say “do as they teach from Moses seat”? I dont see any that say Sabbath was done away with...no longer Holy...
So? Many of the 10 commandments are universal
MANY? LOL...thanks for the concession...last I checked the 10 remain immutable and eternal for ALL...even the roman church catechism has them as unchangeable but like you they feel customs and traditions has them applied differently...LOL
So so far you teach like the false witness jews and Rome...
but you don't sacrifice for sin offering.
right...despite the still binding Law that points out our need for atONEment still...Heb 10:1-10 shows sacrifices of bulls and goats could NOT perfect or take away sin...but He His is sufficient...
And like between temples when even jews did not sacrifice but with their lips...sacrifices purifications and the administration and ministry of the Immutable law has been transferred
AND NOW to a New High Priest...SAME LAW including the Sabbath remains...whichs point out our need for Him His ministering for our behalf...because we still sin...Even Paul admits he did NOT do what he loved and did what he hated...
As the scripture itself says: It was a shadow fulfilled in Jesus Christ (read Galatians).
Paul was clear in Colossians “these ARE shadows of good things to come” still to come...Heb 8:5 affirms even after the cross there are STILL priests serving the copy and shadow of the heavenly things...of the STILL binding law and Heb 10:1 affirms the still binding law is HAVING and NOT having HAD a shadow of the good things to come...STILL to come...even after the DBR and ascension of Yahushua...prolly why He expected Sabbath times to continue into the future...oh and winter times too...Matt 24:20
Yup these ARE a shadow and not WAS past tense...got it?
The Law was a 'trainer' NOT the standard.
oh you mean like a tutor? AGAIN the tutor teaches you 2+2=4 do you change that when you graduate and go out into the real world? Do you really change the laws of math now too? Contrary to what your tutor taught? You free bird what a rebel easy rider!
It was a place holder for Salvation through the Lord Jesus Christ.
it NEVER SAVED...it was not designed to do that but pointed out sin and a need for Salvation...faith saved...grateful they obeyed the Law...but actually like you most didnt LOL stiff necked or something
Good thing too, because you don't keep the law, if all of it is all about loving God and man. You'd keep the letter and miss the WHOLE intent of it.
the irony...so Paul lied when he says love fulfills the Law? You mean to say Paul meant love destroys the Law? Or loving JUST AS He loved you is doing His Fathers will as it was in the OT already
“Love Yah and your neighbor as yourself” in the OT...the rest is HOW to...not like the pagans or gentle Buddhists or charitable muslims or...but AS HE DID...DO THAT
You'd divorce your wife because 'Moses said I could.'
you sure bring that up a lot...and with it PROVE that Yahushua RESTORED the OT did NOT destroy it...LOL
That is the problem with trying to follow the letter instead of intent. The reason I don't break driving laws often,
isn't because of the punishment, but because I care about people and the laws are made to try to keep people safe. There are times I've broken them (riding a motorcycle often cannot trip the light sensor, so it is allowed to go through a red light, if you have waited, observed, and can do so safely in my state).
yup you a easy riding rebel...
SO Sabbath instituted before sin...at Creation was even counted out before the Law was given at Sinai is what...Manna bread from Heaven...what grace...foreshadow of good things to come...get it? I am the bread of life from heaven...I give you rest seventh day rest...and to those that overcome Manna will be a reward Rev 2:17...what is the point of a Sabbath relic being an award or trophy if that Law was done away with?
ok so where were we? Chapter 3:6 “just as Abraham believed... 7 ...only those of FAITH are sons of Abraham...8...Yah would justify NATIONS by faith...” so not just jews with their now destroyed law but everyone BY FAITH
Verse 10 has cursed is not doing the Law 11 just live by faith which is an OT verse btw 12 but do this and live 13 Christ redeems us from the Law?...NOPE...from the CURSE of the Law...which PROVES it remains and when broken it becomes a ministry of death...even for gentiles...verse 14
Neato right?
It was a shadow to be fulfilled entirely in Christ.
it remains a shadow of good things to come STILL to come as it still remains...
it IS a shadow, present tense
And He is part of the goodness STILL TO COME...
Did you NEVER read "Moses said, by I say" or "You heard it said (law) but I tell you?"
sure but I never added to the word that by this the customs Moses delivered was changed...jews did that of Stephen which Luke called false witness...as Stephen did not say He changed customs Moses delivered...
You are still chasing shadows...
chasing? Just seeing they point to good things to come...STILL
ok...where were we? Oh chapter 3:17 the law cannot annul the covenant made to Abraham...see? as it had NOTHING to do with inheritance but the PROMISE did...law was added because of sin...21 is that law against the Promise...nope only if a law could make righteous...but it cant
Ok the tutor part...which again 2+2=4 remains even after one is no longer under a tutor right?
But you claim faith in Him destroys the Law so what point the law of addition at all?
You are WRONG as putting on Christ 2+2=4 remains and is even for gentiles now...slave free male female and IN HIM
All are Abraham’s seed heirs according to promise...Abraham was NOT a jew btw...but he was male
LOL...the irony you answered this to my reminding you it was ONE LAW for Native and Foreigner alike in the OT...and NOW here in Galatians we just read again...
IN CHRIST...neither Jew nor Greek...all ONE...LOL
Both all One citizen of Israel...But to you His House is without Law...
You are stuck in shadows... Come into the light. Matthew 4:16
the irony that is an O.T. Scripture...and He began to preach REPENT...cuz the Law was going to be destroyed? Or because a Lawless kingdom was at hand? GOD FORBID
right! And walk circumspectly circumcised LOL...as the Law remains and points out evil everywhere...what is the Will of Lord? “Do my Fathers will”...hard to watch out for evil and do His will if that Light reveals NO LAW exists...
:nono: NOT for fellowship. That is your law-thumping take on scriptures, wrongly. It was given because it harmed them.
LOL...what harmed who...cats bats and wombats harmed who?
All connections, out of your head, that you 'think' necessarily have to be connected, the way YOU think they must be.
idols - Leviticus 17:8-9 "Say to them: 'Any Israelite or any alien living among them who offers a burnt offering or sacrifice and does not bring it to the entrance to the Tent of Meeting to sacrifice it to the LORD--that man must be cut off from his people.' " To guard carefully against idolatry, this command was interpreted by the Jews to prohibit eating any meat that had been offered in a prohibited manner. In Rev. 2:14, 20 the words of Jesus show agreement with that interpretation.
from sexual immorality - Leviticus 18:6-26 lists a wide range of sexually immoral activities and ends with, "The native-born and the aliens living among you must not do any of these detestable things,"
from the meat of strangled animals - Leviticus 17:13,15 "Any Israelite or any alien living among you who hunts any animal or bird that may be eaten must drain out the blood and cover it with earth, "Anyone, whether native-born or alien, who eats anything found dead or torn by wild animals must wash his clothes and bathe with water, and he will be ceremonially unclean till evening; then he will be clean." These were interpreted by the Jews to prohibit eating the meat of strangled animals.
and from blood - Leviticus 17:10 "Any Israelite or any alien living among them who eats any blood--I will set my face against that person who eats blood and will cut him off from his people."
There is your connections...
Is why James concluded the matter gentiles would continue to crowd synagogues to hear Moses preached EVERY SABBATH
It is deductive reasoning and it colors your entire understanding of scriptures. You, necessarily, will have to throw Ephesians, Galatians, and Romans out of your Bible. Instead, become an expert on Romans, Galatians, and Ephesians. You are missing it.
oh yeah?
Um, lying is listed as one you should not trample in the '10.' You know very well what you were 'trying' to do. You can't lie out of it. You were/are exactly this thin and immature.
LOL...you posted a text 1 Cor 5:17 which you thought DOES exist...it does not...and now accuse me of trampling a law you think does NOT exist...it DOES...
LOL...you are too much fun...
:nono: You are nobody's judge. You are nowhere near mature enough. Sorry. Romans 2 says to knock it off. You know your O.T. but are woefully behind in your New Testament grasp.
Romans 2? Verse 13? “For NOT the hearers of the law are just in the sight of God, but the DOERS of the LAW will be justified.”
Looks like judgement standards INCLUDE a still binding Law...
Er, I can read Greek and a bit of Hebrew. It doesn't matter what 'mistranslations are out there.' I don't need second-hand information regarding this.
So you deny the Word in three languages...nice...a hat trick...trifecta...at least you are consistant...
All manufactured fears from your own head. It is nowhere near the context of this discussion, simply your manufactured dis-qualifiers (strawmen at this point with near (at least) zero comparative interest). Few who follow scripture read from these sources.
oh my...settle down...
You say to love is enough...that the Law is done away with...Matt 5:47 says even pagans greet each other 46 love those that love you even tax collectors do that... Luke 6:32 sinners also love those that love them...
His love is different...unique...love AS He did...JUST AS
:think: "Wrong?" "When the messenger gets it wrong?" :think:
:nono: Not a chance. In your limited mind? Sure.

you done?
No, little child. You are arrogant and full of yourself. I don't care. It is about calling a spade a spade, accurately. I read between the lines quite well. It is evident and you are found wanting.
guess not...
Odd response to reminding you He demonstrated to you the lifestyle and teaching of the New Covenant prior His death...no changes after the death of a testator...and just like Adam’s covenant the first day was a Sabbath ...this New Covenant too began with a Sabbath rest...they hurried to bury Him as Sabbath approached...His resting in the tomb...and rising...come Sunday morning first fruits day...the tomb was discovered already empty...
Yet a fig tree continues producing figs. You are simply 'trying' to be a Jew. Read Galatians.
ummmm yes a fig to a fig...more similar the fruit of the branch is to the trunk the better the graft...yours are NOT similar to His fruit...
Chapter 4 the heir is like slave as a child learning his father’s house rules...guarded and with stewards until the time...but One born under the Law redeems those under the Law...AND NOT BY DESTROYING THE LAW...as if suddenly House Rules are done away with upon inheritance
Verse 8 but when these ancient proud people of Gaul did NOT know Yah they served their own calendar and gods but now after they have known Yah rather He KNOWS YOU because you Obey Him now...how is it you return to weak and beggarly elements...to be in bondage...Paul is NOT speaking of Torah but that they are returning to their own calendar and customs of Gaul...Just like 2 Kings 17 where nations feared the Lord and then still worshipped in their old ways...
We'll see if you can 'define' the Sabbath today. I don't believe you can. You still think it is a day of the week on a Julian calendar, right?
ask the jews who have been keeping their own throughout...it helps that the Julian was absorbed into the seven day week of the Gregorian without a missed weekday...christendom however remains split on when the new year starts or christmas or easter...one NOT wanting to wait for the jews “their” passover...but yes both calendars are 7 day week cycles and jews just keep calculating along...
Eve DID add to the Word as you are doing here...no law = no curse...no penalty of sin and just like the lie in Eden you claim “thou shalt not surely die”...nice company you keep
yup and yet you do think He came to destroy...as if He no longer was Lord of the Sabbath as well it was destroyed...what use a a Lord of London if London is destroyed...or the Lord of the rings when the rings are destroyed...
yup fellow citizens of Israel no longer aliens to the commonwealth of Israel but from the two ONE...joined into a holy temple...got it?
for all have sinned not just jews...unless of course the Law no longer is there to point out sin...
One would seem to contradict the other. Instead of reconciling, you simply try and cancel one out. :nono: Wrong answer.
no contradiction on my end...yours yes...how can one jew or gentile sin without law...or be citizen of a LAWLESS COMMONWEALTH?
being grafted INTO HIM? LOL..in Him there is NO JEW especially since they reject Him...Joined into citizen of Israel? A jew? Abraham was NOT a jew...there were more than just jews in israel and even in the ekklesia in the wilderness there were believing strangers who were given the Sabbath...the only commandment to list them as beneficiaries by PROMISE
you keep saying...Paul did NOT...Nor did Hebrews...John the revelatory wrote “Here are they keeping that destroyed law? And the faith of Yahushua except Sabbath?” LOL
It 'sounds' like you read WAY more O.T. than New and consequently, pay much less attention to the New Testament. It makes you a functional Jew. Try to get/keep Salvation that way? Galatians says it is 'foolish.' Do you READ the New Testament? Did you stop? What in the wide world is going on?
Hey jews were teaching one had to be circumcised to be saved...that was silly too...Law never saved...duh...but once we are saved we are to regenerate to be MORE LIKE HIM less like the world or our former selves...the Law remains to remind us if we are getting warmer or colder...
You really are childish. All this simply to display your horticultural prowess. There is a LOT of pride going on in your conversation. You entered with it and are maintaining it. Analogy isn't supposed to rabbit trail into the meaningless.
lol...just cuz you wrong about apple tree growing figs does not make an analogy meaningless...Paul was right to use grafting analogies as the grafted branch must be closer to the fruit of the trunk and root not further...but there you are trying so hard to be different from the fruit of the trunk you are a nut...a hard one too...LOL
Because you are taking analogy to endth degrees to try to assert? Is that what you call 'neat?' :think: You really are a child and argue/reason like one.
Child trying to please a parent walk in his shadow trying on his clothes...lest ye become like a child...unlike you the teenage rebel all about “to hell with rules” or “NOT FOR ME!”...because you’re really MAD
You are still under the impression that man needs to 'rest.'
do you even pay attention? I even showed the grace of Sabbath was given BEFORE the fall...Adam’s first full day was a day of rest...he didnt need it...YET...such grace
It is true that we have many 'sabbaths' and it is built in.
SO WHY YOU FIGHTING IT? THANKS for another concession...Yes add to the weekly Sabbaths that there are other annual Sabbaths in His calander...yours would be rejecting those days off too...
Talk about live more abundantly...all those parties? Given to citizens of ISRAEL...But NOOOOO...not for you...party pooper...LOL
What you fail to understand is that simply taking off one day a week is not something that fulfills one of the 10. Rest is about renewal and is made 'for' man. You've somehow managed to make something that we have to have/do, into a command like "Command 11: Breath air!" "Command 12: Drink 8 glasses of water!"
how about as a little reminder of what it was like WITH HIM in the garden...Where I AM there is a Sabbath...we dont make it Holy we cant keep it Holy...it does that to us...
You said the Sabbath, for you, was ' day to rest,' a little self-indulgence. A day to be selfish and 'take care of me for a change.' At least, that is what you defended. I'm fairly certain you don't know why it was one of 10 commands. It was a day, in a week full of hard work, to put one's mind upon God. You don't have to work 24/6 in wheat fields today and most people have both Saturday and Sunday off, so no problem.
you waving a cane around ranting like that? LOL the irony of you telling me I am projecting...
Rather, the New Testament says "whether you eat, or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God'
really? WHATEVER you do? Worshipping Him with false worship like a golden calf is bringing glory? Or willfulling NOT doing His Will?
and "Pray without ceasing."
that doesnt abrogate the seventh Holy day...
Nobody stuck on literal one day observance by Law is going to catch the significance of living in the spirit and so I long for you to grasp walking by the Spirit (and you will NOT fulfill the desires of the flesh).
duh...because the Spirit being His Spirit will have us fulfilling the Law as it will compel our circumcised hearts and inner jew minds to follow Him His WAY...MORE LIKE HIM less than the world and our former selves...
Ephesians 2:10 says we were recreated for 'good' works, not simply avoiding the bad ones.
right Yah prepared Sabbath before hand that we should walk and rest in them...or did He prepare works AGAINST His Law for us to do before we were born? Without a Law how do we know what is good or of Him and not? Or does His Workmanship have us NOT do His will?
:nono: Short-sighted. It is all you can see, and you do not see far enough, thus your assessment is short, wrong.
from the beginning...Sabbath...before sin a Law to be added...until into the future when Isaiah says one day ALL will worship Sabbath to Sabbath...not very short at all...Sabbath a sign of His People His Covenant a memorial to Creation and release from Egypt and the faith OF Yahushua...He IS a citizen of Israel BTW...its King...a ruler of its Law
Show me where it does not. "Take Peter, eat. Do not call unclean, what I have called clean."
Peter interpreted the vision not ONCE but TWICE as the goyim are NOW CLEAN to teach and NOT “we can eat dogs now...or cats bats and wombats”...
Oh and NOT strangling a swine and bleeding it out does NOT make it clean meat...
True. Galatians 5:18 "If you are led by the Spirit, you are NOT UNDER the Law..."
led by the Spirit does NOT mean the Law is abolished...it means the Spirit is leading you IN KEEPING IT...or you think it is leading you to break it?
right...NO comndenaton because being in Jesus there is no more law? or you are NOT condemned for failing? And being led by the Spirit one is led into breaking the Law or NOT fulfilling His Will?
You would divide His kingdom like that...Son vs Father...Spirit vs Himself?
Just because you don't understand something, is not a reason to lash out against it. First grasp what someone is saying, especially if it is scriptures they are telling you...
if the Law is done away with WHY THE CONSTANT ENCOURAGEMENT TO BE IN CHRIST WALK IN THE SPIRIT...Law is gone...thus condemnation is too...do whatever whenever...
If the Law can be done away with WHY NOT remove it BEFORE the Son had to die? Remove it and no more sin is pointed out...no need for Him to die...
no you don’t you hold on to man’s tradition not Him His Ways...
You, however, in judgement, don't fear Him as you should. You are too free with your judgments and do seem to think you follow all the O.T. laws better than others. Question: Can someone, a regenerate New Creation; not want to please God?
by their fruits...show me someone who claims they are regenerate but then lies or steals willfully...and yet claims they want to please God...by their fruits...
Is why Yahushua even said “do what they teach from Moses seat but not what they do” cuz they didnt do what they taught...
Paul even wrote of the circumcised who did NOT keep the other laws...
I worry, genuinely, when someone says stuff like you do; if they are a new creation, this conversation just doesn't take place. There is no, 'follow Christ' but rather encouragement. 2 Corinthians 13:5
your fruits will reveal...I am encouraging you to follow Christ...you need Him...as the Law remains to point out sin...His work is BEGUN in you to regenerate you FULLY to be MORE like Him...you know, do what He does...and will carry it on in you UPON completion until that final Day
Hasty clumsy knee-jerk assessment. You simply aren't listening. If it were Christ's doctrine, there is no need for this. If it is Clefty's? Of course, expected. One is in the flesh, the other is seeking Him. You don't do theology conversations well. You are way too threatened by what Clefty thinks vs. what is true in scripture Scripture takes care of itself. I'm not at all threatened about someone says wrongly about scripture. They simply need 1) the Spirit and 2) to reread it and be corrected. You, Clefty, need to be corrected.
all this because I said you follow what jews claimed poor Stephen preached that Jesus changed the customs Moses delivered...which was FALSE WITNESS as Stephen did NOT teach that...
In what sense are you God? My scripture ALSO says that I'm made (for one so not any kind of 'god' in that sense - means I GREATLY qualify 'ye are gods') and it says I'm like the grass and flowers that fade. So, in what 'sense' am I compared to God Almighty?
we are in His Image...our behaviors included...made to judge and live forever...not IMMORTAL but dependent on the tree of life...
More importantly, how close are we on scriptural qualifiers of that? Would you reckon we 'should' be pretty close? I generally believe that 'ye are gods' is relational and that our 'godliness' is rather in whatever manner 1) we are His, and 2) as limited creations,
right! the closer we are to Him the more like Him we become...we become His because His makes us LIKE HIM...until we reflect more and more the character of Him
whatever reflection we are of Him with His values and characteristics including love and holiness etc.
YES BINGO...HIS LOVE HIS HOLINESS BECOMES OURS we are restored...as it was in EDEN where there was NO TEMPLE and YET THE LAW ITS SABBATH...in Eden there was no killing, no stealing, no lying, no adultery etc...until there was...
And in the future new heaven and new earth there will again be NO TEMPLE and yet a tree of life...and we will be restored...and like Him...and He alone as God, no images, His Name not in vain, elders honored, no killing, no adultery, no lying, no coveting...hmmmm miss anything? Oh yeah the seventh day Sabbath will be kept...as we will work and then rest...
no you said dont judge...do not judge lest ye be judged is NOT the same thing...
Right, so if I can tell, even in a conversation on the internet, that you don't seem to have a lot of love for me (for instance) then I can surmise you don't keep any of the O.T. commandments as well as you think.
now now...my love is correction...love Yah...your neighbor as your self...I am not expecting anything outside of OT or NT...or what I expect of myself...to Love AS HE DID...even my enemies—->you? LOL
The grace? On my side of the doctrine, that it doesn't matter as much as how well you know Him. Forgiveness is by faith. Salvation is by faith. We simply need to rely on the work of Christ. 1 John 4:19 We learn love, by BEING loved. It is why Paul said to 'follow his example as he followed Christ."
Grace is WHY we desire to PLEASE and OBEY HIM HIS WAY...because HE loved us a specific WAY and NOT LIKE THE WORLD...DO THAT by faith and you will fulfill the Law...and not destroy it...
You cannot 'Sabbath' your way into the Kingdom.
duh...but it is by faith...but once you are in the kingdom...you will Sabbath...as it remains for His people Heb 4:9 ask Isaiah...
The defense of all who were told to depart was "I never knew you." Their defense? "Didn't we...?" They may have 'thought' they kept the commandments, but it didn't boil down to that.
its not “LORD LORD but those that DO the will of my Father” “depart from ME you who practice LAWLESSNESS” now what was that about the Law no more?
It simply boiled down to whether or not the Lord Jesus Christ 'knew them' (knows us).
yes like the Galatians KEEPING TORAH were now KNOWN by Yah and Paul was concerned they were going back to their own calendar and customs...as they could NOT return to something they NEVER DID...they were NOT returning to Torah but their own weak and beggarly elements...to bondage...Paul would not call TORAH any of that...
Thus, if any man is in Christ, he/she IS a new creation. There is no 'loving like a Muslim/Buddhist' (not to say that Muslim's don't love, simply that it is limited without Christ). You have weird dichotomies in your theology that aren't true.
yeah IN CHRIST fulfilling the STILL BINDING LAW...free form condemnation as they were loving as He loved...thus fulfilling and NOT UNDER the Law...Buddhist can LOVE but NOT AS HE LOVED...as then they would no longer be Buddhists but following Him His WAY...and not under the Law but led into fulfilling it...and NOT Buddhism...
Scripture. Right now, just assertions and you give very few scriptures in your defense. The problem, as I said, is that Clefty (and Lon) is a nobody. Without scripture, there is simply no weight. No impetus even to listen. It is just Clefty's opinion and I already question that.
you don’t recognize we are to beware wolves false teachings throw out offenders to Satan that they might be saved? Do you ever read the NT?
You already forgot? I asked about commands. Immediately after that sermon to the 12, He said He gave a new command: to love one another. Look it up instead of making it up.
A new commandment by quoting the OT? Even John admits it is not a new commandment but one from the beginning...
Yes they do. You may have played, but you never paid attention. I've been a football coach. Is it so hard simply to say "I was wrong?" How arrogant and prideful are you? They play less time, their extra points are different, etc.
I WAS WRONG...lol...oh my so hard to say...I just didn't expect you were talking about the 9-12 year olds...thought you were referring to H.S. and College...where JV actually plays WITH VARSITY...
In light of our discussion I do enjoy this JV rule
But again I was wrong there are some rule changes...but I didnt think you were referring to 9-12 year olds...probably like I dont consider an infant baptized a follower of Yah...
:nono: They are not ad hominems, or attacks on your character. They are accurate assessments of you. directly pertaining to your grasp and debate. You are a child. It means you are clearly immature. It isn't a judgement, there is no 'penalty' for it. It is supposed to give you feedback and should, eventually, assist you in doing much better.
oh ok thanks coach but from where I am reading the rule book...I don’t think I wanna play on your team...this game is too good to take shortcuts...I want discipline workouts practice and more understanding of rare and obscure rules like this:
See? Rules protect the game...MAKE IT BETTER...and you just wanna throw ‘em out...take short cuts...
Or something like this: “no need to keep them rules...there was once a player that fulfilled all of them...so well...we dont have to...
cuz he nailed the rule book to the uprights”...LOL
Think about that next football game you watch...a rule book nailed to the uprights beyond any ladders reach...LOL...”no more rules kids”
:sigh: Scriptures, please. David did. Paul? Show.
Romans 7:22 For I DELIGHT in the law of Yah according to the inward man...the spiritual man...you know, the inner jew with circumcised heart...
Oh and verse 25 “I thank Yah through Yahushua our Lord so then with the mind I myself serve the Law of Yah...”
The "Law" wasn't mentioned. You made that part up. It was simply "His" yoke.
what do you think a yoke is? It has a specific purpose for a specific master of that cow...you protest “oh no that is all changed” or cuz you real MAD “that’s NOT FOR ME”
Again, assessment: You are immature and inaccurate on this. It means 'wrong.' Sorry, try again. You are a child and need to grow up.
right coach no drills today? No white board plays? Just whatever again?
NOTED...and yet you lie...and not just about this...
Look what you say here now:
2) It was an example of pettiness, I am not. I didn't/ don't care about what you did wrong as far as a type-o. This is an occupation of simpler minds, not mine. Type-o's are not an occassion for one-upping another except 1) one who is a grammarian and tenacious about it 2) as a petty one-up-manship 3) as an irony against one who does this sort of thing.
After having said this earlier about my “mistake” LOL
See, 'petty' would be mentioning something of your use of 'christ' here with a small c, as if He didn't mean anything to you. It is a mistake, likely, nothing for me to harp on, but you are too juvenile. If you belong to Him, He will correct this. If not, your spirit is mean, arrogant, incorrigible, and in need of Him. Whatever you 'think' you have in keeping the OT, you just aren't doing as good a job as you need to be doing to preach this kind of thing. The MAIN thing I'm seeing in thread is NOT the love of the Lord Jesus Christ but some childish adherence to laws, without actually walking the talk yourself. You are preaching one thing while ruining your message with your own poor behavior on TOL!
ended with silly head smacking emoji
Your another gospel another christ is exactly why I didnt capitalize as it is not of Christ...and yet you strain a gnat swallowing a camel...typical
Wow this did get long...hope someone reads it...if not...thanks for the practice...alas you’re not my coach...your “lawless” game is NOT His
I prefer His